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The Vass

The day the Vass graced our market, I was but a ragged young boy, knee-deep in the mundane task of collecting road apples left by the passing pony carts. My father, a stoic figure with weathered hands, toiled beside me. Little did I know that this ordinary day in Alderdale would mark a turning point in my young life.   As the sun began its descent, casting elongated shadows across the bustling market square, an enchanting stillness settled in the air. The routine hum of the village continued, but an unfamiliar presence subtly altered the atmosphere. With eyes wide and curiosity ignited, I beheld the emergence of the Vass – beings of such otherworldly beauty that they seemed plucked from the tales spun by village storytellers.   Their skin resembled the bark of ancient trees, and their hair mirrored the vibrant hues of blooming meadows. Moving with a grace that defied the very nature of mortal existence, the Vass commanded attention. My hands, soiled from the laborious task at hand, halted their work as I stood captivated by the living embodiment of nature before me.   The Vass exchanged words with the villagers, their voices a melodic symphony that resonated with the whispers of the wind. With a heart full of awe, I cautiously approached these mystical beings, feeling like a filthy little sprat in the presence of ethereal beauty. They acknowledged me with warm smiles, their eyes reflecting an ageless wisdom that transcended my limited understanding of the world.   As they shared tales of distant lands and spoke of the nature with such passion, my young heart swelled with newfound appreciation. The ordinary chore of collecting road apples became a backdrop to a momentous encounter that forever changed my perception of beauty and the wild. Even as the Vass departed, leaving behind the echo of leaves in the wind, I, a once-filthy dung collector, stood forever touched by the magic that had briefly graced our humble market square. - Angus McCastin druid of the forest of Caer Windthope, recolections

Basic Information


The Vass, boast a remarkable diversity in their anatomy and morphology. Their skin and hair showcase an astonishing array of hues, mirroring the vibrant colors found among plants worldwide. Hair, resembling anything from blossoming flowers and spiky thorns to cascading vines or leafy tresses, contributes to the kaleidoscope of their appearances. The only consistent element in the Vass aesthetic is their tendency toward robust, healthy physiques and features that most humanoids would deem alluring.   This wide spectrum of colors and forms among the Vass is a celebration of their newfound freedom and resilience after the cleansing of the Queen of Thorns' influence. Their anatomy stands as a testament to the diverse beauty that nature can encompass, reflecting the Vass's ability to overcome a dark period in their history and emerge with an aesthetic diversity that captivates those who encounter them.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Vass exhibit a reproductive process that unfolds at a glacial pace, distinguishing them from many other humanoid species. Vass couples engage in the intricate ritual of reproduction numerous times before successfully producing a new Vass seed. The seeds, generated by a female Vass, are then buried, initiating a lengthy incubation process. During this period, both parents actively care for the seedling Vass, tending to it for an entire year before it finally emerges from the ground as a fully formed baby Vass.   This deliberate and methodical approach to reproduction highlights the unique nature of Vass genetics. The intricate process, requiring significant time and dedication from both parents, contributes to the scarcity of the Vass population. However, it also underscores the depth of their commitment to the continuity of their kind and emphasizes the importance of nurturing each new life within their community.

Growth Rate & Stages

From the perspective of races such as humans, the growth rate of the Vass may seem remarkably slow. However, within the context of Vass physiology, the half-century it takes for a Vass to reach adulthood is considered quite ordinary. The gradual pace of their growth reflects the deliberate and patient nature of the Vass, aligning with their resilience and enduring connection to the natural world.   The stages of a Vass's development are marked by incremental progress, each phase representing a significant milestone in their maturation. From the initial emergence of the seedling Vass, nurtured by both parents for a year, to the gradual transition into adolescence and eventually adulthood, every stage is characterized by careful cultivation and attention. This protracted growth process, while unconventional by the standards of many other races, serves as a testament to the Vass's unique life cycle and their capacity for patience and endurance.

Ecology and Habitats

The Vass, once native to the temperate coastal rainforests of old Dothmeryji, have demonstrated a remarkable adaptability, allowing them to thrive in diverse environments. Their ecological range spans from scorching deserts to freezing tundra, humid jungles, and sinking swamps—essentially, any place where plants can flourish becomes a potential habitat for the Vass.   This adaptability is a testament to their resilience and deep connection with the natural world. Unlike many races that are bound to specific climates, the Vass exhibit a versatility that allows them to establish communities and flourish in a variety of landscapes. This ecological flexibility not only underscores their ability to endure and overcome challenges but also positions them as a unique and adaptable presence within the ecosystems they inhabit.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The dietary needs and habits of the Vass are a unique reflection of their hybrid nature, drawing from both plant and animal qualities. While they can sustain themselves on water, sunlight, and soil in extreme circumstances, Vass generally ingest water, soil, and other solid nutrients like traditional animals. Their preference leans toward a diet that aligns more closely with humanoid consumption, viewing the intake of food and plants as enjoyable while absorbing nutrients from the earth and basking in sunlight a means to simply avoid starvation.   Vass have a preference for fresh and raw foods, including raw meat and bone, which poses no harm to their robust digestive system. Although they can consume cooked foods, some Vass consider cooking and baking to be foreign culinary practices, opting for the natural and unprocessed flavors of raw ingredients. The Vass's digestion mirrors their overall robust and rugged nature, emphasizing their adaptability and resilience in sustaining themselves through a diverse range of dietary options.

Biological Cycle

The biological cycle of the Vass is a harmonious blend of plant and animal qualities, embodying the best of both realms. This unique synthesis allows the Vass to exhibit characteristics that draw from the resilience and regenerative abilities of plants, coupled with the adaptability and mobility inherent in animals. Their life cycle, from the slow-paced reproductive process and slow growth rate to the deliberate stages of development, mirrors the intricate dance between the plant and animal aspects of their nature.   This hybridity is not merely a juxtaposition but rather a seamless integration, showcasing the Vass's ability to navigate the complexities of both the plant and animal kingdoms. As a result, the Vass embody a biological cycle that not only allows them to endure and thrive in various environments but also symbolizes the interconnectedness of life in all its diverse forms. The cycle of the Vass serves as a living testament to the beauty and strength that emerges from the fusion of plant and animal qualities within a single, remarkable species.


The behavior and psychology of the Vass are deeply rooted in their connection to nature, this underscores their intrinsic respect for the balance of the natural world and a desire to harmonize with it rather than disturb it. The Vass often exhibit a calm and composed demeanor, often prioritizing the well-being of their communities and the environment over personal gain or ambition.   Their psychology is marked by a profound sense of resilience and adaptability, shaped by the trials of their history. The Vass, born from the evils of Ecress and having endured the tyranny of the Queen of Thorns and her subsequent cleansing, have emerged as a people with a keen understanding of the delicate equilibrium in the world. Their behavior is characterized by a patient and deliberate approach to challenges, and they often act as stewards of the natural order, promoting growth, healing, and regeneration.   While the Vass generally avoid conflict, their alignment does not make them passive. When compelled to defend their communities or the natural balance, they can exhibit fierce determination and strength. This behavior stems from a deep-seated commitment to preserving the interconnected web of life, showcasing a psychology shaped by the enduring spirit of the Vass in their ongoing quest for balance and harmony.
The serene and peace-loving nature of the Vass takes a stark turn when confronted with despoilers of nature, especially the undead and those who command them. Deep within the heart of every Vass, there is said to be an enduring spark of hatred for the undead, fueled by the eternal oath of Vass the Druid during the dark times of the war against Ecress. This animosity toward the undead is so ingrained that the mere proximity to necromantic magic,blights or undeath triggers an intense, almost painful need to eradicate such abominations from the immediate vicinity, shattering the calm demeanor typically associated with the Vass.   This unexpected and vehement hatred surprises those who assume the Vass to be a purely peace-loving people. The Vass's commitment to preserving the natural order extends to a fierce defense against those who would selfishly despoil or abuse nature, particularly the undead and their malevolent masters.   However, when a Vass succumbs to undeath, their very nature conflicts with itself, driving them to madness. Undead Vass become tortured entities, screaming and gibbering, finding solace only in acts of destruction. While Vass necromancers are not unheard of, as death is a part of nature, those who use necromancy to animate the dead are often viewed as troubled and unwell beings. The Vass community tends to pity and even feel disgust toward such individuals, recognizing the profound inner turmoil caused by the misuse of powers contrary to the very essence of their nature.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure of the Modern Vass is characterized by a rejection of monarchical rule, with governance instead guided by a council of elders. This egalitarian approach reflects the Vass's commitment to principles of equality, wisdom, and collective decision-making. The council of elders, composed of respected and experienced individuals within the community, serves as the guiding force in matters of leadership, policy, and communal well-being.

Facial characteristics

The facial characteristics and features of the Vass bear a striking resemblance to elves and fey, particularly Dryads. Their countenances often exude an otherworldly beauty, with ethereal qualities that capture the essence of the natural world. High cheekbones, pointed ears, and graceful features contribute to the elegance associated with elven and fey aesthetics.   The Vass's facial expressions tend to reflect their connection to nature, with serene and calm demeanor prevailing in their countenances. Eyes, often vibrant and reflective of the diverse hues found among plants, convey a deep understanding and affinity for the natural world. This connection to the environment is further emphasized by subtle and intricate facial markings that echo the patterns seen in foliage, flowers, or even thorns.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Vass are most commonly found in their ancestral homelands, where their roots are firmly entrenched in the temperate coastal rainforests of Dothmeryji. Here, they thrive in the familiar terrain and maintain a close connection to the natural rhythms of their native environment. The lush, diverse landscapes provide ample resources for the Vass to sustain their communities and uphold their stewardship of nature.   However, Vass are not confined solely to their ancestral lands. They can be encountered in rare instances almost anywhere, showcasing their remarkable adaptability. The Vass have demonstrated an ability to establish communities and flourish in diverse ecosystems.

Average Intelligence

The intelligence of the Vass is on par with the bulk of humanoid species on Syann. While they may not be considered exceptionally more or less intelligent than other races, the Vass are often held in high regard for their wisdom and patience. Their deep connection with nature and the enduring spirit forged through their tumultuous history has imbued them with a unique perspective and a reservoir of knowledge that many find admirable.   The respect accorded to the Vass often stems from their ability to navigate the complexities of the natural world, coupled with their deliberate and patient approach to life. This wisdom, honed through generations, makes them valuable contributors to discussions and decisions that involve the delicate balance of ecosystems and the preservation of the interconnected web of life on Syann.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While the Vass may lack the keen sight and hearing inherited from their elven ancestors, they have evolved a compensatory, almost supernatural ability to sense their immediate surroundings. This heightened sensory perception allows them to navigate their environment with remarkable precision, detecting subtle changes and movements that escape the notice of those reliant on more traditional senses.   The Vass's perception extends beyond the mundane, offering them an extrasensory awareness that aids in their interactions with the natural world. They can attune themselves to the subtle energies of their surroundings, discerning the health of plants and the flow of magical currents. This extrasensory capability not only enhances their connection with nature but also serves as a testament to the adaptability and resilience of the Vass in the aftermath of their tumultuous history.   In essence, the Vass have traded some traditional sensory abilities for a profound, almost mystical, connection to the world around them, allowing them to thrive in harmony with nature and navigate their surroundings with a unique blend of sensitivity and otherworldly perception.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The unique dual nature of the Vass as both plant and animal creatures renders them largely inhospitable to most symbiotic and parasitic life forms. Their distinctive physiology, combining the traits of plants and animals, creates an environment that is challenging for these organisms to infect or thrive within.   The symbiotic and parasitic species that typically find compatibility with other creatures often struggle to establish a foothold in the Vass's body. The harmonious balance between plant and animal aspects in the Vass's biology seems to act as a natural deterrent, preventing the successful colonization or sustenance of most parasitic organisms.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Common Male Names: Caelan, Finian, Eamon, Lorcan, Tiernan, Odhran, Ciaran, Senan, Branagan, Niall
  Common Female Names: Aislinn, Maeve, Sorcha, Aine, Niamh, Orla, Deirdre, Grainne, Fionnuala, Caoimhe
  Common Surnames : Oakenshade, Willowheart, Alderbark, Birchthorn, Rowanleaf, Aspenwood, Elmbranch, Cedarbloom, Pinegrove, Hazelwind

The giving of Names among the Vass is a deeply meaningful and ceremonial tradition that reflects their connection to nature and the cyclical rhythms of life. The process of naming is not only a personal choice but a communal affair, involving the guidance and blessing of the council of elders. When a Vass is born, the community gathers to celebrate the new life. The council of elders, revered for their wisdom, leads a ritualistic naming ceremony. Elders will commune with nature through meditation or other spiritual practices to seek guidance in choosing a name that aligns with the individual's destiny. This childhood name is retained by the Vass their entire life though weather is kept as a used name, middle name or hidden name is up the Vass in question upon reaching adulthood.

Major Organizations

Among the Vass the following organizations have the most sway in their culture.

Council of Elders: The Council of Elders is a fundamental organization that guides the decision-making process within the Vass community. Composed of respected and experienced individuals, the council provides wisdom and leadership, particularly in matters of governance, disputes, and communal well-being.   Nature Circles: Nature Circles are smaller groups of Vass with shared interests and responsibilities related to nature. These circles focus on specific aspects, such as agriculture, herbalism, or elemental magic. Members collaborate to deepen their understanding and contribute to the community's overall harmony with the natural world.   Bramble Keepers: Bramble Keepers are individuals who take on the responsibility of safeguarding the Oak of Vass and its surroundings. They ensure the well-being of the sacred tree and maintain a connection with its spiritual energy. Bramble Keepers play a crucial role in the preservation of Vass history and traditions. They also refuse leadership roles with in the larger community carrying with them the shame of the Brambles of Winter who long ago doomed the Vass to the rule of the Queen of Thorns.   Greenwatchers: Greenwatchers are Vass dedicated to monitoring and protecting the ecosystems in which they reside. They guard against external threats, such as unnatural blights or invasive species, and work to maintain the delicate balance of nature within their territories.   Harmony Seekers: Harmony Seekers are diplomats and peacemakers who facilitate communication between different Vass communities and, when necessary, with neighboring races. They work to maintain peaceful relations and resolve conflicts through dialogue and understanding. They also often interact with the fey and fey courts.   Rootbinders' Guild: The Rootbinders' Guild is a group of skilled Vass individuals specializing in nature-based magic and healing arts. They are responsible for tending to the health of the community, providing medicinal remedies, and assisting in the growth of crops. Their magic is often considered of a practical nature and not well suited for warfare.

Order of Sylvan Purge The Order of Sylvan Purge is a crusading order of Warriors and Spellcasters within Vass society focused on combating and eradicating the undead. Born out of the Vass's deep-seated hatred for the undead, particularly stemming from the traumatic events involving the first undead dragon Ecress, this organization operates with a fervent commitment to cleansing their lands from the taint of undeath.

Beauty Ideals

The beauty ideals among the Vass are deeply intertwined with their connection to nature, reflecting the diverse and vibrant aspects of the natural world. Beauty is not merely perceived on a superficial level but is considered a reflection of harmony, health, and the individual's alignment with the surrounding environment.   Natural Radiance: Vass beauty ideals emphasize a radiant and healthy appearance, akin to the vitality seen in flourishing plant life. Clear and vibrant skin, often reflecting the myriad colors found in nature, is considered a sign of inner well-being and a harmonious connection with the environment.   Nature-Inspired Features: Physical features that echo the beauty of the natural world are highly prized. Vass with hair resembling flowers, leaves, or thorns, and eyes reflecting the hues of plants, are celebrated for embodying the essence of the flora that surrounds them.   Robust Physique: A robust and healthy physique is considered beautiful among the Vass. Strength and vitality are associated with an individual's ability to contribute to the community, and physical well-being is seen as an outward expression of a harmonious life.   Balance of Plant and Animal Traits: The ideal Vass is one who seamlessly blends their plant and animal qualities, showcasing a perfect balance between these dual aspects. This balance is seen as a testament to the individual's ability to navigate both the natural and mortal realms with grace.   Adornments from Nature: Adornments derived from nature, such as floral crowns, vine jewelry, or accessories crafted from natural materials, are commonly used to enhance beauty. These adornments not only add to an individual's allure but also symbolize their connection to the earth.   Elegance in Movement: Graceful and fluid movement, reminiscent of the swaying branches or the gentle rustling of leaves, is considered a captivating aspect of beauty. Individuals who move with a sense of natural ease and fluidity are admired for embodying the spirit of the wilderness.   Individual Expression: While there are overarching ideals, individual expression and uniqueness are celebrated. The Vass recognize that each being is a distinct creation of nature, and personal quirks or variations are seen as enhancing one's beauty rather than detracting from it.

Gender Ideals

The Vass culture embraces a remarkably egalitarian approach to gender, with minimal ideals attached to traditional gender roles. The lack of significant sexual dimorphism among the Vass contributes to a society where individuals are valued based on their abilities, contributions, and personal qualities rather than gender-related expectations.   Equality of Opportunity: Vass individuals, regardless of gender, have equal opportunities in all aspects of life. Whether it's pursuing roles in leadership, participating in communal activities, or engaging in professions traditionally associated with a particular gender.   Skill and Contribution: Merit and individual abilities take precedence over gender considerations. Vass recognize that skills, knowledge, and personal qualities vary widely among individuals, and these factors determine one's role and influence within the community.   Fluidity in Roles: Traditional gender roles are fluid and not strictly defined within Vass society. Individuals are free to explore and excel in various pursuits without being confined by societal expectations tied to their gender. This fluidity extends to familial responsibilities, professions, and communal roles.   Shared Responsibilities: Both genders are equally responsible for communal and familial duties. Whether it's caring for offspring, participating in communal rituals, or contributing to the defense of their territories, Vass individuals share responsibilities based on their strengths and interests rather than predefined gender roles.   Education and Training: Both genders receive equal opportunities for education and training. Whether it's learning nature-based magic, honing combat skills, or delving into the arts, Vass individuals are encouraged to pursue their passions and interests without gender-related restrictions.

Courtship Ideals

Vass courtship is a deliberate and thoughtful process, characterized by a slow and methodical approach that reflects the careful nature of their reproductive cycle. The Vass place a high value on love, connection, and the long-term commitment required for raising offspring.   Initial Connections: Courtship often begins with subtle and non-intrusive interactions, allowing individuals to establish a foundation of friendship and mutual understanding. Vass value emotional connections as much as physical attraction, and initial encounters focus on shared interests and values.   Observation and Patience: Before committing to a deeper relationship, Vass engage in a period of observation and patience. This allows individuals to assess compatibility, shared goals, and the potential for a lasting partnership. Courtship is viewed as a gradual process of getting to know each other on a profound level.   Shared Activities: Courtship involves participating in shared activities that strengthen the bond between individuals. Whether it's exploring nature, collaborating on communal projects, or engaging in rituals, shared experiences play a crucial role in deepening emotional connections.   Communication and Expression: Open and honest communication is fundamental during courtship. Vass individuals express their feelings, aspirations, and concerns, fostering a level of trust that is essential for the longevity of the relationship. Non-verbal expressions, such as symbolic gifts or gestures, also play a role in conveying emotions.   Parental Intentions: As courtship progresses, discussions about parental intentions become more explicit. Vass individuals openly communicate their desires for a family and discuss their roles and responsibilities in the upbringing of potential offspring. This step is a crucial aspect of long-term commitment.   Reproductive Planning: Due to the slow reproductive pace of the Vass, discussions about reproduction are comprehensive and considerate. Individuals engage in reproductive planning, taking into account the careful process of producing Vass seeds, as well as the shared responsibility of nurturing and protecting the seedling Vass.   Commitment Ceremony: Once a deep and enduring connection has been established, a commitment ceremony may take place. This ceremony formalizes the couple's commitment to each other and the potential for a family. It often involves communal blessings and celebrations.   Long-Term Partnership: Courtship is seen as a prelude to a lifelong partnership. Vass couples embark on a journey of shared responsibilities, mutual growth, and the fulfillment of their parental roles. The deliberate and careful nature of courtship contributes to the strength and stability of Vass families.

Relationship Ideals

In Vass culture, the ideals of a perfect relationship revolve around lasting love, deep appreciation, and a profound connection between partners. The Vass prioritize emotional bonds, mutual respect, and shared values as the foundation for a harmonious and enduring relationship. Eternal love plays a large role in Vass romantic works and many Vass long for a love that is ageless across their centuries long lives.

Average Technological Level

The Vass have achieved a technological level comparable to other humanoid species on Syann, demonstrating prowess in various fields without relying extensively on metal or fire. Their unique approach sets them apart, emphasizing mastery over stone, plants, and the cultivation of supernatural flora that serves as formidable alternatives to traditional materials.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The primary language spoken by the Vass is a distinct dialect of Elven, known as Vass-Alf Speak. While rooted in the mainstream Elven tongue, Vass-Alf Speak has evolved over time, influenced by the unique experiences, history, and culture of the Vass. This dialect exhibits certain deviations and nuances that set it apart from the more widely spoken Elven languages.

Common Etiquette Rules

Vass etiquette is deeply rooted in their connection to nature, their communal values, and the principles that guide their interactions within their communities. While there can be some variations based on individual beliefs and regional practices, here are common etiquette norms observed among the Vass:   Respect for Nature: The cornerstone of Vass etiquette is respect for the natural world. They treat plants, animals, and the land with reverence, acknowledging the interconnectedness of all living things. This respect extends to their daily actions, ensuring minimal impact on the environment.   Communal Living: Vass communities often function as close-knit units, and etiquette emphasizes cooperation, shared responsibilities, and mutual support. Individuals contribute to the well-being of the community, and decisions are often made through consensus-building processes.   Non-Intrusive Communication: Vass value harmony and tranquility in their interactions. Etiquette encourages communication that is considerate, non-intrusive, and mindful of the feelings of others. They often use soft tones and expressions to convey thoughts and emotions.   Ceremonial Observances: Vass participate in various ceremonies and rituals that mark significant events and seasonal changes. Etiquette during these observances involves a respectful and solemn demeanor, with individuals contributing to the rituals in ways that align with their skills and roles.   Harmonious Conflict Resolution: In the rare instances of conflict, etiquette emphasizes resolving differences harmoniously. Mediation and open communication play key roles, and the goal is to restore balance and maintain the well-being of the community.

Common Dress Code

Among the Vass, there is a notable absence of strict dress codes, and their cultural attitude toward clothing is characterized by a sense of freedom and practicality. The Vass generally have little concern about nudity, and individuals wear clothes based on personal preference, mood, or practical necessity. This laid-back approach to attire reflects their close connection to nature and a lack of societal taboos regarding the human form.   The Vass's perspective on clothing aligns with their communal values, emphasizing individual comfort and personal expression. They may choose to wear garments adorned with natural elements, such as leaves, flowers, or plant-based textiles, further reinforcing their connection to the environment.   While nudity is a non-issue within Vass communities, they recognize and respect that other cultures may hold different views on modesty and attire. When interacting with peoples who may find nudity unconventional, the Vass are considerate and often choose to clothe themselves to accommodate cultural sensitivities. This adaptability demonstrates their openness to understanding and respecting diverse perspectives.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture of the Vass is deeply intertwined with nature, reflecting their origins and the experiences that have shaped them over the ages. Rooted in a reverence for the natural world, the Vass typeicaly embrace traditions, ceremonies, and a way of life that harmonizes with the environment around them.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Vass, deeply connected to nature, observe a variety of customs and traditions that reflect their reverence for the environment and their communal way of life. These customs have been passed down through generations, shaping the cultural fabric of Vass society.   Seasonal Celebrations: Vass communities celebrate the changing seasons with elaborate ceremonies and rituals. These observances mark transitions in nature and include dances, music, and offerings to honor the spirits associated with each season.   Blossom Day: An annual celebration known as Blossom Day occurs during the spring season when flowers bloom in abundance. Vass communities come together to adorn themselves with flowers, creating colorful garlands and wreaths. The day is a symbol of renewal and the beauty of nature.   Harvest Festivals: Vass celebrate the bountiful harvests with festivals that express gratitude to the land and the spirits that nurture it. Feasts are organized, featuring an array of fresh produce and communal gatherings to share the fruits of their labor.   Rite of Renewal: During times of ecological healing or after overcoming significant challenges, Vass perform the Rite of Renewal. This ritual involves communal chanting, dance, and the planting of symbolic seeds, signifying the rejuvenation of the land and the community.   Veneration of the Oak: The Oak of Vass holds a sacred place in Vass culture. Rituals and offerings are dedicated to the Oak, symbolizing the enduring spirit of Vass, the restoration of tormented souls, and the connection between life and the natural world.   Dance of the Spirits: Vass engage in a traditional dance known as the Dance of the Spirits during important ceremonies. This dance, accompanied by rhythmic drumming and chanting, is believed to invoke the spirits of nature and foster a harmonious relationship between the Vass and the environment.   Gift-Giving Rituals: Generosity is a central aspect of Vass culture. Gift-giving is not only a gesture of goodwill but also a way to strengthen bonds within the community. Handcrafted items, natural ornaments, and symbolic tokens are exchanged during various occasions.   Ceremonial Attire: Special occasions call for ceremonial attire adorned with flowers, leaves, and natural elements. These garments are worn during significant events, reinforcing the connection between the Vass and the spirits of the land.   Tree Planting Ceremonies: To promote environmental sustainability, Vass organize tree planting ceremonies. These events involve the entire community, with each member contributing to the planting of new trees as a symbol of growth, life, and their commitment to nature.

Common Taboos

The Vass, with their strong connection to nature and communal values, hold certain taboos that reflect their cultural norms and beliefs. These taboos are considered sacred, and violating them can lead to social ostracism or, in severe cases, a loss of spiritual harmony.
  Undeath Desecration: The most significant taboo among the Vass is the desecration of undeath. Any practice associated with necromancy, raising the dead, or manipulating the forces of undeath is strictly forbidden. The Vass harbor an intense hatred for the undead and those who would command them, considering such acts a direct violation of the natural order.   Wasteful Consumption: The Vass are stewards of the land, and wasteful consumption is frowned upon. Wasting resources, whether food, water, or natural materials, is considered a violation of their commitment to sustainable living. Individuals who exhibit wasteful habits may face social disapproval.   Disrespect to Elders: Elders hold a revered status in Vass society, and disrespecting them is a serious taboo. Failing to seek guidance or undermining the wisdom of the elderly is seen as a disruption of the communal harmony and goes against the values of the Vass.   Harming the Oak of Vass: The Oak of Vass is a sacred symbol of rejuvenation and life. Harming or disrespecting the Oak, whether physically or through malicious intent, is strictly prohibited. The Oak is central to Vass spirituality, and any action that threatens its well-being is considered sacrilegious.   Forcing Nature's Will: The Vass respect the natural order and the cycles of life. Any attempt to forcefully manipulate or interfere with these cycles is taboo. This includes breeding practices that go against the natural pace of Vass reproduction and attempts to control or dominate the environment in unnatural ways.   Abuse of Natural Spirits: The Vass believe in the presence of spirits within the natural world. Any form of abuse or disrespect towards these spirits, whether through neglect or intentional harm, is considered a violation of the spiritual balance and is strongly condemned.   Pollution of Sacred Sites: Sacred sites, especially those associated with the spirits and rituals, are considered untouchable. Intentional pollution or desecration of these sites is a grave taboo, as it disrupts the spiritual connection between the Vass and the natural world.   Disregard for Communal Decisions: The Vass operate through communal decision-making, and disregarding decisions made through consensus is a taboo. Individuals who act against the communal will may be viewed as disruptors of harmony and may face social consequences.


The Creation of the Vass, the coming of Ecress the Eternal
  The Vass emerged from a time of unspeakable horror and the sorrow it birthed. In the distant past, the malevolent undead dragon, Ecress, along with her ghoul armies, laid waste to the continent of Dothmeryji. In the wake of their onslaught, life withered, and even the most basic organisms couldn't thrive where Ecress's shadow fell. Nature was thrown into disarray, and not even decay could take hold in the blighted areas touched by the undead.   Among the most affected were the elves, the primary targets of Ecress and her ghouls hungry for magic and life force. As they swept across the Elven Empire, transforming vast landscapes into blighted realms of undeath, the Te'ra Alflar Village of Shandrasesen was one of the first places to fall.   The elves of Shandrasesen were massacred, with the only survivor being the village's arch-druid, Vass Oakenheart, who had been on a hermitage in the deep wilds during the attack. Discovering his home transformed into a tainted abomination, Vass vowed to avenge his people at any cost. Elves rarely take oaths of vengeance lightly and Vass, fueled by survivor's guilt, joined the elven empire's defenders with a sworn oath to bring nature's fury against Ecress.   Though Ecress was a formidable undead dragon and necromancer, the power of a druid's fury, harnessed from the wild itself, proved to be a terrible force. Vass became the focal point of the offensive against Ecress, unleashing natural disasters weaponized and directed. The Natalf Elsa and others, who had regarded nature magic as inferior, witnessed the might of the Te'ra Alflar as Vass and circles of nature worshipers took the forefront in the battle against Ecress.   In the end, the Golden Alliance destroyed Ecress and her undead legions, but the continent remained scarred and tainted. Over the next three hundred years, the alliance worked tirelessly to heal nature and prevent an ecological collapse.   Vass played a crucial role in these efforts, haunted by the memories of Shandrasesen. Despite contributing to the healing of the continent, Vass couldn't escape the disquiet of survivor's guilt. After the land started to recover, he became a hermit in the wilds.   After several decades, Vass re-emerged, sending cryptic messages of thanks and goodbyes to those who stood by him during the war. He returned to the ruins of Shandrasesen and initiated the Great Ritual of Vass. The spirits of the elves, forever cursed and corrupted by undeath, were trapped in a state between life and death. The ritual, fueled by Vass's life force and magical power, transformed him into the Oak of Vass, an immortal tree at the heart of New Shandrasesen.   The ritual had a profound effect. The tormented souls drawn to the Oak of Vass were granted renewed life and peace. Every year, as warm weather arrived, the Oak of Vass blossomed with giant flowers, each representing a tormented soul. These flowers deposited fully formed humanoid beings, resembling elves or fey creatures, with bodies made of plant-like substance — the Children of Vass. The curse that bound them to undeath was cleansed, and they were reborn into the cycle of life.   The Golden Age through the age of the Tarnishing

The Vass were embraced by the Golden Alliance and the Elven Empire with open arms, as if long-lost family members had returned after a tragic loss. Grateful for their reincarnation and new existence, merging animal and plant natures, the Vass found themselves welcomed not only by elves but also by the benign fey spirits of the woods, who treated them as kin. In turn, the Vass became diplomats between the deep forest fey and elves.   Over time, the Vass earned respect despite their small numbers and slow reproduction rate. However, the tranquil era of the Golden Alliance would eventually succumb to the touch of evil. The Swart Alflar, in their secret bid for sole rule of the Elven Empire, viewed the Vass as both a potential tool and a threat. To further their agenda, they supported a dangerous political faction among the Vass known as the Brambles of Winter.   Once revered as heroes responsible for the defense of the Vass and warfare against their enemies, the Brambles of Winter underwent a sinister transformation. The Swart Alflar contacted a banished primordial fey named the Queen of Thorns, freeing her and directing her towards the Vass to initiate an insidious plot.   Like a creeping parasitic vine, the Queen of Thorns entangled herself with the heart of the Vass through the Brambles of Winter. Posing as a Vass sorceress, she urged the Brambles to advocate isolation and distance from the falling Elven Empire, claiming that the Vass, being nature incarnate, had the right to rule over plant and animal alike. As her corruption spread, rumors circulated that the Oak of Vass became tainted with thorn-covered vines, and new Vass born were marked with thorns or possessed poisonous floral traits, developing an unusual affinity for the darker elements of nature and the fey. Although not inherently evil, these new Vass unsettled traditionalists who opposed the growing influence of the Brambles and their Vass-centric worldview.   During the height of the Tarnishing age, the Vass teetered on the brink of tyranny. The Brambles of Winter had evolved into a cult of personality dedicated to the mad vision of the Queen of Thorns, who harbored ambitions of becoming a fey queen in the mortal realm.

As the once-unified Golden Alliance dissolved, its former allies descended into petty internal conflicts or abandoned their empires entirely. Within the Vass community, internal strife also erupted. The Brambles, standing against the Vass Elders, insisted that the thorny vines choking the Oak of Vass were a clear sign that the Spirit of Vass favored them. However, the Vass Elders vehemently disagreed.   The Elders asserted that the Thorny Vines were an ominous indication that the spirit of Vass was in distress. They accused the leader of the Brambles, the Queen of Thorns, of being the source of a great evil that was draining the life force from the Oak of Vass. According to the Elders, her magic was corrupting the Vass, and they resolved to take a stand for what was right.   In response, the Queen of Thorns, fearing the loss of her influence and control, commanded her Brambles to execute the Vass Elders and anyone sympathetic to their cause. The stage was set for a tragic internal conflict that would not only threaten the very foundations of Vass society but also cast a dark shadow over the once-harmonious relationship between the Vass and their allies in the Elven Empire.
  The civil war instigated by the Swart Alflar and Duergar against the Dwarven and Elven empires erupted in full force. With no one left to oppose her, the Queen of Thorns declared the Vass as an independent entity under her reign, refusing to intervene in the conflicts that would later define the Tarnishing Age and contribute to the downfall of the once-mighty empires that formed the backbone of the Golden Alliance.   The execution of the Vass Elders left a profound mark on the Vass, instilling fear of the very people they had once trusted. Seizing the opportunity, the Queen of Thorns and her Brambles isolated the Vass from the outside world, focusing on establishing their own kingdom. Great walls of thorns entwined the borders of the new Vass Queendom, and at the heart of the land, the Oak of Vass began to pale, its leaves withering as the thorns sapped its vitality. This transformation served as a stark symbol of the corruption that now gripped the Brambles and their newly appointed Queen, signaling a dark chapter in the history of the Vass. The once-open society now closed itself off, consumed by internal conflict and tainted by the influence of the Queen of Thorns.
  The Thousand Year Winter & The Age of Dreams
  During the Thousand Year Winter and the subsequent Age of Dreams, the Vass found themselves enduring the harsh conditions brought about by the extended period of bitter cold. Like many ancient non-human powers, the Vass shifted their focus to survival, putting technological and magical advancements on hold to prioritize their existence.   Throughout the darkness of the Thousand Year Winter, the Queen of Thorns intensified her control over the Vass who opposed her cult, ensuring their suppression. As the winter gradually receded and the Age of Dreams unfolded, the Queen of Thorns, driven by her desire for expansion and dominion, compelled the Vass to venture forth and conquer new realms under her banner.   However, unforeseen events unfolded during the Age of Dreams. In distant lands, the rise of the First City of the Nuarth sent ripples across the world. The gods fell silent in the aftermath of the city's fall, and the doors to other dimensions swung wide, drawing in countless powerful beings, pretender gods, and entities that would have otherwise been barred from the mortal realm. The tumultuous events set the stage for a new era of uncertainty and upheaval, challenging the Queen of Thorns' ambitions and potentially altering the fate of the Vass and their dominion.
  The Defeat of the Queen of Thorns
  After the unexpected influx of fiends, fey, and other beings to Syann, the Queen of Thorns found herself facing an ancient foe she had not anticipated—Morghul the Unyielding. Morghul, once the grim justiciar for the primordial fey lords of forgotten ages, had been the one who passed the judgment that banished and imprisoned the Queen of Thorns to the mortal realm.   The Vass were thrown into a state of terror and confusion as Morghul set foot in their lands. Mists enveloped the forests, carrying with them the spirits of warriors who had pledged themselves to Morghul. The Brambles attempted to defend their queen, but Morghul's dead warriors cut them down. Those who did not stand to protect their corrupt queen were spared, as Morghul and his oath-sworn dead had no interest in those unwilling or too weak to fight.   The Forest of the Vass trembled with each step of Morghul, and a formidable clash between him and the Queen of Thorns ensued. The battle, evenly matched, shook the great trees and cracked a mountain in twain. Morghul, recognizing that the queen drew power from the Oak of Vass, endured great pain as he grasped the magical thorns. In a feat of endurance that spilled rivers of his dark blood, he tore the thorns away from the tree, causing the Queen of Thorns to scream in agony and fall to her knees.   Morghul, silent throughout, spared not a single utterance of pain, bound the Queen of Thorns in her own parasitic vines and dragged her away, never to be seen or heard from again. In the aftermath, the Vass were freed from the influence of the Queen of Thorns and her Brambles. The Oak of Vass could finally heal, and the Vass themselves began the slow and difficult process of restoration.   Isolated for countless years, the Vass focused on mending their hearts, souls, and the Oak of Vass. Only in the last few centuries have the Vass felt confident enough to start interacting with the rest of the world once more. While still rare, they have become known as diplomats, explorers, traders, and adventurers, symbolizing the regrowth of nature, champions against undeath, and beings of exotic beauty and wonder.

Historical Figures

Throughout the annals of Vass history, several figures have left an indelible mark, shaping the destiny of their people and contributing to the rich tapestry of Vass culture.
  Vass Oakenheart:
  Arch-druid of the Te'ra Alflar Village of Shandrasesen, Vass Oakenheart is a legendary figure whose actions during the reign of the undead dragon Ecress changed the course of Vass history. The sole survivor of the village's destruction, Vass Oakenheart dedicated his life to avenging his people. His relentless pursuit of Ecress and the subsequent Great Ritual of Vass, where he transformed into the Oak of Vass, became the cornerstone of Vass mythology.   The Queen of Thorns:
  A complex and malevolent figure, the Queen of Thorns played a pivotal role in the darker chapters of Vass history. Once a primordial fey banished to the mortal realm, she was freed by the Swart Alflar and targeted the Vass through the Brambles of Winter. Her corrupting influence led to a period of internal strife and isolation for the Vass during the Tarnishing Age. The climactic Battle of Morrigan's Veil marked the end of her reign.   Morghul the Unyielding:
  An ancient and formidable being, Morghul the Unyielding was a justiciar for the primordial fey lords in forgotten ages. His unexpected arrival during the Age of Dreams brought both terror and salvation to the Vass. Morghul's intervention at Morrigan's Veil ended the Queen of Thorns' influence, liberating the Vass from a millennium of tyranny. The figure remains an enigma, embodying both dread and a certain balance in Vass lore.   The Elders of Vass:   The council of elders has been a consistent guiding force in Vass society. Composed of respected individuals renowned for their wisdom, these Elders have played crucial roles in decision-making, especially during times of crisis. Their commitment to preserving the natural balance and communal harmony has made them revered figures in Vass culture.   Forest's Veil Seeress - Branwen Verdantgaze:
  During the Tarnishing Age, when the Queen of Thorns began her insidious plot, Branwen Verdantgaze emerged as a visionary seeress. Her prophecies and insights warned the Vass of impending dangers and the internal strife that would ensue. While some ignored her warnings, others heeded Branwen's words, recognizing her as a voice of foresight during tumultuous times.   Diantha Swiftblossom - Diplomat of the Vass:
  In the more recent centuries, Diantha Swiftblossom has earned a place of prominence among the Vass as a skilled diplomat. Her efforts to establish peaceful relations and open communication with neighboring races have contributed to the gradual reintegration of the Vass into the broader world. Diantha's diplomatic achievements showcase a new era of cooperation and understanding for the Vass.

Common Myths and Legends

The rich tapestry of Vass mythology is woven with tales that celebrate the harmony between nature, spirits, and the enduring spirit of the Vass people. These myths and legends, passed down through generations, shape the cultural identity of the Vass and provide insights into their worldview.
  The Sacrifice of Vass Oakenheart:
  In the ancient days when the undead dragon Ecress threatened the land, the arch-druid Vass Oakenheart emerged as a heroic figure. After the destruction of his village, Vass Oakenheart dedicated himself to avenging his people. The myth tells of his relentless pursuit of Ecress, becoming a lightning rod for nature's fury. In the end, Vass Oakenheart made the ultimate sacrifice, using a powerful ritual to cleanse the tormented souls of his fallen kin. Transformed into the immortal Oak of Vass, he became a symbol of rejuvenation and sacrifice for the greater good.   The Thousand Year Winter:
  A tale from the Age of Dreams recounts the challenging era when the Vass endured the Thousand Year Winter. As otherworldly events unfolded across Syann, the Vass, under the rule of the Queen of Thorns, faced internal struggles and external threats. The myth speaks of their resilience during this harsh period, with the Oak of Vass standing as a beacon of hope. The Vass weathered the challenges, and the eventual departure of the Queen of Thorns marked the end of their long, isolated winter.   The Battle of Forest's Veil:   Forest's Veil, a mystical place shrouded in mist, was the battleground where Morghul the Unyielding confronted the Queen of Thorns. This legendary clash between the ancient adversaries shook the very foundations of the forest. The myth tells of Morghul's determination to end the Queen, culminating in a dramatic confrontation where thorns were torn from the Oak of Vass. The aftermath brought a new dawn, free from the influence of the Queen of Thorns.   The Dance of Renewal:
  During times of ecological healing, the Vass engage in the Dance of Renewal. This ritualistic dance, performed around the Oak of Vass, symbolizes the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth. Through rhythmic movements and chanting, the Vass commune with the spirits of nature, seeking harmony and balance for the land. It said to have been passed down by the eldars for generations and has the power to heal nature.   The Whispering Flowers:
  Legend speaks of special flowers that bloom on the Oak of Vass during moments of great significance. Known as Whispering Flowers, each bloom is said to carry the essence of a tormented soul redeemed through the Great Ritual of Vass. The flowers are believed to hold the collective memories and gratitude of those who found peace, and their fragrance is considered a blessing.   The Silent Vigil of Vass Elders:
  In times of communal decisions or conflicts, the Vass Elders gather in a silent vigil beneath the branches of the Oak of Vass. This mythic tradition signifies their connection to the ancient druidic spirits and their role as wise guardians of Vass culture. The silent vigil is believed to channel the Elders' collective wisdom and guide the community toward decisions that align with the natural order.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Vass navigate a diverse array of relationships with various species, and their interactions are often shaped by cultural affinities and differences. Here's an overview of how the Vass relate to different races:   Elven Peoples:   Te'ra Alflar and Borda Elsa: The Vass share a deep connection with these elven communities, particularly the Te'ra Alflar. The shared reverence for nature and druidic traditions fosters strong bonds, making them natural allies. Borda Elsa's affinity for diplomacy aligns harmoniously with the nature of the Vass, reinforcing positive relations.
  Fey Folk:   The Vass generally have positive relations with benign fey creatures. Their mutual appreciation for the natural world and mystical elements creates an understanding that transcends traditional boundaries. Fey beings often find common ground with the Vass, sharing a sense of whimsy and reverence for nature.
  Gnomes:   The Vass and Gnomes enjoy amicable relations, driven by shared curiosity and appreciation for the mystical. Gnomes, known for their inventiveness and love of nature, find common ground with the Vass, fostering cooperation in various endeavors. Both races thrive in environments where creativity and nature intersect.
  Halflings:   While Halflings may find the Vass to be peculiar, the overall sentiment is one of acceptance and minimal disagreement. The easygoing nature of Halflings allows them to coexist with the Vass without significant tension. Though they may not fully understand each other's ways, there is a mutual respect for differences.
  Dwarves:   Relations with Dwarves can be strained due to differing perspectives on industry and nature. Dwarves' love for mining and forging contrasts with the Vass's emphasis on natural balance. However, direct conflicts are rare, and both races may prefer to keep to their respective domains rather than engage in open disputes.
  Humans:   Humans often perceive the Vass as enigmatic and whimsical, more akin to fey creatures than conventional people. The Vass's unique appearance, slow growth rate, and ties to nature contribute to the sense of otherworldliness. While interactions may be limited, the Vass's reputation as beings of regrowth and champions against undeath can foster admiration in the best cases.

(Art by MidJourny)

(Art by MidJourny)
Believed to be upwards of 1000 years, few Vass have ever died of old age so exact numbers are difficult to determine
Average Height
Vass Stand on average between 5'10 and 6'4 with little difference between males and females.
Average Weight
Vass male sand female weigh 150 lbs or so on average with little difference between males and females.
Average Physique
The average physique of the Vass is characterized by robustness, varying between sometimes lanky or willowy individuals but consistently built with a strong and healthy constitution. This physical diversity reflects the adaptability of the Vass to different environments and their ability to thrive in a range of landscapes. Despite variations in height or build, the common thread among the Vass is their overall strength and endurance, traits that have been honed through their resilience in the face of historical challenges.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The body tint, coloring, and marking of the Vass are as diverse as the hues found among plants in the natural world. Their bodies exhibit a kaleidoscope of colors, mirroring the rich and vibrant palette present in various flora. From the subtle greens of leaves to the vivid blossoms of flowers, the Vass showcase a spectrum of natural tones and shades.   Individual Vass may bear unique markings that further accentuate their connection to nature. These markings, reminiscent of patterns found in foliage, vines, or even thorns, enhance the ethereal beauty of the Vass.

(Art by Midjourny)
Vass Statistics (For Pathfinder 1st Edition, please see the Pathfinder 1st edition srd, Archives or Nethys or Advanced Race Guide for more information))
Type: Plant
Size: Medium
Speed: Normal
Language Group: Standard
Starting Languages: Common, Elven, may select any langueage available to elves as starting langueages based on int bonus
Ability Scores: +2 Constition, +2 Wisdom
Deathless Spirit
Fertile Soil
Hatred: (Undead)
Hydrated Vitality
Low-Light Vision

Special- Elven Soul: The Vass count as either plants or humanoid (Elf) for the purpose of all magical effects and requirements.

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