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High Chieftain of the Leonin

High Chieftain T'Sarr of the Blacktongue clan is a ruthless ruler. Elected after the last high chieftain was slain in battle with an opposing clan, the Leonin look to T'Sarr to take them into a new era of strength. T'Sarr is a decorated warrior and few would ever dare challenge him to a physical altercation. He is well respected by most clans, and often sung as both hero and profit by many of the shaman.   T'Sarr has grown in popularity amongst the Leonin as he pushes for the other races that have spread across Yenna to be removed. While full, open war has yet to be called, rumors insist he is sending parties to the smaller villages to study weaknesses. T'Sarr openly hates the other races and blames humans most of all for the dwindling resources.    T'Sarr is the first chieftain to outright oppose the peace accord drafted after the Leonin War and has many times spoken openly on how the failures of his forefathers will not guide his actions.
Race: Yennite Leonin
Age: 34
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 270lbs
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Yellow
Notable Features: Walks with purpose. Extremely muscular and fit. Hair is long and dreaded, with many bones and trinkets woven in. Prominent scar across his right cheek and up to his snout.


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