Temple of Chauntea

The Temple of Chauntea in Shelar is the largest on Sylinia. The large temple complex was built in the shape of a curved leaf, a symbol of Chauntea.
Visitors are often struck by the impressive water feature that flows in and around the temple. Representing the branching veins of a leaf, the water flows from the entrance to the tip of the temple before disappearing underground. It reappears about 30 feet outside the temple, in the open air gardens. It then circles back towards the entrance, before disappearing back underground and beginning the cycle anew.

"What are you doing?"

"Sitting," he replied.

"Can I ask why?"

"Sometimes I like to sit out here. To think."

She looked at the large stone building behind him. "Do you want to go in?" she asked.

"Oh, no, thank you. I'm quite all right out here."

She hesitated before inquiring, "If it's not too personal, can I ask why?"

"It's not that I am a man of no faith," he said slowly, considering how to answer her. "On the contrary, I have much faith. It is religion that I'm not particularly fond of."

"I don't know that I understand what you mean sir," she said wrinkling her nose.

The corner of his mouth tipped up humorlessly. "Once I saw the world as you did. Sometimes I wish it were still so. But I have seen too much, and know too well what happens when mortals have too many opinions of divinity." He looked up at her, and saw the blank, uncomprehending expression. "Its alright child. Run inside. I'm perfectly happy here."

Temple of Chauntea
The Temple of Chauntea in Shelar is the largest temple to the nature goddess on Sylinia.


There is an Abbot and an assortment of priests of Chauntea that live here year-round. Most visitors are either temporarily visiting to use the temple's vast library, or they are just visiting for the day.


The prized feature of the temple is the large Tree of Chauntea at the back. The tree is older than records show, and the temple was built around it. The belief is that the tree was a gift from the Goddess, and is a living embodiment of her power.
Founding Date
234 SP
Temple / Religious complex

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill


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