Cult of The Spider Queen Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Cult of The Spider Queen

Mythology & Lore

Lolth, also known as the Spider Queen, is the chaotic evil goddess of the drow, spiders, and treachery. Once Araushnee, the consort of Corellon Larethian, she was transformed into Lolth after betraying him. She commands her followers through fear and manipulation, often depicted as a beautiful drow woman, a monstrous spider, or a hybrid of the two forms.

Divine Origins

Lolth's worship began when she and her followers were cast into the Underdark after her betrayal. There, she transformed the surface elves who followed her into the dark elves, or drow. Lolth rules over the Abyssal layer known as the Demonweb Pits, where she constantly schemes against surface elves and other deities.

Tenets of Faith

  • Obedience through Fear: Followers must obey Lolth's commands without question, as disobedience is met with severe punishment.
  • Favoritism and Manipulation: Lolth's favor is fickle, and she often pits her followers against each other to test their loyalty and cunning.
  • Conflict and Intrigue: Infighting and betrayal are encouraged among her followers to ensure only the strongest and most cunning survive.
  • Rituals of Sacrifice: Regular sacrifices, often involving sentient beings, are made to appease Lolth.


Followers of Lolth value treachery, cunning, and ambition. They believe in using manipulation and fear to achieve their goals, viewing loyalty as secondary to personal gain. Acts of deception and betrayal are seen as pathways to power.


Worship of Lolth involves dark rituals, often conducted in the depths of the Underdark. These rituals include sacrifices, invocation of spiders, and elaborate ceremonies designed to demonstrate the followers' devotion and fear. Major ceremonies are conducted during celestial events or significant drow festivals.


Lolth's clergy, primarily female, hold the highest power in drow society. They enforce Lolth's will, maintain control through fear and manipulation, and often compete fiercely for her favor. They wear dark robes adorned with spider motifs and conduct rituals in her name.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Lolth are granted divine powers to enforce her will and further her chaotic schemes:
  • Spider Climb: Ability to move effortlessly on walls and ceilings.
  • Darkness: Create areas of magical darkness to blind and disorient foes.
  • Poison Touch: Inflict deadly poison with a mere touch.
  • Webs: Trap enemies in strong, sticky webs.
  • Summon Spiders: Call forth spiders to aid in battle or espionage.

Political Influence & Intrigue

In Sylvestris, although Drow primarily populate Drekar, Lolth does not hold significant politcal power. The Drow of Drekar have made it clear to other nations that while they respect the Spider Queen for creating them long ago, they have moved on from her teachings that are typically seen as evil.


Within Lolth's faith, several sects exist:
  • Order of the Black Widow: Elite priestesses who perform high-risk missions and assassinations in Lolth’s name.
  • Daughters of the Spider: A sect focused on the breeding and training of giant spiders for war and espionage.
  • Weavers of Fate: Priests who use divination and prophecy to guide Lolth's followers and predict enemy movements.


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