Loremasters Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Mythology & Lore

Oghma, known as the Lord of Knowledge, is the deity of bards, inspiration, invention, and knowledge. He embodies the pursuit of intellectual endeavors and the power of ideas. Oghma is often depicted as a wise, elderly man or a radiant figure surrounded by symbols of knowledge and learning.

Divine Origins

Oghma's worship spans across various cultures in Sylvestris, where he is revered as the ultimate source of knowledge and inspiration. Temples dedicated to Oghma often function as libraries, filled with books, scrolls, and artifacts that promote learning and intellectual growth.

Tenets of Faith

  • Pursue Knowledge: Seek to learn and understand new forms of knowledge.
  • Share Wisely: Disseminate knowledge responsibly, ensuring it benefits society.
  • Inspire Creativity: Encourage creativity and invention in all forms.
  • Respect Truth: Uphold the truth and combat falsehoods.
  • Honor Oghma: Offer daily prayers and participate in rituals to honor the pursuit of knowledge.


Followers of Oghma value the pursuit of knowledge, the sharing of wisdom, and the promotion of creativity. They believe in the responsible use of knowledge to benefit society. Acts of learning, teaching, and the preservation of knowledge are highly regarded.


Worship of Oghma involves daily prayers and rituals that honor the pursuit of knowledge. Important ceremonies include the Binding and the Covenant, daily rituals that involve writing and sharing knowledge. Temples of Oghma often host festivals and events to celebrate intellectual achievements.


The clergy of Oghma, known as Loremasters, wear white shirts and trousers with black and gold brocade vests adorned with glyphs and symbols. Higher-ranking priests are distinguished by their unique garments, known as kantlara, which are personalized with symbols seen in visions. They are responsible for preserving and disseminating knowledge and often carry instruments and writing tools.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Oghma are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
  • Insightful Vision: Gain clarity and understanding of complex subjects.
  • Lorekeeper's Touch: Enhance memory and recall information accurately.
  • Words of Wisdom: Provide guidance and insight to others.
  • Protective Glyph: Create wards and symbols to protect knowledge.
  • Voice of Oghma: Inspire and influence through words and music.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Oghma’s followers often hold influential positions in educational institutions, libraries, and advisory roles. They are respected for their deep knowledge and their commitment to the truth. Their influence extends to all areas where knowledge and learning are valued.


Within Oghma’s faith, several orders exist:
  • Children of the Passive Voice: Monks who protect libraries and abbeys.
  • Order of the Gilt Laurel: An honorary society of historical fiction authors.
  • Fellowship of the Forest: A naturalist society dedicated to preserving knowledge of nature.
  • Companions of the Silver Strings: An order of heroic bards who serve Oghma.


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