The Black Hand Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Black Hand

Mythology & Lore

Bane, also known as the Black Hand, is the god of fear, hatred, and tyranny. He is one of many widely feared deities, representing the epitome of malevolent authority and control. Bane is often depicted as a pale orcish man, occasionally adorned with dark armor and a jeweled gauntlet, symbolizing his oppressive power.

Divine Origins

Bane's worship dates back to his mortal days when he, alongside Myrkul and Bhaal, sought godhood. Their pact and subsequent divine ascension through the defeat of Jergal, the god of death, marked the beginning of Bane's rule over tyranny. His temples are stark, imposing structures that reflect his dominion over fear and power. In Sylvestris, Bane saw a new realm that may be easier to conquer and set his sites on those with strength and aren't afraid to use it on others.

Tenets of Faith

  • Serve Bane: Loyalty to Bane above all, instilling fear in others.
  • Exert Control: Dominate and rule through fear and strength.
  • Crush Dissent: Eliminate those who oppose Bane’s will.
  • Promote Fear: Spread fear and maintain order through terror.
  • Honor Bane: Offer nightly prayers and sacrifices to show unwavering loyalty.


Followers of Bane value power, control, and fear. They believe in the absolute rule of the strong over the weak and use any means necessary to achieve and maintain dominance. Acts of intimidation, ruthless leadership, and suppression of dissent are highly valued.


Worship of Bane involves nightly prayers and rituals that often include sacrifices. Major ceremonies are held during significant astronomical events and include the Ritual of Crushed Will, where symbols of rebellion are destroyed to demonstrate Bane’s power.


Priests of Bane, known as Banites, are easily identified by their dark robes and the symbol of a black hand on a red field. They often engage in rituals that involve torture and sacrifice, demonstrating their ruthless devotion. Banites pray for their spells at midnight, pledging eternal loyalty to the Black Hand.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Bane’s followers often hold positions of power in tyrannical governments and organizations. They are respected and feared for their ruthless efficiency and ability to instill order through fear. Their influence is particularly strong in regions where oppression and strict control are prevalent. Bane is also the patron god of brutes and beserkers that make their living ravaging those that travel the more dangerous roads of Sylvestris.


Within Bane’s faith, several orders exist:
  • The Black Gauntlet: Elite enforcers of Bane’s will, often serving as inquisitors and executioners.
  • The Iron Fist: Militant followers who enforce Bane’s rule through martial prowess and fear tactics.
  • The Dark Enforcers: A clandestine group specializing in espionage and sabotage to undermine enemies of Bane.


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