The Chromatic Claw Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Chromatic Claw

Mythology & Lore

Tiamat, the five-headed queen of evil chromatic dragons, is a fearsome deity representing chaos, destruction, and greed. Each of her heads corresponds to one of the chromatic dragon types (black, blue, green, red, white), each possessing the respective powers and breath weapons of their type. Tiamat's immense, bloated body blends various dragon forms, creating a terrifying visage that strikes fear into all who behold her.

Divine Origins

Tiamat is one of the children of Io, the dragon creator deity, and the eternal rival of her brother Bahamut, who rules the good metallic dragons. She resides in Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells, where she commands legions of abishai and other infernal creatures. Tiamat's mythos includes various consorts and offspring, each contributing to her power and influence over evil dragons and other malevolent beings.

Tenets of Faith

  • Spread Chaos: Followers must work to destabilize order and spread chaos.
  • Amass Wealth: Accumulate treasure and wealth, as Tiamat covets riches.
  • Conquer and Destroy: Use strength and power to conquer foes and destroy enemies.
  • Honor Tiamat: Engage in rituals and sacrifices to show devotion and gain her favor.
  • Dominate and Subjugate: Use power to dominate others and assert control.


Followers of Tiamat value power, wealth, and chaos. They believe in using any means necessary to achieve their goals and spread Tiamat's influence. Acts of tyranny, destruction, and hoarding treasure are seen as virtuous.


Worship of Tiamat involves grand ceremonies with sacrifices, often of treasure or sentient beings. Temples dedicated to Tiamat are typically dark, cavernous spaces filled with riches and guarded by draconic creatures. In opposition to Bahamut who welcomes all, Tiamat very rarely takes in non-dragonborn into her following. Only those who truly prove themselves worthy of the cause are allowed in.


Tiamat's clergy are often powerful sorcerers and warlocks, wearing garb adorned with draconic motifs. They command respect and fear, often leading cults dedicated to her worship. Titles within the clergy reflect their hierarchy and power, with high-ranking priests known as Wyrmlords or Dragon High Priests.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Tiamat are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
  • Chromatic Breath: Channel the breath weapon of one of Tiamat’s heads.
  • Dragon’s Might: Gain the physical strength and resilience of a dragon.
  • Intimidating Aura: Instill fear in those around them.
  • Summon Draconic Minions: Call forth dragon-like creatures to serve them.
  • Wings of the Dragon: Manifest dragon wings to fly.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Tiamat's followers do not hold signicant influence in any region of Sylvestris. They are rumored to follow the guidance of any evil chromatic dragons they can find in hopes of receiving guidance to further develop their God-Queen's plans.


  • Within Tiamat’s faith, several orders exist:
  • Order of the Dragonfang: Warriors who serve Tiamat through acts of combat and conquest.
  • Cult of the Dragon: An infamous sect devoted to bringing about a world ruled by evil dragons.
  • Draconian Enforcers: Priests who maintain order and discipline within Tiamat's worshippers.


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