The Dark Sun Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Dark Sun

Mythology & Lore

Cyric, known as the Prince of Lies, is the god of murder, lies, intrigue, and deception. He embodies chaos and treachery, often reveling in the downfall of others through his cunning schemes. Cyric is typically depicted as a slim man in clownlike clothing with an inhumanly shaped mask.

Divine Origins

Cyric's rise to godhood began during the Time of Troubles, where he was a mortal thief who ascended to divinity after stealing the Tablets of Fate. He claimed dominion over murder, lies, and strife, often clashing with other deities such as Mystra and Kelemvor.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace Deception: Use lies and deceit to manipulate others and achieve your goals.
  • Foster Intrigue: Create and exploit schemes to gain power.
  • Spread Chaos: Disrupt order and stability to keep others off balance.
  • Honor Cyric: Offer daily prayers and sacrifices to show loyalty.
  • Seek Power: Continuously strive to increase your influence and control.


Followers of Cyric value deception, manipulation, and the spread of chaos. They believe in using any means necessary to achieve their goals and maintain power. Acts of treachery, assassination, and spreading falsehoods are highly esteemed.


Worship of Cyric involves nightly prayers and rituals that include blood sacrifices.


Cyric’s clergy, known as Cyricists, wear black or dark purple robes trimmed with silver. They often disguise themselves and use illusions to alter their appearance. Titles within the clergy include Dark Master, Hand of Cyric, Watchful Skull, and Dread Death, reflecting their positions and ambitions.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Cyric’s followers often hold positions of influence in societies where deceit and manipulation are prevalent. They work behind the scenes to control political and social events, using their cunning to gain power. Their influence is particularly strong in areas where chaos and intrigue thrive.


Within Cyric’s faith, several orders exist:
  • Company of the Ebon Spur: An emerging fighting order struggling with internal conflict.
  • Dark Emissaries: Agents who spread Cyric’s influence through deception and intrigue.
  • Hand of Cyric: Elite assassins who carry out Cyric’s will through murder and chaos.


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