The Deathbringers Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Deathbringers

Mythology & Lore

Bhaal, known as the Lord of Murder, is the god of death, decay, and murder. He is infamous for his cruelty and sadistic pleasure in causing death. Bhaal is typically depicted as a tall, skeletal figure cloaked in shadows, embodying the terror and inevitability of murder.

Divine Origins

Bhaal's worship began during his mortal days when he, along with Bane and Myrkul, sought to overthrow Jergal, the god of death. Bhaal chose the portfolio of murder, which suited his nature. His influence persisted through cults dedicated to spreading his reign of terror.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace Death: Accept and revel in the act of murder.
  • Spread Fear: Ensure that all fear the power of Bhaal.
  • Perform Duties: Serve as assassins and bringers of death.
  • Honor the Dead: Maintain proper rituals and respect for the act of killing.
  • Honor Bhaal: Offer daily prayers and sacrifices to show loyalty.


Followers of Bhaal value the inevitability of death and the power of murder. They believe in spreading fear and ensuring that all respect the power of death. Acts of assassination, ritualistic killings, and spreading terror are highly valued.


Worship of Bhaal involves daily prayers and rituals that include offerings of blood and sacrifices.


Bhaal’s clergy, known as Bhaalists, include novices referred to as Initiates and full priests called Deathbringers. They wear dark, foreboding robes and perform rituals involving blood and sacrifices to honor the act of murder and Bhaal.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Bhaal’s followers often operate in the shadows, influencing political events through assassination and terror. They are feared and respected for their ability to kill without warning. Their influence is strongest in areas where fear and death are prevalent.


Within Bhaal’s faith, several orders exist:
  • Deathbringers: Elite assassins who carry out Bhaal’s will.
  • Blood Hunters: Priests who track and sacrifice those marked by Bhaal.
  • Shadow Stalkers: Followers who use stealth and shadows to spread Bhaal’s influence.


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