The Guardians of the Vigil Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Guardians of the Vigil

Mythology & Lore

Helm, often known as the Watcher, is the epitome of vigilance and guardianship. He is revered by those who value duty, protection, and vigilance. Helm's teachings emphasize the importance of defending the weak and maintaining a constant watch.

Divine Origins

The worship of Helm began in ancient times when communities sought protection from external threats. His temples are often fortified structures, symbolizing his role as a guardian.

Tenets of Faith

  • Never Betray Your Trust: Always be vigilant and maintain the trust placed in you.
  • Protect the Weak: Defend those who cannot defend themselves.
  • Be Fair and Diligent: Carry out your duties with fairness and diligence.
  • Anticipate Attacks: Be prepared for any potential threats.
  • Care for Your Weapons: Maintain your equipment in top condition.
  • Obey Orders: Follow orders as long as they align with Helm's principles.


Followers of Helm are guided by a strict code of ethics emphasizing vigilance, duty, and protection. Acts of cowardice, betrayal, or negligence are severely punished.


Worship of Helm involves daily prayers upon waking and before sleeping. Major ceremonies include the Consecration of a Postulant, the Consecration of a Glymtul, the Purification, and the Holy Vigil.


Helm's priesthood is strict and militaristic, with a clear hierarchy. Titles include Novice, Adept, Trusty, Alert, Watchknight, Guardian, Overblade, and High Watcher. Priests are known for their discipline and unwavering commitment to their duties.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Helm are granted divine powers to aid in their mission:
  • Divine Shield: Create a protective barrier around themselves and others.
  • Watchful Eye: Detect hidden dangers and see through illusions.
  • Healing Touch: Heal wounds and cure diseases.
  • Guardian's Strength: Enhance physical strength and resilience.
  • Vigilant Ward: Set protective wards around an area.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Many guards, judges, and protectors in various communities worship Helm. His followers often hold significant influence in maintaining law and order, and their impartiality is widely respected. They don't have a particular national association. Followers of Helm become especially interested and involved when wrongdoings are commited that specifically target those of lower standing.


Within Helm’s faith, several orders exist:
  • Companions of the One True Vision: Loyal shock troops known for their bravery, often deployed in the most dangerous situations. They are a symbol of steadfastness and sacrifice.
  • Watchers over the Fallen: Clerics and healers dedicated to tending to the wounded on battlefields, ensuring that no warrior dies alone or in pain.
  • Everwatch Knights: Elite bodyguards hired by Helmite temples to generate revenue. They are highly skilled in combat and defensive tactics, ensuring the safety of their charges.
  • Vigilant Eyes of the God: Paladins dedicated to the eradication of evil and the protection of the innocent. They are known for their strict discipline and unwavering dedication to Helm’s ideals.


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