The Icebound Covenant Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Icebound Covenant

Mythology & Lore

Auril, known as the Frostmaiden, is the goddess of winter, cold, and frost. She is revered for her dominion over ice and winter's harshness, and she is often depicted as a beautiful woman with long white hair and transparent skin made of ice, wearing a flowing gown adorned with diamonds or ice. She is also known to appear as a large or huge sized owl.

Divine Origins

Auril's worship dates back to the centuries following the Heavenly Conquest, particularly in cold regions where winter's severity is a constant presence. Her temples are typically simple structures made of ice and snow, often located in remote, frigid areas. Her influence has waned and waxed over the centuries, but she remains a powerful deity feared and revered by those who endure the winter's harshness. Her following was particularly large during Drekar's initial attempts to colonize the Frigid Wastelands. Although Drekarians won't easily admit their failure, they still view Auril's harshness as one of the reasons for it.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the Cold: Endure and thrive in the cold, seeing it as a cleansing force.
  • Respect Winter: Honor the power of winter and the cold by performing rituals that celebrate its severity.
  • Quell Fire: Quench fire wherever it is found, as it opposes the natural order of winter.
  • Show No Mercy: Be ruthless and strong, demonstrating the harshness of winter in your actions.
  • Honor Auril: Offer daily prayers and rituals, especially during the winter months, to seek her favor.


Followers of Auril value strength, endurance, and the ruthless power of winter. They believe in the survival of the fittest and see the cold as a cleansing force. Acts of strength, endurance, and the promotion of winter’s harshness are highly regarded


Worship of Auril involves nightly prayers, particularly during winter, and rituals to honor the power of cold. Important ceremonies include the Midwinter Night festival, an all-night ice-dancing celebration, and the Embracing, a personal ritual where postulants run through a blizzard to prove their devotion.


Auril’s clergy, known as Icepriestesses and Icepriests, wear ice-white ceremonial robes with blue trim, cinched at the waist with wide silver belts. They carry ceremonial ice axes and often wear a silver circlet on their heads. Priests of Auril are known for their dire warnings of the wrath of Auril and their ability to cast cold-based spells.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Auril are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
  • Ice Storm: Call down a storm of ice and hail to damage and slow foes.
  • Frostbite: Inflict severe cold damage on enemies.
  • Cold Resistance: Gain immunity to cold and frost-based attacks.
  • Winter's Embrace: Create a protective barrier of ice.
  • Snowshroud: Conceal oneself in a cloak of snow and ice.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Auril’s followers often hold positions of influence in regions where winter is harsh and enduring. They are respected and feared for their control over the cold and their ability to bring winter’s wrath upon those who displease them. She has particularly strong influence among elves as they populate most of the lands controlled by Drekar.


Within Auril’s faith, several orders exist:
  • Cult of Frost: A group focused on acquiring the Ring of Winter, a powerful artifact.
  • Frost Witches: Wizards dedicated to the study of frost magic and known for their knowledge of the Codicil of White.
  • Sisters of Istishia: A cult that worships Istishia as a herald of cold, though this worship benefits Istishia more than Auril, leading to tensions within Auril’s clergy.


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