The Infernal Order Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Infernal Order

Mythology & Lore

Asmodeus, known as the Lord of the Nine Hells, is the most powerful of the archdevils and rules over Nessus, the deepest layer of Baator. He represents tyranny, domination, and the exploitation of the weak. Asmodeus is often depicted as a charismatic and imposing figure, typically appearing as a tall, red-skinned man with horns and a finely groomed beard, dressed in luxurious red and black robes.

Divine Origins

Asmodeus's worship began when he was an angel who fought demons from the Abyss. Over time, his methods and appearance became more demonic, leading to his fall from the Upper Planes. Asmodeus then established himself as the ruler of Baator by convincing the gods to sign the Pact Primeval, allowing him to punish wicked souls and extract power from them.

Tenets of Faith

  • Rule Through Strength: The strong should govern the weak, who owe their masters unwavering obedience.
  • Exploit and Control: Use negotiations and contracts to gain hidden advantages over others.
  • Demand Respect: Flattery and subservience are expected from those in inferior positions.
  • Honor Asmodeus: Engage in rituals and sacrifices to show loyalty and seek his favor.


Followers of Asmodeus value power, control, and the exploitation of the weak. They believe in ruling through fear and manipulation. Acts of tyranny, deceit, and strategic violence are considered righteous and necessary to maintain order and dominance.


Worship of Asmodeus involves daily prayers, rituals of dominance, and sacrifices to demonstrate loyalty and seek favor.


Asmodeus’s clergy wear red and black robes adorned with infernal symbols. They often carry items such as the Ruby Rod, symbolizing their connection to Asmodeus. Higher-ranking priests are given titles such as Hellfire Priest, Infernal Duke, and Dark Emissary, reflecting their status and proximity to their dark lord.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Asmodeus’s followers often hold influential positions in regions where fear and tyranny prevail. They manipulate political systems, enforce draconian laws, and maintain a network of spies and informants to ensure their control. Their influence is particularly strong in areas where the promise of power and protection can sway leaders and commoners alike.


Within Asmodeus’s faith, several orders exist:
  • Hellfire Priests: Clerics who specialize in wielding infernal fire and binding contracts.
  • Dark Emissaries: Agents who spread Asmodeus’s influence through diplomacy and deception.
  • Infernal Dukes: High-ranking priests who oversee the enforcement of Asmodeus’s will and maintain order within the cult.


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