The Painbringers Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Painbringers

Mythology & Lore

Loviatar, also known as the Maiden of Pain, is the goddess of agony, suffering, and torture. She embodies cruelty and the infliction of pain, and her followers seek to spread her teachings through acts of sadism and torment. Loviatar is typically depicted as a pale maiden dressed in white pleated armor, carrying a whip or scourge.

Divine Origins

Loviatar’s worship has ancient roots and is particularly strong in regions where pain and cruelty are common. Her church is relatively independent but often allies with other evil deities when it suits their mutual interests. Loviatar was once associated with Bhaal and Malar, and she has also been influenced by Shar. In sylvestris it is believed that she wishes to establish her own following and separate herself from other deities.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace Pain: Followers must not only endure pain but revel in it, using it as a tool for growth and power.
  • Inflict Suffering: Spread Loviatar’s teachings by causing pain and suffering to others.
  • Seek Pleasure in Pain: Find joy in the act of inflicting and receiving pain.
  • Honor Loviatar: Engage in regular rituals and sacrifices to demonstrate loyalty and devotion.


Followers of Loviatar value cruelty, discipline, and the power of pain. They believe in using pain as a means to achieve strength and control. Acts of torture, self-flagellation, and spreading fear are seen as righteous.


Worship of Loviatar involves daily rituals of self-flagellation and sacrifices.


Loviatar’s clergy, known as Loviates, wear high black boots, black choker gorgets, and long black gloves. They also don leather body harnesses and ritual robes lined with scarlet silk. Their weapons include saw-edged daggers and whips, with higher-ranking priests wielding more elaborate torture implements. Titles within the clergy range from Kneeling Ones (novices) to Truescar (highest rank).

Political Influence & Intrigue

Loviatar’s followers often hold positions of power in societies where cruelty and fear are prevalent. They use their influence to maintain control through terror and punishment, ensuring that their dominion remains unchallenged.


Within Loviatar’s faith, several orders exist:
  • Disciples of the White Rod: Monks who follow the Way of Transcendence, a philosophy centered on achieving enlightenment through pain.
  • Caressers of Terrors: Priests who specialize in causing psychological torment.
  • Whipmistresses/Whipmasters: Elite priests who lead rituals and enforce Loviatar’s will.


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