The Shadowed Knives Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Shadowed Knives

Mythology & Lore

Mask, known as the Lord of Shadows, is the god of shadows, thieves, and intrigue. He embodies the art of deception and stealth, often aiding those who seek to gain through cunning and trickery. Mask is typically depicted as a shadowy figure, his true form ever-changing and shrouded in mystery.

Divine Origins

Mask's worship began in the early days of civilization when thievery and subterfuge became prevalent. He rose to prominence among thieves and those who operated in the shadows, becoming a patron deity for those seeking to acquire wealth and power through deceit. Mask's influence waned after a series of misfortunes, including being deceived by Cyric, but he remains a significant figure among thieves.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace Stealth: Followers must master the arts of stealth and deception.
  • Acquire Wealth: Wealth rightfully belongs to those who can take it.
  • Manipulate and Deceive: Use cunning and manipulation to achieve goals.
  • Honor Mask: Engage in rituals and offerings to show loyalty and seek his favor.
  • Trust the Shadows: Operate within the shadows to avoid detection and gain advantage.


Followers of Mask value stealth, deception, and the acquisition of wealth through cunning. They believe in using manipulation and deceit to achieve their goals, viewing honesty as a tool for fools. Acts of thievery, trickery, and manipulation are seen as virtuous.


Worship of Mask involves nightly prayers and rituals conducted in darkness. Daily Sunset Prayers involve presenting coins to the clergy and worshiping before the Altar of the Masked God.


Mask's clergy, known as Maskarran, wear motley tunics and trousers with bright embroidery, covered by hooded gray cloaks to conceal their identities. They carry a variety of enchanted items and weapons to aid in their thievery. Titles within the clergy include Unproven (novices), Proven Brother/Sister, Veteran Brother/Sister, and Master Brother/Sister, with the highest-ranking priest known as Lord/Lady Master.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Mask's followers often hold positions of power in the criminal underworld, using their skills in thievery and deception to influence political and social events. They manipulate systems from the shadows, gaining wealth and power while remaining unseen.


Within Mask's faith, several orders exist:
  • Circle of the Gray Ribbon: Thieves who have pulled off particularly daring heists or manipulations.
  • Shadowmasters of Telflamm: Devout worshipers with an opulent temple within their guild hall.
  • Hidden Ones: High-ranking priests who maintain order and secrecy within the clergy.


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