Lyraik Variations

This article is a Work in Progress and will be finished soon™

Colour Variants

Lyraik colour and pattern variants are depicted as the male morphed form, as this is the one with the more detailed and ornamentally relevant plumage.



The dominant colouration of wild and feral lyraiks as well as most mutts.
Sable lyraiks are a pale brownish orange, sometimes with black or white fluffs at the base of the wings.
Lyraik male TB.png
Male morphed Lyraik by Naelin


Golden lyraiks range from bright yellow to dull champagne.
Pale golden is the preferred colouration for hunters, as they blend well with many terrains.


White lyraiks used to be relatively rare, but they gained popularity as they started being used to track and hunt creatures in white forests.
Their skin is usually quite paler than in lyraiks of other colours.
Lyraik MM White.png


Black and dark grey are a popular colour for guardian lyraiks.
They have the peculiarity of sometimes having very little variation in tone between the front and back halves.














Bright red colouration is very popular, but also extremely difficult to breed. Most babies of red parents end up being black or very dark red, so shiny red coats are coveted and usually reserved for the rich and powerful.


Albino lyraiks lack any colouration in their skin or feathers. They can be distinguished from white ones as they don't have any visible markings, they have pink eyes, and their skin is extremely pale.
They tend to have a delicate health and suffer from poor vision.

Pattern and coat variants



"Self" refers to the most normal pattern for lyraiks, with a solid colour at the front half and a lighter tone of that same colour on the back half. Self lyraiks have black tips on their small wings and a dotted pattern above their eyes.
Female morphs get a thick black band at the front of the arms and black-tipped feathers on the throat, while male morphs get a thin black band on the middle of the wing on the dorsal side, and black-tipped feathers on the back, from the top of the head to the hips.
Lyraik male TB.png
Male morphed Lyraik by Naelin
Female morphed Lyraik by Naelin
Lyraik, neuter aspect by Naelin


Pointer lyraiks have all the same markings as a self, with the addition of a completely black tip on their tail that covers all of the tail fan.
Tracker and kennet lyraiks generally have pointer tails, as they are trained to point up with their tails when they catch a prey or scent.


The seedling is a fancy variation of the lyraik's markings. They are covered in small black lines and dots through all of the front half both when neuter and when sexed.
The seedling pattern of markings is almost always accompanied by the long, flowy seedling coat.
Lyraik M Seedling.png


Spotted lyraiks have large splotches of white through their body both in the feathers and the skin. Their markings are not affected by them.
The spotted pattern might happen almost in any colouration, but it is more common in sable, brown and black lyraiks.




While common in black and white lyraiks, uniformly coloured coats are somewhat of a specialty in any other colour.
Unitone lyraiks have the same tone through all of their body, without getting lighter on the back half. Their markings are unaffected.



Lyraik, neuter aspect by Naelin
Female morphed Lyraik by Naelin
Lyraik male TB.png
Male morphed Lyraik by Naelin


Lyraik FM Seedling.png
Lyraik M Seedling.png




Uniformly coated lyraiks have no "division" in their middle area, meaning their feathers continue at the same lenght through their body. They skew towards shorter coats, but sometimes they end up being fluffy all around.
They might turn paler on the back half or also have an unitone pattern.





Alaunt (hunters of big game)

Chasehound (speed hunters of medium game)

Lyraik N Chasehound.png

Kennet (Hunters of small and burrowing prey)




Lyraik N Toy
Some male-morphed lyraik color patterns by Naelin

Eye colourations

Cover image: Lyraik Banner by Naelin


Author's Notes

This article answers the prompt N°5 of the Bestiary Challenge: "Colourful"

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Dec 9, 2023 09:22 by Simo

So many new colours and types! I want them all! Have the societarians been conscious breeders or do some of the type/colours suffer from the consequences of eccessive inbreeding and selection for extreme traits?