The <Lost> Decree to Open the Borders

This article is a Work in Progress and will be finished soon™
  Despite their excellent location between many of the Haan Archipelago's Trade Isles, the people from Stunveldt Island kept themselves shut off from the rest of the world for centuries in order to protect their cultural identity from outside influence, with the sole exception of their allies, the Ruhk.   During 2586 E.Alz the nation opened its borders to the rest of the archipelago, and their nation grew thanks to their exports of both natural resources and cultural products.  

The opening of the borders


The Decree



Present date

More than 430 years after they opened their borders to the rest of the archipelago, the inhabitants of the island of Stunveldt are still known to be distrustful of anything foreign to them. However, they are now a thriving community that receives visitors from many places, as they are the main producers of teobrew and its subproducts such as the drink of gods and chocolate.   Their secretive, distrustful nature and their distinctive traditions made their products very attractive to people from the rest of the Archipelago, who often see them as "exotic" and seek any Stunveldti thing they can get their hands on as novelties.
While disgusted by it, the Stunveldti had made a lot of wealth for their communities exporting souvenir versions of their traditional crafts, such as decorative Destiny's Guts decks and even fake admiration medleys.

Stunveldt Island by Naelin

Decree, Governmental
Authoring Date
2586 E.Alz

Cover image: Banner of Stunveldt by Naelin


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