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Kraken-like humanoids that live in the deeps of Hios.   This race is born with telepathic abilites and a natural skill to work strong Fennix.   The Octipon are hostile towards the Aquos, attacking them with brute force to steal their ore-mines.   With their four arms they are especially experienced in creating and maintaining small gadgets.

Basic Information


The Octipon have four arms and legs.
Three short tentacles protrude from her face. Beneath these tentacles is a sharp beak.

Ecology and Habitats

The Octipon live in the deeps seas, even deeper than the Aquos.
They used to live in small colonies up to 100 Octipon.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They eat meat and certain minerals.
They are said to even eat Aquos.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Every child is named after it's father or mother with the addtion of another vowel.
If the vowels exceed the number of four it is replaced with an X.
For example: Leooooo is written Lex, but is still called Leo.

Major Organizations

The Octipon are part of the Galactic Space Union Synergetica.

Courtship Ideals

Accused must take part in so-called mind battle.
By telepathy, messages are sent to him permanently. If he can hold out long enough, any charges will be dropped.

Average Technological Level

Invention of a clean-energy reactor that runs with gems.
Creation of Fennix-infused gadgets.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They aren't able to speak.
With the help of their natural telepathic ability they are able to communicate.
Besides words, older Octipon are also able to send images via telepathy.


Not that long ago, the Octipon lived in peace with the Aquos. When the fish-men discovered huge ore mines under their cities a civil war broke out.   The kraken-people want these mines for themselves to conduct research on the rare ores and gems that lie inside the underwater caves.   Because of their hunger of knowledge, the Octipon are known not to ask for permissions.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Octipon wage war against the Aquos.
100 years
Average Height
Average Weight
80 - 140 kg

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Jul 30, 2018 08:34

"Why not Zoidberg?" "Well, because this Zoidberg can melt your brain."   in the naming part you said "Every child is named after it's father or mother with the addtion of another vowel. " don't these names get sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long after some generations? How is this handled?   also you wrote "They aren't able to speak. With the help of their natural telepathic ability they are able to communicate." Even telepathically they have to use some kind of "words" how is that handles? Do they send images? Are the messages always in the language of the receiver? If so, how? Fennix?   A bit more info in general would be neat, like how they live (not only below the sea and so on but also their houses etc)