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Owlbear's Roost House Rules

The following are subject to change. Such will be annouced.


Tasha's Optional Rules
(Tasha's Cauldron of Everything)
Our campaigns use all Tasha's optional class rules.
Xanathar's Optional Rules
(Xanathar's Guide to Everything)
Our campaigns use all Xanathar's optional campaign rules, except 24 hours without sleep is DM's decsion regarding exhaustion depending on the action of the day.
Custom Books
As part of our campaigns, we additionally use content from a few non-WOTC sourcebooks. These include but are not limited to, Grim Hallow, Critical Role's Publications, and content from Pointy Hat. All copyright law is followed. If you as a player wish to use something from these books or any other, simply ask Owl!
(Player's Handbook 2024, Dungeon Master's Guide 2024, Monster Manual 2025) In regards to the updated core books, Owl will be making a decision for each book on how the group proceeds with using them. Player's Handbook After evaluating the new PHB, Owl decided that she will be allowing a mix of 2014 and 2024. There are rules and cavets that she has stipulated to players, but over all it's up to their preference. She will be treating this as any other expansion book. Beyond that, the only noticable decisions is that class and origin based decisions must be all one verision (expect subclasses that don't exist in the new book). Items will likely be using more the 2024 version more often. For more info, speak with Owl. Dungeon Master's Guide Unreleased Monster Manual Unreleased
Rule of Cool over Rules As Written
Simpler terms, if you want to do something, tell Owl, maybe we can make it work. Creativity is the only limit! This is flipped the otherway around as well. Owl will sometimes modify things to fit the lore or the game, she will try to call out the rule change, but it's impossible to know every single rule. Raise your concern if you have any.
Collaborative RP over Competitive RP
The DM and players are NOT competitors. We work together to tell an awesome story. There can be moments of shocking the DM with an idea, but scheming purely as a way to mess with the DM should not be the intention. If you want to try something creative and possibly excessively powergammy, just ask Owl. She can make it work without it ruining the fun for everyone.
Rewarded in moments of good roleplaying or clever actions. Also rewarded to realizing parts of one's backstory. Using a point of inspiration allows the player a second chance at their dice roll, all bonuses included, OR imposing a reroll on an enemy.
Initially sanity is based on the player's highest mental stat (If Wis is 18, sanity is 18). Whenever the DM decides it is appropiate, the player rolls a sanity roll (with a modifer of their current sanity). The DM will roll a base d20 for the DC. On a failure, the player will choose to either lower their sanity by 1 or suffer an effect. There are ways to restore sanity, players must discover it in the world.
Healing Potions (Out of Combat)
When taking a Healing Potion out of combat, it is maxed. So, for example, a Healing Potion heals for 2d4+2. We just max it, so it heals for 10HP. This is because you can take the time to fully drink the potion.

Actions and Combat

Flanking provides a +3 bonus to your roll, not advantage. Melee only.
Using Healing Potions
(Adapted from Matt Mercer)
A Character can consume a Healing Potion as a Bonus Action. Giving someone ELSE a Healing Potion must be used as an Action. Roll as normal.
Shapes & Movment
We're using circles and cones instead of strange shapes. Simply use the Roll20 as your guide. Movement is based on what's listed as well. Movement on the diagonal is treated as standard DnD. Note, as per XGE, if any part of the shape hits the square, any creatures on that tile are affected.
580ft/6sec not instant. Though you may use your reaction to attempt to help yourself.
Jumping is stanard DnD rules, but you may try to risk it with a Strength (Athletics) check. Bonus Action as an Action You may use any spell, ability, etc. listed as a bonus action as an action instead.
Nat20 Skill Checks and Nat1 in Combat
If you roll a Nat20 on a skill check, it will be a success, though it may not always be as you described as to keep things realistic and probable. The inverse is true with Nat1s on skill checks as well. Additionally, if a Nat1 is rolled in combat, you may face complications from your failure to attack.
(DM's Guide [pg 271])
A creature can use a weapon attack to knock a weapon or another item from a target's grasp. The attacker makes an attack roll contested by the target's Strength (Athletics) check or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If the attacker wins the contest, the attack causes no damage or other ill effect, but the defender drops the item.

The attacker has disadvantage on its attack roll if the target is holding the item with two or more hands. The target has advantage on its ability check if it is larger than the attacking creature, or disadvantage if it is smaller.
HP to 0 Effects
(Falky's Creation)
When you are brought up from healing, rolling death saving throws, or whatever it may be, you may start to feel the effects of the near-death experience. After the third time falling down and coming back up, you take a point of exhaustion when you pop up for each time you are down and up again. This exhaustion is removed the normal way. Death saving throws are additionally to DM only.
Grave Wounds & Disfigurement
(Adpated from Grim Hallow [pg 215] & and the DM's Guide 2014 [pg 266])
Grave Wounds occur when a character takes half of their total hitpoints in a single attack. These wounds manifest as large scale heamorging, a concussion, broken bones, and similar injuries. The DM will advise what this means for the character, but simple healing spells will not suffice. Injuries such as these will likely need time or high level magic to correct. Complications from the wound can arrise if the character contiously pushes their limits whilst wounded.

Disigurement, also known as permendant injuries, are situationational and will lead to long term changes to the character. For this reason, it is up to the roleplayer if they wish to subject their character to such. When a grevious wound is inflicted, the DM will ask the player if they'd like such a disfigurement. If so, the two will make a decision on this. Such disfigurement can only be solved by high level magic such as regenerate.
Pushing Beyond One's Limits
(Adapted from an anonymous Redditor's idea.)
A character may need to push beyond their limits to accomplish their goals and may sacrifice their physical wellbeing (via exhaustion) in exchange for another use of an ability or spell. To do this, the character will make a Constitution Save against a DC 12 + Prior Exhaustion Level + Unique Modifer. On success, the character takes half (rounded UP) of the Unique Modifer in exhaustion levels and full on a fail. This Unique Modifier is determined by the ability being attempted:
  • Spellcasting: +1 per Spell Level
  • Ki or Psi Points: +1 per Point
  • Action Surge or Rage: +2 per Use
Note, the ability or spell must be used right away and this rule cannot be used as a way to restore spell slots, resources, or ability uses.
Stealth Movement in Combat
To balance stealthing into combat or moving around we have an added rule for moving when hidden. If you already hidden (via the Hide action) or stealth into combat and choose to move, you must sacrifice half your movement to remain hiding (whether this is successful or not, is based on the initial stealth roll and passive perceptions). If you are proficent in Stealth (Dexterity), you do not have to take the movement penalty. Moving out of cover into line of sight of the creature risks the chance of you being seen. This will depend on the creature's Passive Perception (Wisdom) and your Stealth (Dexterity) roll. The DM will decide the outcome. Rules for Hide, Unseen Attackers and Targets, and Surprise remain the same.

Spells and Arcana

Teleportation across a plane or to other planes has additional complications to how it must be completed, this is outlined in Teleportation and Planes of Existence somewhat, but will be explained further when the time arises. Also, teleportation circles can connect, instead of having to be drawn if there's already a circle.
Passive Arcana
(Inspired by Falky's Creation and Xanathar's Guide to Everything)
In combat or otherwise, to identify what spell is being cast, one must be knowledgeable in magic. In order to identify a spell being cast passively the creature trying to identify must have a Passive Arcana score of 15 + the spell being cast's level. Passive Arcana is determined by the character's Arcana score. For example if a wizard has a +8 to Arcana, their passive score is 15 + 8 = 23 and would be able to identify spells of 8th level or lower as they are being cast. If they do not posses a Passive Arcana high enough to be able to identify the spell then they will need to use their reaction to make an Arcana check to attempt to identify the spell (DC 15 + level of spell). As per XGE, if the spell is on the spell list of the character, they make this check at advantage.

Passive Arcana will also apply to using the spell identify to determine the current spells afflicting an individual. To, do so, it will be DC 15 + (Level of the Spell).
Curse Clensing
Clensing a curse may not be as simple as the use of Greater Restoration, there may be additional complications depending on the curse and who is casting it.
Attunement might require more than just a long rest. Some may have further quests to be able to unlock the magics within. The reason will almost always be based on the weapons identity. The higher the rarity of the item, the harder it is to attune with it.
Magic Item Identifying
The rule for a short rest won't always apply to an item you have or want to identify. This places more onus on players to find people to identify their items. Attunement with an item will also reveal its identity. The spell Nondetection does affect the ability to cast identify. Finally, curses on weapons can be obscured from view, only a high level Identify spell or a high roll on an arcana check will determine if a weapon is cursed. Even then it can still fail.  
Item RarityAdditional Restrictions
Common Short rest by an individual of an intelligence over 10 or an Identify spell at 1st level
Uncommon Short rest by an individual who must pass a DC 14 Arcana check or an Identify spell at 1st level
Rare Short rest by a proficient individual who must pass a DC 16 Arcana check or an Identify spell at 2nd level
Very Rare An Identify spell at 3nd level.
Legendary An Identify spell at 4rd level.
Artifact (Varies based on the power of the item): An Identify spell at 5th level. Vestige-like items that level up can only be identified at their current status. Attuned creatures will automatically learn of the new details upon change in status. Death
Back from the Dead
To bring someone back from the dead, additional rules exist. See Death for basic lore here. This will become clear the first you try it. A spell to bring someone back from the dead may not always work (if the casting time is beyond 1 action). Additionally, reincarnation has an expanded table. We'll discuss level differences if need be.


Modified Stat Blocks
I've likely changed a creature stat block to make an encounter more exciting. I may be using homebrew monsters. I may be using third-party monsters. Spells will most often be the same, but those can change too. Nothing will be overpowered by intent. They're designed to make interesting combat and stories.

CATS HAVE DARKVISION. Because why wouldn't they.
Modified Items
The world sometimes makes amendments to items to fit the lore or player. If there's an item you feel this is unfairly done to, please raise your concern.
Guns and Airships
Guns and airships don't properly exist in this world as of yet. Gunpower is extremely new and no one has properly weaponized it yet. Airships may come at some point if we dive into Spelljammer, but for the time being, the world of Synk does not have such ships.
If you're deadset on either guns for your story, talk to Owl and we can make it work. They will likely be from the age of warforged and gods or something gnomish made. If we can't, Owl wants to run Candela Obscura at some point and you can shoot to your heart's content.
Playable Species, Gods, and Other Lore
This world has unique backgrounds on various species. Going off of the official 5e rules will likely contradict what you find. Looking in the Encyclopedia in the "Sapient Species" section will have more information (on appearance and location) on the general idea for you and your species of choice. There are some homebrew species mixed in those lists that you can play as well. If it sounds cool to you and want to play it, ask Owl (Most notable are additional sub-species, Gloaming, and Feyline). See, Playable Species for more information. Languages should always be ran by Owl first as this world has unique languages. Owl will let you know of any other changes to species that aren't listed once you inform her of your choice. If you need more or one is missing, it likely is hidden, contact Owl. For gods, see the deities category to understand how they are represented here.
Species, Background, and Class Flare
If you want your species, class, or spells to be modified to fit your character better, just speak with Owl.
Character Creation and Advancement
Character creation rules are unique, see the Player Handbook category for more information. You are to do the dice roll method. You get one group reroll and you may set one of your scores to 17, if you do not roll a 17 or 18. Leveling up uses the average dice score. Leveling up will occur in moments of triumph and where it makes sense in the story.


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