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Planes of Existence

About the Planes

Planes of Existance are set divisions of the very place things reside and exist. The main planes, known as Principal Planes, are further arranged by three main groupings: Outer, Prime, & Lower. These groupings are determined by the position of the planes along the fifth dimension of space; The center of which for these is the Material Plane. The exception to these three groups are Transient Planes which move through various planes like a river through cities or an ocean around islands. It is unknown whether or not Planes are continuous in whatever dimension the universe resides in, but regardless, the common way to divide Planes is based on the leyline energy type in the plane and the necessary use of spells or special portals to traverse from one to another, even for the greatest levels of lifeforms.

Each plane typically has similar creatures, landscapes, and general disposition, differentiating it from other planes. The exception to this is the Material Plane which has a wide variety of locations, peoples, and vibes.

Principal Planes exist in three dimensions of space, where as Transient Planes exist in five. Some scholars will insist that Transient Planes have a further subset called Fundamental Planes, but it's generally accepted that this is an overcomplication. These Fundamanetal Planes, the Astral Sea and Etheral Plane, exist only in four dimensions, which is why some make this distinction. Yet in reality the disinction is only necessary to separate the planes in similar dimensions to the Material Plane, Principal Planes, and those that are not, Transient Planes. This is because it is theorized that no creature exists in more than three dimensions, not even the gods.  


Demiplanes are pockets within full planes that are wholy contained in the parent plane. More than often they are highly unstable and collapse in on themselves when created. They're often intentionally created for magical testing, living in, or storage. Those accidently created are often done so by unstable magics.  

Traversing the Planes

The Leylines run through all the planes. Travel is believed to be done along the leylines. Previously leylines tore holes into the Astral Plane creating portals (known as color pools), these have since closed with the World Tree's emergence. Nowadays, more dangerous methods have emerged to see the planes; however, it's been noted that since this change, beings of immense power, such as the gods, no longer can traverse the planes beyond their own.  

Portals & Teleportation

The most well known, but dangerous method of traversing the planes is opening a small portal or transporting oneself. A portal creates a tunnel between one location and another, sometimes venturing through other planes whilst doing so. Time in the portal depends on the distance between locations and the type of spells used. Permanent portals are possible but require an anchor of deity levels of power to anchor the portal, even then, it has limitations. The most successful place in creating such permanent portals is Sigil due to its location.

Portals require the right frequency, positioning, items, and tonality to open. The opening of such portals can vary method to method, but the underlying reliance on frequency is key. Items such as tuning forks can speed up this extensive process. Such rituals or spells can theoretically be done wherever, but it is risky to travel the planes without experience. Even the use of spells are seen as risky. Portals too big or open too long are subject to being torn apart by the roots or branches of the Word Tree. Specifics vary from plane to plane and it is advised one studies hard before attempting such a journey.

Teleportation is very similar, but is much easier than portals. Teleportation is conducted via the various leylines around the planes. Skilled magi will utilize known locations and anchors to tie their magic to move themselves or others. Teleportation is extremely useful but extremely dangerous. Typically, only those proficient in the arcane arts are allowed to utilize these limited networks. With the aid of runestones, one can travel via leylines, but the components of making such are extremely expensive and rare. Typically made out of leyite. This is why teleportation infrastructure exists, but it's not used for mundane things like regular transport or troop transport. Mishap with teleportation could mean death or far far worse. Common folk often believe that teleportation is used all the time, but in reality the use is extremely limited. Simpler magics like Feystep or Misty Step are not classified as teleportation but rather like a bungee jump; the energy required to push oneself in, also pulls them out. There is little way around this.  

Traversing to the Feywild & Shadowfel from the Material Plane

Travel to the Feywild or Shadowfel from the Material Plane is by far the easiest method of transportation between two planes. In fact, it's well documented that people often accidently end up in one of these planes for various reasons. This was due to the distance between realms being exceptionally thin in certain locations. These naturally occuring openings are called crossings or crossroads. Furthermore, on one day of the year the distance between the Material and other realm is so close that strange occurances happen all over the Material plane. These two days are Fey Day and Hallow's Eve for the Feywild and Shadowfel, respectively.

Examples of fey crossroads may include a circle of mushrooms, a naturally formed arch in a tree, or even a rabbit's hole. Examples of Shadowfel crossroads may include an open grave, a bog cloaked in fog, or a bloody battlefield. These are far far from the only examples and instances. These openings may be open one day and closed another. As so many different types exist and move, it is impossible to catalogue them all. This is why they are not known as portals but crossroads. Not a tunnel, but an intersection. Portals to the other Prime realms are possible, but require similar effort as previously mentioned.

Returning to the Material plane is often done in a similar fashion as entered, but can change and warp depending how the individual interacts with the other plane.  

Elemental Rifts

The Rifts are tears in the fabric of reality from where the Inner Planes intersect with the Material Plane. These Rifts are highly unstable and dangerous. They're the result of the Prime Elementals sundering the Material Plane itself. This is not the entrance to such planes from the Styx, however, but the river still has connections to the elemental planes in other locations. These are also not classified as portals as they are less like a tunnel and more like a landslide into the other realm.  

Transient Planes

River Styx

The most concentrated flow of the leylines is colloquially known as the River Styx which flows from the center of leyline energy through all the planes. The Styx takes many forms across the planes and is not always a river. Traversing the river is sometimes called the "easiest" way to traverse the planes, as it is the only known permanent, fixed, and traversible connection across all the planes; however, with the planting of the World Tree, some of those connections have been affected.

Directly touching the river has wildly varying effects, but it's generally accepted that doing so has ill effects. Typically anyone who traverses it uses a ferryman to do so; however, passage is very rarely granted to anyone but the dead. Self made transportation is possible, but extremely rare and risky. Risk not only for the integrity of the craft, but also for the fact that the ferrymen do not take kindly to living travelers.  

Ethereal Plane & Astral Sea

Two sides of the same coin, the Etheral Plane and Astral Sea are accessed and left in pretty much the same way: magic. Spells such as Astral Projection do not classify as a full teleportation to the plane as ones mind AND body do not attend the journey. These two planes intersect with the three Prime planes and their respective set of planes; Outer for the Astral Sea and Inner for the Ethereal Plane. It is easier to access these realms initially, but take much effort to get to another plane from the origin. This is often the choice for those unfamilar with high level portal magics.  

Time Stream & Dream Realm

Whilst travel along these planes are theoretically possible, there is little to no documentation on the matter. The Time Stream remains too volitile to move along it willingly. So much so that even gods cannot handle the amount of power. The Dream Realm is a bit more forgiving, but is constantly changing shape and direction based on mortal thoughts. Conciousness can easily enter, but it's unknown how to even physically enter the Dream Realm for any creature other than Quori, let alone control movement across it. It needs to be noted that simply sleeping does not mean one's conciousness enters a dreamstate. Sleep occasionally acts as a way to move to other planes in one form or another, like the Fey Realm.  

Multi-Planar Features

World Tree

The world tree, Den'tras, is a multi-planar tree which reaches every principal and transiant plane of existance. Its branches reach out to the Outer Planes and its roots reach to the Inner Planes. Most notable, the trunk of the tree reaches to the Shadowfel and Feyrealm. Entrances to other planes is extremely difficult if one tries to follow the tree. Nevermind the wonky gravity, strange interaction with light, and wild creatures. Most certanily, large creatures from either side find an impossible task in trying to use the World Tree as a conduit of transportation. If one is lucky, it is said the transfer is instant, no portal, but rather a seemless transition.

Saplings of the world tree can share similar properties to the main tree. Piercing several planes, but rarely do. It's unsure why the saplings and main tree cross into so many planes. Furthermore, it's unsure why it is the world tree that prevents large portals or some teleportation attempts. Ancient records found indicate that the world tree itself isn't exceptionally old.

Surrounding the world tree are four zones. Each of which mimic a seaon. This is believed to be due to the connection to the feywild, but its not confirmed. The branches and leaves allow sunlight to pass through and at night, countless stars can be seem among the canopy.  

Mount Olympus

The multi-planar tall mountain pierces a couple of planes of existance along its peaks. The summit of the mountain reachs Arborea, the Olympian Glades of and one of its highest peaks reaches Elysium, the Blessed Fields. At its base, several caverns decend into the planes of Carceri, The Tarterian Depths of, Gehenna, The Bleak Eternity, and Hades, the Grey Wastes of. Parts of the Mountain also reach the Material Plane and the other Prime Planes. Finally, parts of the River Styx wrap along the slopes of the mountain.

The mountain itself resides in the Lofos Mountains of Kyrias on Synk. Along the mountain side, one may find various temples to different deities. Climbing the mountain is near impossible for most mortals. Attempting to cross to the other planes proves even more difficult as the openings are not always open. Riddles and legends were made by those attempting to cross. Telling tales of when one may be able to move across the openings. Unlike a portal, this mountain pierces the planes itself, allowing one to instantly move through to the other plane if open. Similar to portals though, these openings often are clogged with roots or branches of the world tree. Furthermore, traversing these openings is impossible for gods and powerful beings. It is unknown how this mechanism works, but the openings appear to have a limit on energy when open.

The origin of the mountain is unknown, but it is said to be older than the world tree. Legends also tell of how gods used to come down from the mountain to visit mortals. Slyphs, satyrs, and other extraplanar beings can be found along the slopes of the mountains.  


Prime Planes


Outer Planes


Inner Planes


Transient Planes


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