Animal Handler

Your bond with creatures is far improved beyond the normal tamer or beast master.
  • You gain Proficiency in the Animal Handling Skill; if you are already Proficient in this skill you intead gain Expertise in this skill. Additionally, you gain Proficiency in Trapper's Tools. If you are already Proficient in these tools you instead gain Expertise in these tools. If you have Expertise in either of these, you instead gain Proficiency in another Skill or Toolkit of your choice.
  • Pets under your control increase their Loyalty by an amount equal to 5 + your Proficiency bonus in the Tamer's Toolkit.
  • You can control an additional number of Pets equal to half of your Proficiency bonus. Whenever you give a command, you can give the same command to some or all Pets under your control, or you can give different commands to individual Pets under your control; however, if you do so, you increase the DC of each command given by 4 per additional command.
  • Pets that you have Trained gain an additional number of Starting Tricks known equal to half of your Proficiency bonus. Additionally, these pets increase their Tricks known maximum by your Proficiency bonus.
  • Finally, you increase the maximum CR of Pet that you can control by your Proficiency bonus.


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