
You are an able physician, allowing you to mend wounds quickly and get your allies back in the fight. You gain the following benefits:


  • You gain proficiency in either the Medicine skill or Surgery Supplies. Choose one that you are proficient in, you gain Expertise in this skill or tool kit.
  • When you use a healer's kit or surgery supplies to stabilize a dying creature, that creature also regains 1 hit point. This benefit does not apply on Medicinal Reagent uses.
  • As an action, you can spend one use of a healer's kit to tend to a creature and restore 1d6 + 4 hit points to it, plus additional hit points equal to the creature's maximum number of Hit Dice. The creature can't regain hit points from this feature again until it finishes a short or long rest.
  • You gain a pool of Medicinal Reagents equal to your Proficiency bonus in both the Medicine skill and Surgery Supplies combined. You can spend these Medicinal Reagents to provide non-magical healing or restoration. You regain expended Medicinal Reagents after completing a Long Rest. You can use your Medicinal Reagents in the following ways:

Medicinal Reagents

First Aid

  • Range: Creature touched
  • Application Time: 1 Action
  • Duration: Instantaneous
With some skill and the right tool you can mend minor wounds. Spend one Medicinal Reagent and a charge from your Healer's Kit. Make a Medicine check, with a DC of 10, on success the target is restored for 1d8 + your Proficiency bonus points of damage. This healing cannot target a Construct. A creature healed in this way while dying remains unconscious for the standard duration as if stabilized unless healed through magical healing, through a Medicinal Reagent that can restore a dying creature to consciousness, or through another ability or feature that restores hit points to a creature.

Remove Sickness

  • Range: Creature touched
  • Application Time: 1 Action
  • Duration: Instantaneous
You remove feelings of illness and nausea in the target, spend one Medicinal Reagent and a charge from your Healer's Kit, and choose either Sickened or Nauseated. Make a Medicine check, with a DC equal to the DC of the effect that caused the chosen condition, on success the target can make a new check against the Condition at advantage to end the condition early.

Delay Poison

Range: Creature touched Application Time: 1 Full Round (Bonus Action, Action, Movement). Duration: 1 Hour If the target is currently affected by a Poison, Spend two Medicinal Reagents and a charge from your Healer's Kit, make a Medicine check, with a DC equal to the DC of the Poison, on success the target becomes temporarily immune to the Poisoned condition, and resistant to Poison damage, the target receives a new save against any poison currently affecting them, this new save is made at advantage. If the target is not currently affected by a Poison, make a Medicine check with a DC of 15. Any poison to which the target is exposed to during this abilities duration does not affect the subject until this abilities duration has expired, at which point it is applied as normal, as if the poison was just applied.

Rapid Care

  • Range: Creature touched
  • Application Time: 1 Full Round (Bonus Action, Action, Movement).
  • Duration: Instantaneous
With some skill and the right tool you can mend light wounds. Spend two Medicinal Reagents and a charge from your Healer's Kit. Make a Medicine check, with a DC of 15, on success the target is restored for 3d8 + your Proficiency bonus points of damage. This healing cannot target a Construct. A creature healed in this way while dying remains unconscious for the standard duration as if stabilized unless healed through magical healing, through a Medicinal Reagent that can restore a dying creature to consciousness, or through another ability or feature that restores hit points to a creature.

Adrenaline Shot

  • Range: Creature touched
  • Application Time: 1 Full Round (Bonus Action, Action, Movement).
  • Duration: Instantaneous
You remove feelings of lethargy and weakness in the target, spend two Medicinal Reagent and a charge from your Healer's Kit. Make a Surgery Supplies check, with a DC equal to the DC of the effect that caused the chosen condition, or 15 in the case of an effect without a DC tied to it, on success the target is cured of any Drained or Fatigued condition currently affecting it. If the target is currently suffering from ability damage done to either its Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution scores, it receives a new save against the DC that caused this damage to end the damage early, this save is made only for a single instance of damage.

Intensive Care

  • Range: Creature touched
  • Application Time: 1 Full Round (Bonus Action, Action, Movement).
  • Duration: Instantaneous
With some skill and the right tool you can mend moderate wounds. Spend two Medicinal Reagents and two charges from your Healer's Kit. Make a Surgery Supplies check, with a DC of 15, on success the target is restored for 2d8 + double your Proficiency bonus points of damage. This healing cannot target a Construct.

Treat Disease

  • Range: Creature touched
  • Application Time: 1 minute per Disease affecting the target.
  • Duration: Instantaneous
You can attempt to treat a diseased creature of their affliction. Spend two Medicinal Reagents and two charges from your Healer's Kit, and choose a single disease that you are aware of currently affecting the target. Make a Surgery Supplies check, with a DC equal to the DC of the disease, on success the target can make a new check against the Disease at advantage, on success the disease is treated for the day, with this counting towards the number of successes required to cure the disease, on failure nothing happens. A creature can only be effected by this feature once per 24-hour period. Since this abilities duration is instantaneous, it does not prevent reinfection after a new exposure to the same disease at a later date.

Surgical Care

  • Range: Creature touched
  • Application Time: 1 minute
  • Duration: Instantaneous
With some skill and the right tool you can mend serious wounds. Spend three Medicinal Reagents and two charges from your Healer's Kit. Make a Surgery Supplies check, with a DC of 20, on success the target is restored for 6d8 + double your Proficiency bonus points of damage. This healing cannot target a Construct.


  • Range: Creature touched
  • Application Time: 5 minutes
  • Duration: Instantaneous
You are able to bring life back into a recently slain creature, so long as all of their important bodily features are intact. Choose a creature that has died within the last minute. Spend four Medicinal Reagents and four charges from your Healer's Kit for every death save failed, -1 for every death save success that the target has. Make a Surgery Supplies check, with a DC of 20 + 2 per time the target has been Resurrected, if all checks are successful the target comes back to life, stable, but unconscious at 0 hit points. This ability cannot target an Undead or Construct.   For example, if a creature with 1 success and 3 failures on their death saves, has died no more than 1 minute ago, you would be able to attempt this ability on them, make 2 Surgery Supplies checks, both at DC 20, if both succeed the ability is successful.
Author: modified Core by SerNurp


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