Lifestyle Expenses and Upkeep

Lifestyle Expenses

Lifestyle expenses provide you with a simple way to account for the cost of living in a fantasy world. They cover your accommodations, food and drink, and all your other necessities. Furthermore, expenses cover the cost of maintaining your Equipment so you can be ready when adventure next calls.
  • Those that must travel from place to place must draw from the Travel column for their lifestyle expenses. While a character that owns their residence would draw from the Upkeep column. Lastly, those that neither own, nor travel draw from the Rent column to determine their lifestyle expenses. You must own your own dwelling Structure or Vehicle with a rest-capable component to be considered able to select the Upkeep column.
  • Adventurers use the Travel column, unless they have secured a place to Rent or one that they own, in which case they can use either Rent or Upkeep as appropriate.
  • Civilians use the Rent column, unless they have traveled for half or more of the base alloted downtime days in at least one of the Downtime drops in the previous Upkeep period or if they own their own place of residence, in which case they use the Travel or Upkeep as appropriate.
Your lifestyle choice can have consequences. Maintaining a wealthy lifestyle might help you make contacts with the rich and powerful, though you run the risk of attracting thieves. Likewise, living frugally might help you avoid criminals, but you are unlikely to make powerful connections.

Lifestyle Levels

Wretched -- -- --
Squalid 6sp 15sp 3gp
Poor 15sp 3gp 6gp
Modest 3gp 6gp 15gp
Comfortable 6gp 15gp 30gp
Wealthy 15gp 30gp 60gp
Aristocratic 30gp 60gp 120gp


You live your life devoid of any pleasantries, or even basic necessities for that matter.
  • This is considered a Lower-Class Lifestyle. You cannot Carouse with higher social classes while living this lifestyle, unless you are disguised.
  • You gain Advantage on checks made to blend into a crowd or to go unnoticed by bystanders when in a city.
  • You increase your Comfort level by 10 in any place that you Reside, such as any Structure that you rent or call home, or any Inn that you stay at, player-owned or otherwise, or even when sleeping in the wilds or on the street.
  • You are able to find comfort anywhere, each Upkeep Phase you gain an additional number of Downtime Days equal to 1/10th of your Comfort score. These downtime days are otherwise treated like any other Downtime Day.
  • The time it takes to use the Shopping or Mercantilism activity is increased by 1 Day.
  • While traveling in seedier parts of cities or on unscrupulous roads, you are less likely to be subject to robbery, or similar complications and events. Whenever checking to see if such an event occurs, roll twice and take the result less likely to achieve such a complication.
  • You may potentially be subjected to any Wretched Lifestyle events that occur during the Upkeep Phase.


You live your life with the barest of necessities, barely scraping by you often go hungry or make do with simple foods of brothy water with a few herbs or on special occassions perhaps a slab of meat or some potatoes in the pot.
  • This is considered a Lower-Class Lifestyle. You cannot Carouse with higher social classes while living this lifestyle, unless you are disguised.
  • You increase your Comfort level by 10 in any place that you Reside, such as any Structure that you rent or call home, or any Inn that you stay at, player-owned or otherwise.
  • While traveling in seedier parts of cities or on unscrupulous roads, you are less likely to be subject to robbery, or similar complications and events. Whenever checking to see if such an event occurs, roll twice and take the result less likely to achieve such a complication.
  • You may potentially be subjected to any Lower-Class Lifestyle events that occur during the Upkeep Phase.


For the lower class, you are living the best that you can, eating out on rare occassions, and most of the time enjoying often meals that you've caught yourself with some items bought at the shop to add some flavor to your dishes. You rest with a decent enough bed, albeit not the most comfortable, and you may in fact have more than a couple outfits that you can wear.
  • This is considered a Lower-Class Lifestyle. You cannot Carouse with members of the Upper-class while living this lifestyle, unless you are disguised.
  • You increase your Comfort level by 20 in any place that you Reside, such as any Structure that you rent or call home, or any Inn that you stay at, player-owned or otherwise.
  • You gain +2 Influence in your current Region or a Faction that you have Influence in. This is given once each Upkeep Phase that you hold this lifestyle, and is given at time of Upkeep drop.
  • You may potentially be subjected to any Lower-Class Lifestyle events that occur during the Upkeep Phase.


Just entering into the middle-class, you have multiple outfits that can be worn, perhaps have more than a single chamber in your place of residence, and often live on differying meals with flavor and variety, while resting in a moderately comfortable bed.
  • This is considered a Middle-Class Lifestyle. You cannot Carouse with members of the Upper-class while living this lifestyle, unless you are disguised.
  • You increase your Comfort level by 20 in any place that you Reside, such as any Structure that you rent or call home, or any Inn that you stay at, player-owned or otherwise.
  • You gain +4 Influence in your current Region or a Faction that you have Influence in. This is given once each Upkeep Phase that you hold this lifestyle, and is given at time of Upkeep drop.
  • You are subjected to any Middle-Class Lifestyle events that occur during the Upkeep Phase.


Now living a comfortable life, there's not much that you truly need to survive at this point, but well there's certainly things that you want. You sleep in comfortable beds, dine on decent meals, have multiple outfits if not an entire wardrobe of clothes that you could wear for various occassions, all in all you are well off and it shows.
  • This is considered a Middle-Class Lifestyle.
  • You increase your Comfort level by 30 in any place that you Reside, such as any Structure that you rent or call home, or any Inn that you stay at, player-owned or otherwise.
  • You gain an additional +1 HP per Hit Die rolled whenever you would complete a Short Rest in which you have spent Hit Dice.
  • You gain +6 Influence in your current Region or a Faction that you have Influence in. This is given once each Upkeep Phase that you hold this lifestyle, and is given at time of Upkeep drop.
  • You may potentially be subjected to any Middle-Class Lifestyle events that occur during the Upkeep Phase.


Entering into the upper class, you live a comfortable life, multiple outfits or even closets lay at your disposal, the food you dine upon is of fine quality, you oft-times have servants waiting on you and sleep in only comfortable beds and inns.
  • This is considered an Upper-Class Lifestyle. Attempts to Carouse with members of the Lower-class while living this lifestyle suffer from Disadvantage, unless you are disguised.
  • You increase your Comfort level by 50 in any place that you Reside, such as any Structure that you rent or call home, or any Inn that you stay at, player-owned or otherwise.
  • You gain an additional +2 HP per Hit Die rolled whenever you would complete a Short Rest in which you have spent Hit Dice.
  • You double the benefits of the Recuperating Downtime action.
  • You gain +8 Influence in your current Region or a Faction that you have Influence in. This is given once each Upkeep Phase that you hold this lifestyle, and is given at time of Upkeep drop.
  • While traveling in seedier parts of cities or on unscrupulous roads, you are more likely to be subject to robbery, or similar complications and events. Whenever checking to see if such an event occurs, roll twice and take the result more likely to achieve such a complication.
  • You may potentially be subjected to any Upper-Class Lifestyle events that occur during the Upkeep Phase.


Living not only an upper-class life, but like a king, or at least like a member of the higher courts, you live a lavish lifestyle with feasts and parties abound, you rest in only the most comfortable of beds and wear only the most fashionable clothing, the food upon which you dine is of the finest quality and to do less would be an insult.
  • This is considered an Upper-Class Lifestyle. Attempts to Carouse with members of the Lower-class while living this lifestyle suffer from Disadvantage, unless you are disguised.
  • You increase your Comfort level by 80 in any place that you Reside, such as any Structure that you rent or call home, or any Inn that you stay at, player-owned or otherwise.
  • You double the amount of HP gained per Hit Die rolled whenever you would complete a Short Rest in which you have spent Hit Dice.
  • You double the benefits of the Recuperating Downtime action.
  • You gain +10 Influence in your current Region or a Faction that you have Influence in. This is given once each Upkeep Phase that you hold this lifestyle, and is given at time of Upkeep drop.
  • While traveling in seedier parts of cities or on unscrupulous roads, you are more likely to be subject to robbery, or similar complications and events. Whenever checking to see if such an event occurs, roll twice and take the result more likely to achieve such a complication.
  • You may potentially be subjected to any Upper-Class Lifestyle events that occur during the Upkeep Phase.


Upkeep is a measure of all expenses that you accrue throughout a period of time that you must pay or suffer complications. These expenses include Lifestyle Expenses, based upon the table above, which is tied to your current lifestyle and how you live it, whether on the road, renting a place, or owning your own property. This also includes any additional Property Upkeep from owning and maintaining the property itself, as well as from Hirelings, Vehicles, Faction Fees, and more.   You can choose to not pay your Upkeep during an Upkeep Phase; however, doing so may result in complications, such as loss of Influence, tax collectors coming to collect, and eventually criminal charges being placed against your character, if not more.   Upkeep happens in phases, generally once every 2-3 Time Jumps or Downtime drops. Thus giving you enough time to build up the funds to afford your chosen lifestyle. Because of this, your chosen lifestyle is in place until the next Upkeep Phase begins, at which point you can change it, and thus gain the benefits and drawbacks that come with your new lifestyle.


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