
Guild Postal System

The Guild Postal System is a mail system utilizing the Seeker's Guild's networks, both mundane and magical alike, to communicate in private with other individuals. This system is experimental, and may change and adapt as the Guild deals with new issues or opportunities.  

Mail Rules

The current rules for mail are as follows:
  • Mail can only be sent to one person at a time.
  • Mail can only be sent by those known by the Seeker's Guild, and in good standing.
  • Mail is signed with the character's name, to the best of the Guild's knowledge.
  • If you would like to note anything about the mail, please include it in (parenthesis), such as languages, codes, how things are packaged, etc. Those will not be counted towards the character limit.
  • When mailing Packages, items placed in extradimensional storage still count for weight fees.
    • A 5lb bag of holding with 20lb of wood inside it is counted as 25lb for package fees, not 5lb.
    • This may be subject to change in the future as rules are expanded on, but is currently considered IC as fraud prevention when sending extradimensional items.


You may attempt to smuggle items through this system by checking the relevant box and including notes about how you will be disguising or concealing the package, at the risk of discovery and loss of Reputation with the Seeker's Guild, or legal issues with the local government. A staff member will determine any necessary rolls or checks and resolve the attempt. Creatures may not be smuggled.  

Mail Fees

Mail fees are calculated using the following rules, with all fees rounding to the nearest whole GP:
Package Fees:
  • 10 GP Base Price for 5 lbs.
  • +1 GP per additional lb.
  • May include a note (Less than half a page, per Letter rules)
Letter Fees:
  • 5 GP Base Price for 1 page.
  • +2.5 GP per additional 'page'
  • A 'page' is currently counted as 300 characters.

Steps to Sending Mail

  1. The first step to send something through the mail is to ensure that you have sufficient funds and items.
  2. Fill out the following form here to detail what and where your mail will be sent.
  3. Send payment by in player-trading using the following format:
    @Trading   Sending Mail   Letters: 0   Packages: 0   Paying: X GP
  5. Once your trading post has been confirmed, your mail will be in the queue to be sent to your recipient, whether to an NPC, PC, or location. This occurs on a rolling basis, with the majority on Sundays.


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