Master Craftsman

You have begun your journey into mastering a particular craft, though you are still new within the field, you are certainly above others still dabbling in your craft, allowing you to design and forge items of power and superior quality with ease, and with enough time you will assuredly rise to the ranks of a true master in your field of study.


  • You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you do so, you must select a different tool or kit to gain expertise in.
  • Cartographer's Tools, Engineering Tools (when crafting schematics), and Trapper's Tools (when crafting traps) count as a Crafting tool kit for the purposes of this feat.


  • You gain Expertise in one Crafting tool kit of your choice, which means your Proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with it. If you have no Crafting tool kit that can benefit from this feature, you can instead gain Proficiency in one skill or tool of your choice.
  • Choose one Crafting tool kit with which you have Expertise in, and one ability score of your choice, when making checks with your chosen tool kit you can choose to use this Ability Score's modifier instead of the base Ability score modifier for that tool.
  • Choose one Crafting tool kit with which you have Expertise in, your Craft Score in that tool is increased by 5.
You advance in this feat at different speeds based off your class and profession.
  • As an Entrepreneur Civilian or someone with a Profession related to the craft, you advance to Journeyman at level 3, and Master at level 5.
  • As an Alchemist, Artificer, Forge Cleric, or Ranger, you advance to Journeyman when you have 4 levels in that class, and Master with 6.
  • If you do not meet the above requirements, you can still advance based off your combined class levels; reaching Journeyman at level 5, and Master at level 7.


  • Choose one Crafting tool kit with which you have Expertise in, you are able to work 12 hour days on your specific craft without worrying about exhaustion instead of 8 hours days.
  • Choose one of the following as a permenant buff to your chosen Crafting tool kit:
    • You may reduce the complexity cost to craft the item by 50 percent with your chosen tool.
    • When learning new enchantments you learn an additional enchantment of your choice within the same category whenever you would learn an enchantment.
    • When crafting consumables you increase any variable numerical effects relating to their function by 1 per dice involved or increase the duration of the consumable by 25 percent. For example a potion of healing would now heal for 2d4+6 instead of 2d4+4 while a deodorising agent would now last for 12 rounds instead of 10.


  • Choose one Crafting tool kit with which you have Expertise in, you become a Master in that tool, which means your Proficiency bonus is tripled for any ability check you make with it.
  • Choose one Crafting tool kit with which you have Master in, the time increase due to Quality is reduced by 50 percent, to a minimum multiplier of x1.5. Alternatively, you reduce the cost required of any raw Essence when making enchantments using your master tool by 50 percent, or increase the batch produced by your craft using your master tool by 1.


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