Master Merchant

You have begun your journey into mastering the art of the deal, though you are still new within the field, you are certainly above others still dabbling in mercantilism, allowing you to sell and trade items with ease, and with enough time you will assuredly rise to the ranks of a true master in your field of study.


  • You gain Expertise in one Merchant's Supplies, which means your Proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with this tool kit.
  • Choose one ability score of your choice, when making checks with Merchant's Supplies you can choose to use this Ability Score's modifier instead of the base Ability score modifier for that tool.
  • You gain Proficiency in one Vehicle of your choice, if you are already proficient in this vehicle, you instead gain Expertise in this vehicle.


When you reach 3rd level in Entrepreneur Civilian or when you reach 5th level in any class, your skill as a merchant improves.
  • When traveling within your chosen vehicle with which you have gained Proficiency or Expertise in via this feat, your vehicles cargo capacity is increased by 50 percent.
  • When making a Haggling check you can roll your Haggling check one additional time, if you use this feature, you must use the new result, even if it is worse.


When you reach 6th level in Entrepreneur Civilian or when you reach 10th level in any class, your skill as a merchant improves.
  • You become a Master in Merchant's Supplies, which means your Proficiency bonus is tripled for any ability check you make with this tool kit.
  • The Upkeep cost of any Structure or Vehicle that you own is reduced by 10 percent.


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