Master Performer

NOT RELEASED, SEE PROPOSED WA UPDATE   Through dedication, hard work, and raw talent you have gone above and beyond the others within your field, allowing you to perform for audiences grand and small, and can utilize your talents to fascinate those around you.


  • You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you do so, you must select a different instrument to gain expertise in.


  • You gain Expertise in one Instrument of your choice and either an additional Instrument of your choice, the Disguise Kit, or in the Performance skill. Expertise means your Proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with that check.
  • Choose one skill or tool with which you have Expertise in from this feat, and one ability score of your choice, when making checks with your chosen skill or tool you can choose to use this Ability Score's modifier instead of the base Ability score modifier for that skill or tool.
  • Choose one tool or the Performance skill with which you have Expertise in, when using your chosen check to busk using the Busking downtime activity, you gain an additional wealth roll set or Influence set on a successful check.
You advance in this feat at different speeds based off your class and profession.
  • As someone with 3 levels in the Bard class or a similar class relating to performance, or with a Profession related to performance, you advance to Journeyman at level 3, and Master at level 5.
  • If you do not meet the above requirements, you can still advance based off your combined class levels; reaching Journeyman at level 5, and Master at level 7.


While performing with your instrument or performance skill, you are able to distract and fascinate those around you, gaining the Fascinating Performance feature below:
  • Fascinating Performance: Choose a number of creatures equal to your Proficiency bonus that can either see or hear you, based on your chosen check, that are also within 90 feet of you. Make an ability check using either your chosen Instrument, or your Performance skill, contested by each target's Wisdom (Insight) check. If your check exceeds a target's Insight check result, the target becomes Charmed by you and Dazzled for as long as you perform. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new Insight check against the effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. A creature that passes this check or later saves against it, is immune to your Fascinating Performance for the next 24 hours.
Additionally, days spent Busking stack with days spent Practicing a Profession when determining the reduction in Lifestyle Expenses that you have gained.


  • Choose one either an instrument or the disguise kit with which you have Expertise in, you become a Master in that tool, which means your Proficiency bonus is tripled for any ability check you make with it.
  • Performing Master: You can at the end of a Short or Long Rest inspire up to double your Proficiency bonus in creatures. These creatures gain 1d6 + your Proficiency bonus in Temporary Hit Points which remain until expended or until the target completes a Short or Long Rest. Should you possess the Song of Rest feature, you double the healing that that feature provides.


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