Natural Bond

You have grown your connection to your companion creature, emphasizing your unique soul-bond and empowering your companion further. So much so that lesser creatures can feel the effects of your bond to a lesser extent.
  • A single Companion Creature of your choice that is bound to you, such as an Animal Companion, Scalecaller Companion, and so on, gains a single Companion Feature from the list below, with an additional Companion Feature when you reach 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th level.
  • Pets and Companion Creatures under your control increase their Hit Points by an amount equal to half of your Proficiency bonus per HD that they possess.
  • You treat your effective level as a Beast Master, Scalecaller, or similar companion class as three levels higher for the purposes of progression with your beast, this cannot exceed your actual character level.

Companion Feature


Your companion gains Proficiency in the Perception skill and increases their Passive Perception with this skill by 5.


Your cmpanion gains a bonus on their Initiative equal to their Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 additionally, whenever your companion would beat all hostile creatures within an initiative while Surprised, your companion creature may act during the Surprise round.


Your companion creature can take the Disengage action as a Bonus Action on their turn. Additionally, the first 5 feet of movement that this creature would take that would provoke does not provoke.

Beast of Burden

Your companion creature doubles their Carrying Capacity, and increases their Stamina by its Strength or Dexterity modifier.


So long as you are within 30 feet of your companion creature, your companion creature can use its Reaction to spend 2 points of its Stamina to intercept an attack made against you. Your companion can move up to its speed, so long as it ends this movement adjacent to you or blocking the trajectory of the attack, the attack is made against your Companion instead and is made at Disadvantage.


Your companion creature gains Proficiency in the Stealth skill, and gains Advantage on Stealth checks in one terrain of your choice, chosen from the Favored Terrain list of terrains.

Compressed Body

Your companion is able to squeeze through a space as if they were one size category smaller.

Consume Prey

As a Bonus Action on your companions turn, it can feed on the fading essence of a creature slain within the last round that is within 30 feet of your companion creature. Your companion creature is healed for 1d12 + your character level. This feature costs your companion 2 points of Stamina to activate.


Your companion can as an Action spend 1 point of Stamina to force all hostile creatures that it can sense that are within 30 feet of it to make a Charisma saving throw, DC equal to 8 + your Proficiency in Animal Handling + your companion's Strength or Dexterity modifier or be Antagonized by your Companion until the end of your companion's next turn.

Fighting Beast

Your companion gains the Martial Training feat..

Magic Focus

Your companion is considered an extension of your magic. You are considered to be in both your own and your companions space when determining where you can place your spell effects, what you can see when placing your spell effects, and so on.


Your companion is considered to be in adjacent spaces when determining if your companion is providing or gaining the benefits of Flanking.


Your companion gains Proficiency in the Sleight of Hand skill and can perform this skill against creatures aware of its presence, albeit at Disadvantage. Additionally, this creature can take the Use an Object Action on basic tasks such as opening a clasp on a chest, turning the knob of a door, and so on. Creatures already capable of such actions, instead increase their finer motor skills by one step.


Your companion creature increases one of their Movement Speeds by 10 feet.


So long as your Companion is not Surprised, you gain a bonus on all Initiative checks that you make equal to your Companion's Wisdom modifier (minimum 1).

Strong Senses

Your companion gains either Scent, Darkvision 60 feet, or Keen Sense (choose one).

Vibrant Performer

Your companion gains Proficiency in the Performance skill and may use their Dexterity modifier instead of their Charisma modifier on such skill checks.

War Beast

Your companion gains a single feat with which they qualify for. This may be selected multiple times, gaining a new feat each time. (This is not a viable choice at this time).


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