Proposed WA Updates

This page will provide a list of proposed WA updates for easy viewing, before replacing the actual feature on WA, so both the update and the current version can be viewed.  


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  • Prerequisite(s): Proficiency in Instrument or Performance skill.
  • Resources: This activity requires either the expenditure coin and either Influence or the possession of a high Prestige score, based on the desired venue.
To kick things off, first you must determine what venue you are wishing to perform in. There are a total of six venues to choose from: Street, Low Turnout, Moderate Turnout, High Turnout, Noble Turnout, Battle of the Bands. Each of these venues hold its own difficulty and potential for renown and tips earned, as well as the difficulty range tied to them. While the last venue, the Battle of the Bands is a special venue that is completed via a special event; however, the downtime days must still be spent to participate. The battle of the bands venue is different based upon the chosen venue you are attending, with difficulties ranging from lower level to high level.   Regardless of the venue you are participating in, for every 4 days of Downtime spent Busking, make a series of three checks from the following list: Dexterity (Performance), Charisma (Performance), Dexterity (Instrument), Charisma (Instrument), or Charisma (Disguise Kit). All three checks can be the same; however, for every check that is the same as another check, the performing DC of your venue is increased by 4.   Regardless of the number of days spent Busking, you must roll a Constitution ability check against a DC of 8. For every two days spent Busking, the DC increases by 1. On failure you must roll on the Revelry Table to determine what happens. Lastly, when Busking, for every 5 Prestige you have earned through Busking, you gain an additional set of Wealth and an additional +2 Influence earned on successful busking attempts, for example with two successful rolls and 10 Prestige while busking a high turnout, you will earn 80d10 gp and 4d8+4 Influence.
  • For every day spent Busking, you gain 2 Downtime XP Ticks.

Street Venue

  • You must spend 10gp or 5 City (or 10 Region) Influence to participate in a Street Venue.
  • The performing DC for your three checks is equal to 8 + 2d6 and is generated separately for each of the three checks. The Event handler consults the table given below to determine the results of your busking.
  • For every 4 days of Downtime spent Busking in a street venue, you gain an amount of Influence within the City and Region it took place in equal to 1d6 x the number of successes you’ve achieved in that week of busking.
  • For every 4 days of Downtime spent Busking in a street venue, you gain an amount of gold equal to 2d10 x the number of successes you’ve achieved in that week of busking.

Low-Turnout Venue

  • You must spend 25gp or 10 City (or 20 Region) Influence to participate in a Low-Turnout Venue.
  • The performing DC for your three checks is equal to 10 + 2d8 and is generated separately for each of the three checks. The Event handler consults the table given below to determine the results of your busking.
  • For every 4 days of Downtime spent Busking in a low-turnout venue, you gain an amount of Influence within the City and Region it took place in equal to 1d8 x the number of successes you’ve achieved in that week of busking.
  • For every 4 days of Downtime spent Busking in a low-turnout venue, you gain an amount of gold equal to 5d10 x the number of successes you’ve achieved in that week of busking.

Moderate-Turnout Venue

  • You must spend 50gp or 15 City (or 30 Region) Influence to participate in a Moderate-Turnout Venue.
  • The performing DC for your three checks is equal to 14 + 2d8 and is generated separately for each of the three checks. The Event handler consults the table given below to determine the results of your busking.
  • For every 4 days of Downtime spent Busking in a moderate-turnout venue, you gain an amount of Influence within the City and Region it took place in equal to 2d6 x the number of successes you’ve achieved in that week of busking.
  • For every 4 days of Downtime spent Busking in a moderate-turnout venue, you gain an amount of gold equal to 10d10 x the number of successes you’ve achieved in that week of busking.

High-Turnout Venue

  • You must spend 75gp or 20 City (or 40 Region) Influence to participate in a High-Turnout Venue. You must possess a Prestige score of 5 or more to partake in this venue.
  • The performing DC for your three checks is equal to 16 + 2d10 and is generated separately for each of the three checks. The Event handler consults the table given below to determine the results of your busking.
  • For every 4 days of Downtime spent Busking in a high-turnout venue, you gain an amount of Influence within the City and Region it took place in equal to 2d8 x the number of successes you’ve achieved in that week of busking.
  • For every 4 days of Downtime spent Busking in a high-turnout venue, you gain an amount of gold equal to 20d10 x the number of successes you’ve achieved in that week of busking.
  • For every 20 days of Downtime spent Busking in a high-turnout venue, should your combined Performance results on this attempt be equal to or greater than 75, you gain 1 Prestige from your Performance. This is capped at 1 Prestige per region, up to 5 per continent you have performed with this venue on.

Noble-Turnout Venue

  • You must spend 150gp or 25 City (or 50 Region) Influence to participate in a Noble-Turnout Venue. You must possess a Prestige score of 10 or more to partake in this venue.
  • The performing DC for your three checks is equal to 18 + 2d12 and is generated separately for each of the three checks. The Event handler consults the table given below to determine the results of your busking.
  • For every 4 days of Downtime spent Busking in a noble-turnout venue, you gain an amount of Influence within the City and Region it took place in equal to 4d6 x the number of successes you’ve achieved in that week of busking.
  • For every 4 days of Downtime spent Busking in a noble-turnout venue, you gain an amount of gold equal to 30d10 x the number of successes you’ve achieved in that week of busking.
  • For every 20 days of Downtime spent Busking in a noble-turnout venue, should your combined Performance results on this attempt be equal to or greater than 80, you gain 2 Prestige from your Performance. This is capped at 2 Prestige per region, up to 5 per continent you have performed with this venue on.

Battle of the Bands Venue

  • You must spend 50 Influence tied to your city or 100 to the given region to participate in a Battle of the Bands Venue. You must possess a Prestige score of 10 or more to partake in this venue.
  • When attempting to perform in a Battle of the Bands Venue, you must participate in an active performance combat event, doing so consumes 20 days’ worth of Downtime.

Busking Results

0 Successes. You do not earn any tips or influence from your busking and the chance of a complication occurring increases by 5 percent.
1 Success You earn one dice roll set from tips and influence earned through your busking.
2 Successes You earn two dice roll sets from tips and influence earned through your busking.
3 Successes You earn three dice roll sets from tips and influence earned through your busking.
* = (This may involve a rival).


Busking tends to attract a drunk or disorderly crowd. The potential complications involved come from overly zealous fans, poor performances, unfortunate hits, and a performers high. Every 4 days spent busking brings a 5 percent chance of a complication, examples of which are on the Busking Complications table.

Gambling Complications:

D8 Complication
1 *You have offended an important city official on stage. You lose an additional amount of Influence within your Region equal to the city buy-in for your venue.
2 You have made a rival out of a fellow performer who accuses you of stealing their act. You gain a Hostile Contact.
3 You have earned a cult following from the city you've performed in; however, some of your fans have grown overly pushy some to a dangerous degree. You gain a Hostile Contact, but you earn an additional 5 Influence in your city.
4 The thrill of the stage has caused other actions to lose their luster. You reduce the Downtime XP Tick gain from all other activities by 1 until the next Downtime or Upkeep phase.
5 *One of your performances has caught the thrill of the people, but only ironically. People far and wide begin to mock it and perhaps you. You lose an amount of Influence within your Region equal to the city buy-in for your venue.
6 *You accrue a debt with the venue, equal to your gold buy-in to perform there.
7 *You accrue a debt with the venue, equal to double your gold buy-in to perform there.
8 You promised a charming young noble that you would give them lessons in your specialty.
* = (This may involve a rival).


Busking often leads to drunken debauchery, or foolish shenanigans, unless you pay a 5 City r Region Influence to abstain, you must roll on the Revelry table, found under the Revelry Downtime Activity, with a DC as given above.

Pit Fighting

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  • Prerequisite(s): None
  • Resources: This activity requires a stake of at least 100 gp, to a maximum of 5,000 gp. Certain facilities may increase this gambling limit, but they are organizations and contacts that you must earn. This coin is considered spent when taking this downtime activity.
You spend your Downtime fighting in an arena or fight club, garnering a reputation and earning coin at the risk of your own life. To begin you must determine the weight class you are wishing to participate in; there are four weight classes to choose from: Lightweight, Mediumweight, Heavyweight, and Leagueweight. Each with their own betting cap and difficulty range tied to them. With both Heavy and Leagueweight requiring an Influence buy-in to even attempt.   A fifth weight class exists, known as Championweight, however, this weightclass requires special actions taken to participate in, generally a specialized quest or event formed to even begin. The championweight class is different based upon the chosen venue you are attending, with difficulties ranging from lower level to high level.   Regardless of the weightclass you are participating in, for every 7 days of Downtime spent Pit Fighting, make a series of three checks; a Dexterity (Acrobatics), Strength (Athletics), and a Wisdom (Tactics). If you have Proficiency in Martial Weaponry you add your Proficiency on top of the bonuses for the indicated skill. You can replace any one of these checks with a Charisma (Performance) check, a Gladiator profession character can replace any two of these checks with a Charisma (Performance) check and has Advantage on their lowest bonus check.

Lightweight Pitfighting

  • For every day spent Pit Fighting in a lightweight class field, you gain 4 Downtime XP Ticks.
  • The Pitfighting DC for your three Pitfighting checks is equal to 8 + 3d6 and is generated separately for each of the three checks. The Event handler consults the table given below to determine the results of your pit fight.
  • For every 7 days of Downtime spent Pit Fighting in a middleweight class field, you gain an amount of Influence within your Pit Fighting Organization and the City it took place in equal to 1d4 x the number of successes you’ve achieved in that week of pit fighting.
  • Your maximum bet cannot exceed 1000 gp and cannot be below 100 gp.

Middleweight Pitfighting

  • For every day spent Pit Fighting in a middleweight class field, you gain 6 Downtime XP Ticks.
  • The Pitfighting DC for your three Pitfighting checks is equal to 12 + 2d10 and is generated separately for each of the three checks. The Event handler consults the table given below to determine the results of your pit fight.
  • For every 7 days of Downtime spent Pit Fighting in a middleweight class field, you gain an amount of Influence within your Pit Fighting Organization and the City it took place in equal to 1d6 x the number of successes you’ve achieved in that week of pit fighting.
  • Your maximum bet cannot exceed 2000 gp and cannot be below 250 gp.

Heavyweight Pitfighting

  • You must spend 4 Influence relating to your Pit Fighting organization to attempt this pit fight.
  • For every day spent Pit Fighting in a heavyweight class field, you gain 8 Downtime XP Ticks.
  • The Pitfighting DC for your three Pitfighting checks is equal to 14 + 2d12 and is generated separately for each of the three checks. The Event handler consults the table given below to determine the results of your pit fight.
  • For every 7 days of Downtime spent Pit Fighting in a heavyweight class field, you gain an amount of Influence within your Pit Fighting Organization and the City it took place in equal to 1d8 x the number of successes you’ve achieved in that week of pit fighting.
  • Your maximum bet cannot exceed 3000 gp and cannot be below 500 gp.
  • For every 21 days of Downtime spent Pit Fighting in a heavyweight venue, should your combined checks result on this attempt be equal to or greater than 75, you gain 1 Prestige from your prowess in the arena. This is capped at 1 Prestige per region, up to 5 per continent you have fought with this venue on.

Leagueweight Pitfighting

  • You must spend 8 Influence relating to your Pit Fighting organization to attempt this pit fight.
  • For every day spent Pit Fighting in a league class field, you gain 10 Downtime XP Ticks.
  • The Pitfighting DC for your three Pitfighting checks is equal to 14 + 4d8 and is generated separately for each of the three checks. The Event handler consults the table given below to determine the results of your pit fight.
  • For every 7 days of Downtime spent Pit Fighting in a leagueweight class field, you gain an amount of Influence within your Pit Fighting Organization and the City it took place in equal to 1d10 x the number of successes you’ve achieved in that week of pit fighting.
  • Your maximum bet cannot exceed 4000 gp and cannot be below 1000 gp.
  • For every 21 days of Downtime spent Pit Fighting in a leagueweight venue, should your combined checks result on this attempt be equal to or greater than 80, you gain 2 Prestige from your prowess in the arena. This is capped at 2 Prestige per region, up to 5 per continent you have fought with this venue on.

Champion Pitfighting

  • You must spend 50 Influence relating to your Pit Fighting organization to initiate a champion pit fighting event.
  • When attempting to fight in a champion class pitfight, you must participate in an active pit fighting event, doing so consumes 14 days worth of Downtime.
  • Your maximum bet cannot exceed 5000 gp and cannot be below 1000 gp.

Pit Fighting Results

0 Successes. You get back 0% of your original bet and the chance of a complication occuring increases by 5 percent.
1 Success You get back 50% of your original bet.
2 Successes You get back 150% of your original bet.
3 Successes You get back 200% of your original bet.
* = (This may involve a rival).


Pit Fighting tends to attract unsavory individuals. The potential complications involved come from run-ins with the law and associations with various criminals tied to the activity. Every 7 days spent pit fighting brings a 5 percent chance of a complication, examples of which are on the Pit Fighting Complications table. Additionally the complication chance increases by 5 percent for every fail rolled.
Pit Fighting Complications:
D12 Complication
1 You are accused of cheating. You decide whether you actually did cheat or were framed.*
2 The town guards raid the fighting den. See Event Handler to determine if you avoid capture, and thus Jail time. If pit fighting is legal in your region. This event may be a different organizational raid, such as a rival guild, or is simply a reroll.*
3 A noble in town loses badly to you and loudly vows to get revenge.*
4 You won a sum from a low-ranking member of a thieves’ guild, and the guild wants its money back.*
5 A local crime boss insists you start frequenting the boss’s fighting pits and no others.
6 You accrue a debt with the pit fighting organization, equal to your original bet.*
7 You accrue a debt with the pit fighting organization, equal to double your original bet.*
8 A high-stakes pitmaster comes to town and insists that you take part in a game.
9 The crowd loses favor with you. You lose 1d6x5 Influence with the Pit Fighting organization and the city it took place in.*
10 You are injured in your fight, and suffer a level of Exhaustion until you spend 3 DTDs Recuperating. You must do this for every level of Exhaustion gained in this way.
11 You are injured in your fight, and suffer a 1d3 levels of Exhaustion until you spend 6 DTDs Recuperating. You must do this for every level of Exhaustion gained in this way.
12 You are maimed in your fight, your Event Handler will roll randomly to determine what limb or appendage of yours is lost during your fight. It can only be restored through magical means or through means such as regeneration. (1. 1d3 Fingers, 2. Hand, 3. Arm, 4. 1d3 Toes, 5. Foot, 6. Leg)


Practicing a Profession (PaP)

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  • Prerequisite(s): None.
You can spend your Downtime engaged in a profession in order to maintain your lifestyle. When Practicing a Profession, your birth and profession traits play heavily into your options given herein, and adjust the rate of income that you earn in a given profession.

Profession Table

T0 2sp/day Hermit, Unemployed.
T1 4sp/day Farmer, Fisher, Hunter.
T2 8sp/day Acolyte, Artist, Barber, Brewer, Butcher, Cook, Criminal, Entertainer, Herbalist, Leatherworker, Lumberjack, Mason, Miner, Potter, Smith, Weaver, Woodcarver.
T3 12sp/day Anthropologist, Architect, Cartographer, Cobbler, Engineer, Investigator, Sage, Sailor, Soldier, Tamer, Outlander.
T4 16sp/day Apothecary, Alchemist, Charlatan, Court Mage, Enchanter, Gladiator, Glassblower, Jeweler, Merchant, Pirate, Spy.
T5 20sp/day Adventurer, Courtier, Knight, Mercenary, Noble, Sex Worker.


For every day of Downtime spent practicing a profession, you gain an amount of coin based upon your profession and profession tier.
  • If you are a Civilian you increase your effective Profession Tier by 1 step regardless of what profession you are practicing.
  • If your Profession trait matches your desired Profession Tier, you increase your wealth/day by +100 percent.
  • If your Profession trait does not match your desired Profession Tier, you reduce the base wealth/day to a quarter of its former value.
  • For every Proficiency Bonus increase, you increase your wealth/day by +100 percent (At lvl 5, 9, etc).
  • If you own a structure that has a component tied to your given Profession to be Practiced and it is operational, you increase your wealth/day by +100 percent per Quality tier of that structure when practicing that profession.
  • Additionally, If you own a structure, you increase your wealth/day by +100 percent per Income modifier of the given structure. For example, a Caravansary structure component has an Income modifier of +2, thus having a structure with this component would provide +200 percent to wealth/day.
  • If you are an Expert in the profession’s given Tool, you increase your Profession Tier for the purpose of wealth by 1 step. If you are a Master in the profession’s given Tool, you increase it by 1 additional step. If your profession does not list a tool, or lists that you can choose any one tool of your choice, this benefit does not apply to that profession.
  • If you are already at the highest Profession Tier for any of these increases, you instead increase your wealth/day by +100 percent for every step that you would go over.
  • Being proficient with all Martial Weapons counts as Expertise for the purposes of wealth in the following Professions: Adventurer, Gladiator, Knight, Mercenary, and Soldier.
For Example: If you are level 1 attempting to practice pottery, you would gain 8sp/day. If you have the Potter profession trait and are an Expert in Pottery Supplies, you would instead gain 24sp/day. Alternatively, a level 9 of the same skill set would instead gain 36sp/day, due to their increase in Proficiency Bonus.  
Other Effects
  • For every day spent Practicing a Profession, you gain 2 Downtime XP Tick, this is increased to 3 Downtime XP Ticks if your Profession trait matches your Profession tier.
  • For every 4 days spent Practicing a Profession, you reduce your Lifestyle Expenses by (5% + 5% if your Profession trait matches your practiced Profession) x your Tier of Play, per 4 days worked, up to 50%
  • For Example: Pretend that you are paying 30gp for a period's Upkeep. A lvl 1 Miner spending 12 days Practicing as a Lumberjack, not their trait, would let them reduce their Lifestyle Expenses by 30%. The same miner practicing as a miner would reduce their Upkeep to the 50% maximum.

  • For every 30 days spent Practicing a Profession that matches your Profession trait, you gain 1 Influence within your current Region.


Lumberjack Tools

Lumberjack Tools can be used to gather lumber and Reagents of the following type:
  • Arcana, Chaos, Civilization, Death, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Life, Nature, Power, Strength, Summer, Time, War, Water, and Winter.
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TypeDCTimeRange 1-4Range 5-8Range 9-12Range 13-16Range 17-20Range 21+
T1 Lumber Varies 1 day 2d20 lbs. 10d20 lbs. 15d20 lbs. 20d20 lbs. 25d20 lbs. 35d20 lbs.
T2 Lumber Varies 1 day 1d20 lbs. 2d20 lbs. 5d20 lbs. 10d20 lbs. 15d20 lbs. 20d20 lbs.
T3 Lumber Varies 2 days 2d2 lbs. 2d4 lbs. 2d8 lbs. 3d8 lbs. 4d8 lbs. 6d8 lbs.
Mundane (T0) Reagent 10 1 day 1 1d3 1d6 1d8 2d6 2d8
Poor (T1) Reagent 14 2 days 1 1d2 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10
Fine (T2) Reagent 16 4 days 1 1d2 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10
Excellent (T3) Reagent 18 6 days 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8
Superior (T4) Reagent 24 10 days 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8
Masterpiece (T5) Reagent 30 14 days 1d2-1 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6
Legacy (T6) Reagent 38 20 days 0 1d2-1 1 1d2 1d3 1d4

Miner's Tools

Miner’s Tools can be used to gather metals, stones, gems, and Reagents of the following type:
  • Arcana, Artifice, Civilization, Constitution, Darkness, Death, Destruction, Earth, Fire, Nature, Power, Strength, and Time.
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Gems Bonus

Whenever mining for Stone or Metal, there is a percentage chance that you will find gemstones in addition to your intended harvest. This percentage chance is equal to your Harvest Range. Should your Harvest check meet or exceed the DC of a given gem + 4, your Event Handler, will roll a d100 and on a number equal to or lower than your Harvest Range, your Event Handler will randomly determine a T1-4 gem harvest to give you.   Gems harvested in this way are of half size from mining specifically for gems, and provide half of the normal number of gems (rounding up).  

Stone Bonus

Whenever mining for Metal, you gain double the metal mined (before regional modifiers) in a random stone two tiers lower than the metal (Minimum tier 1).   For example, if you mine 14lbs of Iron (10lb base + 40% bonus), you would receive 20lb of a random stone (10 x 2).  
TypeDCTimeRange 1-4Range 5-8Range 9-12Range 13-16Range 17-20Range 21+
T1 Stone Varies 1 day 5d20 lbs. 20d20 lbs. 25d20 lbs. 30d20 lbs. 35d20 lbs. 45d20 lbs.
T2 Stone Varies 1 day 2d20 lbs. 3d20 lbs. 10d20 lbs. 15d20 lbs. 20d20 lbs. 30d20 lbs.
T3 Stone Varies 2 days 3d2 lbs. 4d4 lbs. 4d8 lbs. 5d8 lbs. 6d8 lbs. 7d8 lbs.
T1 Metal Varies 1 day 1d8 lbs. 2d8 lbs. 3d8 lbs. 4d8 lbs. 6d8 lbs. 8d8 lbs.
T2 Metal Varies 1 day 1d4 lbs. 1d8 lbs. 2d8 lbs. 3d8 lbs. 4d8 lbs. 6d8 lbs.
T3 Metal Varies 2 days 1d2 lbs. 1d4 lbs. 1d8 lbs. 2d8 lbs. 3d8 lbs. 4d8 lbs.
T1 Gem 14 3 days 1x gem of 2d100 0.1ct 1d3x gem of 2d100 0.1ct 1d4x gem of 3d100 0.1ct 1d6x gem of 4d100 0.1ct 2d4x gem of 5d100 0.1ct 2d6x gem of 6d100 0.1ct
T2 Gem 18 5 days 1x gem of 1d100 0.1ct 1x gem of 2d100 0.1ct 1d3x gem of 3d100 0.1ct 1d4x gem of 4d100 0.1ct 1d6x gem of 5d100 0.1ct 2d4x gem of 6d100 0.1ct
T3 Gem 22 7 days 1x gem of 1d100 0.1ct 1x gem of 2d100 0.1ct 1x gem of 3d100 0.1ct 1d3x gem of 4d100 0.1ct 1d4x gem of 5d100 0.1ct 1d6x gem of 6d100 0.1ct
T4 Gem 26 10 days 0 1x gem of 2d100 0.1ct 1x gem of 3d100 0.1ct 1x gem of 4d100 0.1ct 1d2x gem of 5d100 0.1ct 1d3x gems of 6d100 0.1ct
Mundane (T0) Reagent 10 1 day 1 1d3 1d6 1d8 2d6 2d8
Poor (T1) Reagent 14 2 days 1 1d2 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10
Fine (T2) Reagent 16 4 days 1 1d2 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10
Excellent (T3) Reagent 18 6 days 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8
Superior (T4) Reagent 24 10 days 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8
Masterpiece (T5) Reagent 30 14 days 1d2-1 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6
Legacy (T6) Reagent 38 20 days 0 1d2-1 1 1d2 1d3 1d4

Researching Enchantments

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  • Prerequisite(s): You must possess a set of Enchanting Tools.
  • For every day spent Researching Enchantments, you gain 3? Downtime XP Ticks.
You spend your Downtime towards researching new enchantments to add to your enchantment book. When learning enchantments, you learn the entire group, meaning all rarities of a specific enchantment.  

Starting Enchantment

When a player gains proficiency in enchanting tools and a toolkit, they gain a single starting enchantment of their choice from the equipment guide. This cannot be done twice on a character.  

Ascertain Enchantment

(Locked until new EQG release)
Spend one work hour to inspect a magic item. The enchantment requires a passive arcana score of 10 + rarity step of the enchantment to learn and copy it into your book.
  • A magic item requires 1 hour (1 minimum) spent studying to learn of the new enchantment and add it to your enchantment book.
  • You must have a Passive Arcana skill (10 + Arcana modifier) equal to or greater than 10 + the rarity of the enchantment you are wishing to learn.

Copy Enchantment

Use this downtime action to copy enchantments from from one enchantment book to another.
  • An enchantment requires 1 hour (1 minimum) spent studying to learn it and add it to your enchantment book.
  • You must have a Passive Arcana skill (10 + Arcana modifier) equal to or greater than 10 + the rarity of the enchantment you are wishing to learn.

Citizen Update

Noted Effort

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Starting at 7th level in the Citizen class, you gain an additional feat of your choice from the General or Guile category with which you qualify for.

Entrepreneur - Citizen Update


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As a level 1 Entrepreneur, whenever you Craft or Harvest an item, you reduce the Complexity cost that you must pay by 50 percent. This stacks with Master Craftsman for a 100 percent reduction.


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As a level 8 Entrepreneur, you have learned how best to work your trade caravan. You gain Proficiency in two Vehicles of your choice, or improve one vehicles Proficiency by one step, up to Master proficiency. When traveling, you are considered a Guide.   Additionally, when you would teach a creature a Trick via the Train a Creature downtime activity, you teach that creature an additional Trick and that creature increases it Trick cap by 1.   Finally, you know how best to travel along the roads and pathways of the world, you reduce the chance of any encounter you and your group would trigger while Traveling by 5 percent, to a minimum 0 percent.

Guard - Citizen Update

Heightened Training

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As a level 8 Guard, due to your training you have learned specialized features relating your profession. You gain an additional Trained feature of 8th level or lower of your choice, this functions identical to the base Trained feature; however, unlike Trained, you can select a Subclass feature, and your level in this feature is treated as your Citizen Level, instead of half of your Citizen level. This otherwise must follow all restrictions of the base Trained feature.

Motivator - Citizen Update


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As a level 1 Motivator, whenever you perform the Carousing, Gambling, Performing Sacred Rites, Revelry, Therapy, Training, or Volunteering downtime actions, you may assist others in this task, acting as a therapist or otherwise source of the motivation. Additionally, when you do so, for a number of Downtime days spent towards the given task, you grant an Enhancement Buff to up to your Proficiency bonus in creatures of your choice that have been motivated by you. This Enhancement Buff expands as you gain levels in this subclass, but initially allows you to grant one of the following features, this feature is stored until used as a Free Action at any time, 30 days have passed, or until a Downtime Period has dropped, whichever comes first. A creature can store no more than half of their Proficiency bonus of Enhancement features in this way. Simply choosing which ones to keep and which ones to discard.
  • (1 Downtime day) 1 Inspiration
  • (2 Downtime days) d4 Morale bonus on Ability Checks of one Ability score. Once triggered, this feature remains active until your next Long Rest or 24 hours have passed.

Greater Enhancement

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As a level 5 Motivator, your Enhancement feature improves yet further, expanding what Enhancement Buffs you are able to provide:
  • (2 Downtime days) Targets gain Advantage on a number of saving throws made against Disease or Poison effects made within the current Downtime Phase equal to your Proficiency bonus. This does not stack with itself, merely refreshes the count. A player may choose to utilize a use of this feature, or save it for later, but it must be used before results are revealed.
  • (3 Downtime days) Targets receive Advantage on checks and saves made to resist Sanity damage, and double the amount of Sanity damage or Corruption that they recover from when receiving Therapy, Rest or Recuperate. This benefit remains for the next week or until they complete a Long Rest within a mission. Additionally, whenever a target of this feature would receive healing during that time period, or so long as you are within 30 feet of an allied creature, regardless on if this feature is active or not, the amount they are healed for is increased by half of your Proficiency bonus per die, or by your Proficiency bonus for flat healing.
  • (3 Downtime days) Targets receive an increase to their Maximum Hit Points equal to your total bonus in your Hype skill, this increase remains for 1 week or until the target completes a number of Long Rests within a mission equal to half of their Proficiency bonus, or takes the Recuperate DTD action.


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As a level 8 Motivator, you have learned how to put on the right type of show, from the heights of nobility to the lowliest mosh pit, you can motivate just about anyone.   Whenever you or a creature inspired by your Enhancement feature would gain Influence, they gain an additional amount of Influence equal to half of your Proficiency. Additionally, during any event, scene, or encounter in which you have used Influence, you double the effectiveness of that Influence.

Researcher - Citizen Update

Height of Knowledge

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As a level 8 Researcher, you gain an additional three Lore's of your choice that can be anything that your character could reasonably have learned about. Two of your Lore's with which you are Proficient in, increase their Proficiency level to Expertise, while one with which you are an Expert in increases to Mastery.   Lastly, whenever you would be the head of a Blueprint Research task, you treat your personal Tech Level as 1 higher when calculating the Research Score of the Blueprint Research.

Conditions Update


  • A dazzled creature suffers disadvantage on Insight, Investigation, and Perception ability checks, as well as on saving throws made against the Charmed condition. Additionally, a Dazzled creature does not automatically detect stealthing creature's that are sneaking around in plain view. They must roll Perception checks to identify the strange behavior.

New Feats

Master Performer


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