
You have honed your proficiency with particular skills, granting you the following benefits:
  • This feat cannot be taken multiple times, regardless of the source.
  • You gain proficiency in any three skills, tool kits, vehicles, or game kits of your choice.
  • Choose one skill, tool kit, vehicle, or game kit in which you have proficiency. You gain expertise with the chosen check, which means your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with it. The check you choose must be one that isn’t already benefiting from a feature, such as Expertise, that doubles your proficiency bonus.

Chosen Skill

Choose one skill, your chosen skill gains a benefit as given below based upon the skill chosen:
  • Acrobatics: Moving through a creature's space does not cost you any additional feet of movement.
  • Animal Handling: The time it takes you to teach an animal a new trick is reduced by half.
  • Arcana: Whenever you would successfully use this skill, you treat your result as one degree greater than normal.
  • Athletics: Moving through a creature's space does not cost you any additional feet of movement.
  • Deception: The penalty to deceive a creature after a failed check is halved unless you failed by 5 or more.
  • Gossip: The time required to gather information is halved.
  • History: Whenever you would successfully use this skill, you treat your result as one degree greater than normal.
  • Insight: If you were aware of an opponent before rolling initiative (such as when you ambush an enemy or negotiations break down into combat, but not when both sides happen upon each other or a similar situation of surprise), you can attempt an Insight check as part of your initiative check (DC = 10 + the highest Deception modifier among your opponents or DC 15, whichever is higher). If you succeed, you gain advantage on your initiative check and are not considered Surprised if you normally would be.
  • Intimidation: The time required to influence a creature’s attitude is halved, in the case of checks that require only an Action, you can perform these checks as a Bonus Action instead.
  • Investigation: The time it takes you to investigate an area is halved. In the case of investigations that take only an action, you can instead perform the investigation as a bonus action.
  • Linguistics: If you succeed on a Linguistics check by at least 5 when examining writing, you can learn the precise meaning rather than general content, and you never draw false conclusions on a failed check, you simply are unable to decipher the script.
  • Medicine: You reduce the DC to stabilize a creature by 5, and restore an additional amount of hit points to a creature that you use your Medicine skill or Surgery Kit tool on equal to your Proficiency bonus in the Medicine skill.
  • Nature: Whenever you would successfully use this skill, you treat your result as one degree greater than normal.
  • Perception: Distance modifiers on Perception checks are halved for you.
  • Performance: Choose one of the following skills or instruments: Deception, Intimidate, Persuasion, or any one Instrument. When you attempt a check with that skill or instrument, you can also attempt a Performance check and use the better result to determine the success of your check.
  • Persuasion: The time required to influence a creature’s attitude is halved, in the case of checks that require only an Action, you can perform these checks as a Bonus Action instead.
  • Religion: Whenever you would successfully use this skill, you treat your result as one degree greater than normal.
  • Sleight of Hand: Whenever you attempt a Sleight of Hand check, and would fail, you can roll a Deception check against the target of the Sleight of Hands insight, should this check succeed, the target is unaware of your attempted Sleight of Hand. This does not prevent others from noticing your attempted thievery, nor does it prevent you from actively deceiving those that notice you after these checks are made.
  • Stealth: The penalty to your Stealth check when moving loudly is reduced by half.
  • Survival: You can track creatures that leave no tracks, including flying and swimming creatures and creatures using trackless step or pass without trace. When doing so, you suffer absolute disadvantage on your check to track the creature, and the DC to track the creature is increased by five.
  • Tactics: Whenever you would successfully use this skill, you treat your result as one degree greater than normal.


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