Shirian Language in Syshir | World Anvil
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Shirian (SHEER - ee - an) is the ancient language of the Aeshir, the first race. Based on the "first" language of the Gods, Shirian is more like a dialect of Godspeech, than its own language. While Shirian is still used in nearly every culture, very few would actually be able to recall the name Shirian, or define which words in their current language have been taken from ancient Shirian.   "Syshir" the name of the globe upon which the Aeshir were created, is a Shirian word meaning "of the Gods", although only old cultures keep the world in use. Aeshir is likely the most common Shirian word still in circulation. Aeshir, is the all-encompassing word for the three main races that dominate Syshir. In Shirian it translates to "Children of the Gods" or more accurately, "Gods' children".   While Shirian first began as the Aeshir learning to communicate with the Gods in Godspeech. The large spread of mankind over the globe quickly led to the dilution of the original language. In the end, the Gods preferred it that way. For the most part, they encouraged the creation of a new dialect, and even sprinkled in a few new words of their own when they thought the Aeshir's language needed a bit of sprucing up.    As geographical upheaval, wars, civil unrest, and the retreat of the Gods from the prime plane slowly but surely changed the world without the guiding hand of the Gods, the new languages emerged, and in the current day, the common tongue replaced Shirian as a world-wide language.
Common Phrases
Shir ella met makil
The Gods' eyes always
In the common language (the original Shirian is mostly unknown) the phrase is frequently quoted as a farewell and well-wish, when a meeting again is unlikely.  
Vallu tel methian de vilshir
Blessed are those in the light of the Gods
This phrase is typically used in worship of The Bright Lord in the original Shirian, although they believe the phrase is in Godspeech.
Common Female Names
Eloqa, Akiaso, Lasatyki
Common Male Names
Yelduve, Uroissin, Nacizo
Common Unisex Names
Zimiel, Dimalle, Yeriety

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Jul 22, 2021 19:57

Languages are a neat pile of complex sounds. I like the included phrases and their explanation. Hopefully you'll add and expand. Gimme more sayings and proverbs!!

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