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Void - Book Exerpt - Syshir Siblings #9

Saremka floated weightless in a void of nothingness. It wasn't darkness - a lack of light with which to see the world around. There was nothing. No world to see. No temperature to feel. The only reason Em knew she existed was because her thoughts stayed with her. Didn't dissipate and float away into the nothingness. And then, there was something. A familiar, if unwelcome presence, Saremka had spent the vast majority of her life cursed with.   Kinadra stepped out of the void.   As she had many times over the last decade, Saremka wondered why the Goddess had chosen her of all people, to bond herself to. Why had Saremka's body been the one this Goddess wanted to dwell in? Kinadra was otherworldly in her appearance. If Em had ever believed that the presence living inside her wouldn't hold up to her expectations, she was proven wrong now. Kinadra was beautiful. Everything Em might have wished she could be, if she hadn't spent her life wishing to be unseen.   The Goddess of Dream's laugh seemed to emanate from inside Saremka, a familiar feeling, although she realised then that her mind had been suspiciously quiet. Were they not together, here in the void?   "You know I never chose you. I wouldn't have, had I known how much pain it would cause you."   "You needed to choose someone," Saremka murmured quietly. Kinadra would have died, would have ceased to exist, if the Goddess had been unable to tie her essence to a physical form.   "I could have chosen someone stronger," Kinadra said with a shrug. Although Saremka had never wanted to be chosen, the flippant way the Goddess brushed aside her lifelong sacrifice sent a sharp pain knifing through her.   Looking around the void, although there was still nothing to look at, Saremka asked, "Where are we?"   Again, the Goddess responded as if it didn't matter. As if this void, which had seemingly no way out, could have been their end. "Saremka. Don't you know? This is you."

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