Peacekeeper Drones

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Reyzan Industries has produced four generations of autonomous forces of surveillance and interpellation at the command of the government. Mass-produced, they are all the best that technology has to offer, packed with detectors, weapons and cutting edge AI able to discriminate between potentially dangerous demeanors from innocent one. All for the safeguarding of Syteria's society and cultural integrity. As of today, no misdetection ever occurred and every suspect apprehended has been found guilty of anti-state activism or even worse: terrorism.


1st generation


The first generation of drones has quickly been superseded by the second and is only in use in the outskirts of Syteria. Their only sensors are optics and audio, though they are high definition. They are controlled by a very basic centralised AI. It receives the sensory inputs from a fleet of at most 50 drones and dispatch the commands in near real-time. While the 37 control centers are powerful, they are computationally limited and thus the drones only have basic responses.


It is still more than enough for the uninhabited areas of Syteria, as they are populated by mutated monsters, cannibals and terrorists who rebelled against the regime. As such, the drones are authorized to fire on sight anything that doesn't have the Syterian guard identification badge. With their twin Gatling guns, they shred through flesh and steel alike, efficient but dirty.

2nd generation


Defending the city, this generation is always roaming around the high walls. Nimble and hard to detect, they are a sphere no bigger than a fist. For this reason, they are also the only generation devoid of any weapon. Instead, they relay the information they got from scouting up to 5 km ahead to the canons hidden in the walls. In case of an emergency, they can still detonate like a grenade, inflicting heavy damage to their surroundings.


3rd generation


Even behind its walls, Syteria is not safe. A lot of so-called citizens secretly feed anti-democratic thoughts that threaten the very essence of the government. The third generation have all available means of detection. Heat, radiation, metal, nothing escapes their sharp gaze directed by a state-of-the-art AI trained to detect every suspicious activity. It is so finely tuned that it never makes any mistakes and catch potential threats without fail.


While they are equipped with precision weaponry, they are calibrated to avoid using it on cooperating subjects. When apprehending a villain, they first broadcast a warning accompanied by a description of the infraction, and call for a human patrol to intervene and jail the individual. Should the suspect try to run away, however, they are authorized to use lethal force, as running away from the law is the same as admitting guilt.

4th generation


The last model, and most advanced of all is kept in the boundaries of the Core. They have all the properties of the 3rd generation, but kicked up several notches. The production cost is very high, hence only 58 are currently in activity, though that is more than enough for patrolling the Core. Their embedded AI has access to the computing power of the Obelisk, allowing them to increase their calculation tenfold should the need arise.


They are thus fit to be judge, jury and executioner, thus replacing entirely human armed forces in the most secure place on Earth. Critics may say it is a waste to keep such a fine device in an area where crime is already non-existent, but the elites of the city must be protected at all cost, especially with the rampant terrorism knocking at our door.

What? Me? No no no I wasn't suspicious I was just waiting for my friends! Please don't do that I beg of you! I'm innocent, just a regular citizen! Please help me, don't just stand there! I swear this is a mistake!

The ruthless Reyzan Industries have produced an unreasonable amount of drones to protect the heinous Government. They exploited precious resources and manpower to surveil the population instead of giving food and shelter to the ones in need. Even worse, they fitted them with defective algorithms and trigger-happy "intelligence" which murders their own citizens by the dozens. Social biases or sheer incompetence, it is nothing excusable when it comes to the killing of innocents.




We mostly deal with them. Connivous son of bitches, but pretty dumb at the same time. Best way to interact with them is not at all. Avoid getting detected, wait for half an hour after they pass, and don't make any noise in the meantime. They display a frighteningly large panel of baits when an area feels suspicious to the algorithm.


They are also heavily armored, so taking one down is easier said than done. Most of the time, it's not worth the effort and bullets. Worst is when they are accompanied by human operators. Then, they are usually multiple, stay at the same location for a longer time, and are a real threat. Fortunately, they only gather more than three when they are doing a full scale assault, which we usually prevent.



The flying fucks are the reason we can't get closer than a few kilometers to the city. When one spots you, and god knows it will if you approach. We can't tell if it's a bug in their programming or an intentional death trap, but should they catch any signature that they don't acknowledge, they rush straight to them and detonate on contact. It's almost impossible to evade them once they're set, only dumb luck can save you.


We have managed to get our hands on some identification badges, and their reaction is not direct. But then the walls fire on us. So there must be something else, but we haven't found what yet.




They enforce that sorry excuse of a law inside the main city. We don't encounter much of them, since only the citizens among us would go there. Still, it's a real threat to anyone living behind the walls. The list of so-called suspicious behaviours is so long they probably don't even know what logic there is to it, if there even was one to begin. More than anything, it is against these kinds of abuse that we fight.



The worst of them all. We rarely have anything to do with this kind of automatons, but when we do it never ends well. All of our best infiltrators inside the Core have been routed out by them and swiftly eliminated without having a chance to use the rock-solid alibis they had.


Fortunately, they usually stay inside the boundaries of the inner city. We are lucky in a way, that they don't dare send their killing machines in the fields, or else we might already be done for. Nothing lighter than a rocket can take one down, and they have in return the firepower to blow up a fully armored tank. And they are the only ones to which the term "Artificial Intelligence" fairly applies, to a point where the government itself should be worried.

Cover image: Flock of drones Mk1 by Rumengol via MidJourney


Author's Notes

Button CSS found here because I couldn't do something that good looking if my life depended on it.

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