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Groggle Glitterbeard

High Elf Groggle Glitterbeard (a.k.a. Groggle)

Groggle the orphan monk who fell from grace in search of a hidden secret

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the realm of ethereal wonders, Groggle Glitterbeard, a High Elf of remarkable grace and agility, was born to royal lineage in a serene and prosperous kingdom. Fate wove a tapestry of destiny that intertwined his life with the mystic arts of a secluded monastery. His parents, leaders of this small kingdom, were ensnared in the brutal clutches of war, leading to the kingdom's unfortunate demise. Captured and imprisoned, they faced near annihilation until a sacred monastery intervened. In a bid for clemency, the monastery proposed a pact: the freedom of Goggle's parents in exchange for the young prince's lifetime dedication to their order.   Enshrouded in innocence during his tender years, Goggle was oblivious to this clandestine pact. Growing up within the serene walls of the monastery, he imbibed the teachings of their ancient arts, harmonizing his elven heritage with the monastic discipline of a monk.   Yet, as the years wove their intricate threads, whispers of hidden truths lingered at the fringes of Goggle's consciousness. Gradually, he unearthed the shrouded veil concealing the sacrificial bargain that had defined his fate.   Raging storms brewed within him, a tempest of betrayal and deceit. His fury manifested in a tragic event, orchestrated to appear as a mere accident—claiming the life of one of the revered monks who held sway within the monastery's sanctum.   Haunted by his deed, Goggle spiraled into the abyss of despair. Seeking solace and refuge from the torment of his past, he turned to the solace of spirits, drowning his anguish in the depths of intoxication. Each passing day further tarnished his once pure reverence for the monastery, seeding a growing disdain for the institution that had orchestrated his familial tragedy.   In the depths of his secluded existence, a veil of resentment draped over his solitary soul. Disillusioned by the betrayals of fate, he wandered the realms with an air of arrogance, a shield forged from the shards of shattered trust, rendering him imperceptive to the counsel of others. Quick to kindle the fires of rage, his temper flared like a tempest, casting an imposing shadow upon his interactions.   The once cherished bond with his parents, torn asunder by the monastery's decree, remained elusive, veiled in a mist of uncertainty and obscured by whispers of a cryptic secret held within their distant confines. Rumors tantalized his thoughts, suggesting that their exile was orchestrated to safeguard a truth that could upheave the very fabric of his existence.   With a heart weighed by the burdens of a tumultuous past, Goggle lingered in a desolate realm, devoid of intimate connections. Trust, a precious currency, had withered within him, tainting his regard for those who professed allegiance to divine servitude. A solitary figure, he tread the line between altruism and the disillusionment cast upon him by the relentless blows of fate.   His demeanor, a stoic facade veiled in the haze of intoxicating spirits, harbored the embers of an existential quest. Beneath the veneer of cynicism, a flicker of a good heart persisted, yearning to extend aid to those in need, despite the scars etched deep by the callous hands of destiny.   Yet, amidst the tempest of emotions, a singular aspiration ignited the flame of purpose within him—to seek out his estranged parents and unravel the enigmatic secret that lay enshrouded in whispers and shadows. As the sun set upon his tenure within the monastery, Goggle emerged into the vast expanse of the world, bearing the weight of an unresolved past and a fervent desire to unearth the truths buried within the confines of his familial history.   Armed with resilience born of adversity, Goggle Glitterbeard embarked on an odyssey, where the echoes of his lineage resonated with every step, each footfall a resolute cadence toward uncovering the clandestine revelations that had eluded him for far too long.


Groggle grew up in a monastery where he receive a comprehensive education blending martial training, spiritual studies, philosophy, history, and artistic pursuits. They master combat techniques, delve into arcane knowledge, and practice meditation for mental focus. Education instills values of ethics, service, and duty, fostering a well-rounded individual deeply connected to elven heritage and monastery teachings.

Old, Drunk, Aloof, Arrogant

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Drunk monk
Hazelnut Brown
Long White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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