Jithun Character in T'sara | World Anvil


Jathra Voulir (a.k.a. Jen)

Disowned and having been left to fend for herself, Jithun was cursed by an evil witch and transformed from a man into a woman. Nobody could ever figure out why the witch chose her, whose original name was Jathra, and no arcane magic by any wizard or sorcerer has been able to do fix it. Despite having been excommunicated by her family and clan, she has made the best of her life as a woman and appears to be content as a traveling adventurer.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jithun is uncharacteristically tall for a woman; seemingly the one thing she kept from her old self was her height.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Perhaps because the curse placed on her seems completely uncurable, Jithun has compeltely accepted her new gender identity. For those that have known her best since the transformation, there does not seem to be any regret or remorse at all, leaving to wonder if the story is as clear as has been conveyed.


Jithun is notably pansexual, interested in both men and women of all species. Although she finds beauty and attraction in such a wide breadth, she seems to be holding herself off from pursuing most of them. She's not been in any serious relationships.

Trusting in the words of Khalee, the Goddess of Beauty, Jithun finds power and satisfication in her own body. Although she is "cursed" in this female form, she was at least given a conventionally attractive appearance. Jithun owns that, and finds pride and satisfaction in being able to woo and seduce others.


Family Ties

After suffering the curse, Jithun lost all communication with her family. Whether they disowned her and banished her, or whether she fled on her own is something of a mild debate in her hometown of Karlsheim. She has a younger brother, who she never got to see or talk to after having been cursed.

Religious Views

Whatever her faith may have been as a child, a male, and a citizen of the Sacred Reich of Vishy, none can say, and Jithun doesn't care to go into her past. She's currently a proud adherent and worshipper of Khalee. The Goddess sees beauty and value in all things, including in those like Jithun, and so she finds great solace in them.
Current Location
Sacred Reich of Vishy
She / Her
Born male


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