Kana Khalz

a derisive term in the dwarven root language, these Dwarves lives in the forests where they were forcibly relocated during the Sundering. Rather than tryint to rejoin the holds of the West or cross the ocean, these 'flat dwarves' have made their home among the trees and hills to the east of Cygia.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Feminine names are more likely to hold onto traditional "Old Dwarf" naming conventions. Right, wrong, or indifferent, the women are believed to be holders and preservers of the culture, and keeping that culture in the names has been a significant pressure for families.

Masculine names

Like feminine names, male Khalz names are usually short and often rhyme with the name of their parent. These names have gotten longer, and borrowing from Elvish tradition, tend to be more poetic and musical in tone. This has often contributed to the other Dwarven holds to view the Khalz as timid, meek, and at worst, traitors to their kind.

Family names

Family names tying back to the Lost Age and the old ways are highly revered, though few remain after so many centuries. For a time, it was common for a new married family to take a new name that merged the family names of both partners. Although this would fade out after a few generations, more of these family names remain intact.

A few elvish and human family names have snuck into the common lexicon, either through interspecies marriage, or adoption of Linthalian or Belben names to ingratiate with their cultures.


Common Dress code

Living in warmer climates than their mountain kin, the Khana Khalz enjoy a lighter and more relaxed form of dress. Although modesty is still a cultural norm, it's been largely relaxed to allow for the showing of arms and legs below the knee. Clothing is most commonly cotton or linen, though wool still used frequently as well. These fabrics are typically died in gentle colors. Bright colored clothing, or clothing made from silk typically requires trade, and while the dwarves are usually open to trade with others, it still makes such items a rarity usually reserved for formal occassions.


Courtship Ideals

There is a common saying that there is no steel stronger than the strength of a Dwarven family. Although the Kana Khalz are not the common smiths and minders that their cousins are, as Hjanda's children, they are as comitted to the foundation and preservation of family as any. Romance and idle flirting is permitted, especially in adolescence, but any more than casual relationship is heavily scrutinized.   For any courtship between to begin to hopefully lead towards a successful union, both families must approve. As the hopeful couple is bringing their extended families in contact with one another, and most holidays and feasts are celebrated as families, it is imperative that members of the differing families get along. Or, at the very least, those who can't get along are easily identified and conspired to be kept separate, as much as possible.


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