Libertine Librarians

The fringe society of the Collectors of Skolm, this insular faction makes it their holy mission to preserve literary works that others of the world seek to have censored or destroyed. Although such collections are no strictly pornographic or explicit, the propensity of which their collections contain such material has given rise to a number of pejorative terms. That Skolm himself often finds such material beneath his notice and approval seems meaningless, causing many to wonder if the Libertines are true believers, or just political purists who loosely align with Skolm.


The Collectors of Skilm break themselves into two rough unofficial factions, the Curators and the Archivists. The latter believe, in the spirit of Skolm's own hallowed library, that anything that can be found and preserved should be, as there is no telling what could be of further use. The Curators, instead believe that since mortals only have limited space, time, and energy, only the documents of which matter most should be preserved, with the interpretation of importance being left up to the individuals.

Libertines are unusual in that they have established themselves as a formalized group within the Collectors. Their numbers are so small, and their mission more delicate, that support from one another is more essential. They are also unusual in that their ideas don't fit neatly into either camp, and there are Libertines who would otherwise lean more towards one side of the debate or the other. Instead, they take the position that the books and text that others would see destroyed are the most necessary of their protection, regardless of their value or not. Every voice is valued, and no voice should be silenced, no matter how controversial or obscene.


Collectors with the ideals of the Libertines have existed, presumably, as far back as the Collectors themselves, although their fascination with the controversial and obscene has caused most of them to be forgotten. Among the idealists and perverts, there are heroes. The Halfling Rynarda made a valiant effort of funneling a veritable library out of authoritarian state into the hands of her allies.

The Libertines grew formally nearing the end of the Second Age. As the threat of global war loomed, voices being censored was growing unacceptably common. The foundation of the Libertine collection were actually a series of romances and plays depicting interspecies love; something that was becoming increasingly unpalatable as the factions of the ongoing conflict began to crystalize. As books and art were being wantonly destroyed by armies on all sides, the Collectors strove to preserve as much as they could. The Libertine fascination with certain material, while not constant, was enough to cause some serious angst among the others. There was a strong desire among some for them to be disowned from the Collectors as Heretics, although such an official call has never been made.

With nations like the Intransican Empire being more censorious after the war than most nations were before it, the Libertines have a stronger case than ever that their presence has value.
Libertine, Lustarian
Parent Organization


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