Sapphohiro Character in T'sara | World Anvil


Sister Sapphohiro (a.k.a. Sappho)

The leader of the Sisterhood of the Six Sisters, Sapphohiro is trying to preserve fathers legacy, and help mend centuries of pain and animosity.

Physical Description

Body Features

Sappho is slightly shorter than average for Elves. Spent extensive time in the manual labor of fishing boats, she has strong, lean muscle, often hidden under her robes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sapphohiro was born in the Dual Khanate of Hlysa, where a royal family of elves rules alongside one of humans. She has no memory of it, as her parents quickly moved north to the other side of the Continent. First, into the Intransican territory, and than further into Stormfall when her father became dissapointed with the human centric Empire. It would be in this area that she would grow up and remember, with her father being a humble, quiet fisherman. It was a happy childhood, but young Sappho found herself listless as she grew up. Her father taught her much in the ways of the world, but without anything to apply it to in this small area, she was without direction or purpose.

She would learn, over time, that her mother and father did not grow up here. Her mother was Hlysan, her father Slyran, from far, far away. He told her great stories of the world that he knew, and how great the world seemed to be before the Triumverate War, which forced him to flee, as it did many people, of all races. She would begin to understand why she felt so out of place, but it wouldn't be until her father fell to sickness that she would know the true story.   Going through her fathers belongings, she uncovered a trunk she was unfamiliar with, and within it were holy books and relics. She quickly figured that the quiet, kind father she knew had once been a religious leader: the last priest of the Cathedral of the Six Sisters. This explained his insistance on religious adherence and consistent prayer them, even if they were the only family to do so. Where others might betrayed, Sappho began to understand her father, and sought to know more.   She saw that her father was right: there was an undeniable relationship in the separation of worship of the Six Sisters, and the separation occuring between the races they created. If things continue as they've progressed from the first age until now, it will likely lead to the annihilation of the world. She had to do something: even if she was unsuccessful, she would rather die knowing that she made the effort and failed, than having never tried at all. This was her calling.

Preaching in town, she was quickly seen as an eccentric. Realizing none in this small fishing town were interested, she relocated, to a larger and more metropolitan town. Though mostly human, there was some diversity here, making it a better place to try and spread her message. She would eventually find 5 young women who would listen to her, and be convinced. These new friends would become quite close in little time, and would agree to form the beginnings of a new religion: The Sisterhood of the Six Sisters.


Sappho did not have much of a sex drive prior to her new life as priestess and leader of her congregation. Now that she has, she finds herself in a greater dilemna. She is finding all races to be attractive in nature, as well as both male and female representations. One of her new friends, who left to form a Circle of followers in Intransica, was especially lovely. Sappho has yet to move on any of her desires: she doesn't want to do anything that could ruin the organization she is building, or it's reputation. Romance between leaders and their followers hardly ever creates good circumstances


Sapphohiro was educated primarily by her father. Literate and familiar with the history of parents lands, and the greater world, she had a better understanding of things as a child than most adult humans in the village did.


Before her current status as a leader of the Sisterhood, Sappho took any number of odd jobs, trying to find something that she would find engaging and give her purpose. She would eventually settle for fishing with her father. It was neither glamorous work, nor especially uplifting, but it allowed her time with family, which she valued greatly.

Morality & Philosophy

Sappho is by nature a pacifist, but the urgency of her beliefs has also made her fiery and at times argumentative. She will not accept divisions and segregations or bigotry of any type, particularly on racial lines.
Current Location
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Sappho is fluent in both Hlysan and Slyran languages, as well as Wyaghan language that is commonly referred to as "Human" or even more inaccurately, "Common" by the Intransicans.