The Cathedral of the Six Sisters Building / Landmark in T'sara | World Anvil

The Cathedral of the Six Sisters

Destroyed by vindictive humanist terrorists shortly after the Triumverate War, the Cathedral of the Six Sisters was the last shrine dedicated to the Goddesses known in that group; the creators of the sentient lives in T'sara. Each had been worshipped individually since time began, but worship of them as a group had slowed since the First Age. Before it's destruction, the congregation and believers had already shrunk to practically nothing, making a hollow victory for whatever motives the arsonists held. the

Purpose / Function

The cathedral was the last religious sight for the church of the Six Sisters; dedicated to the worship of the creators of sentient lives. Prayers were held here for the remaining few believers. The high priest also lived in the church, and was it's custodian and the caretaker for the relics and holy books it possessed.


The Cathedral was of a rectangular design, focused on symmetry. A large and solitary door would allow adherents to enter an antechamber before entering the area for prayer, where rows of benches were built, all facing the far wall, so that one would enter and walk facing the priest, altar, and lectern.

As much of the building as possible, from the floor, to the arches, to the ceiling, was constructed from stone, as testament and praise to Quargh; Goddess of Stone and Orcs. Onlookers would deem it slightly unfair, but the defense was that she had been the only Goddess to create anything of the natural world itself: if Varissa had created trees, or something of that affect, the church would have reflected that.

The front edifice is marked with six statues, each dedicated one of the Sisters. The original builders found it imperative that a craftsman of the race each Goddess had created was the sculptor for their respective statue. As a result, there is not strict uniformity in the styles of the Goddesses. While some find it a little unusual to behold or an oversight, the clergy insist that was always part of the point.


The church of the Six Sisters formed in the early parts of the First Age, when the living could still remember the utopian Lost Age that had been destroyed by the incursion of the Fey, and how the world came together and survived by fighting and cooperating as one cause, rather than five independant ones. Even than, the religion was not overwhelmingly popular: The Six Sisters was recognized as a concept and referred to as such, even by those who did not belong to the faith, but individuals would still pray to the Goddess of their creation, or to the respective aspect they wish assistance with. This Cathedral would serve as the home of the religion. Smaller churches would spread through the rest of the world, but never as significantly as any of the individual Sisters, and none of the sights would be able to afford to build such an elaborate space.   As time went on, conflicts between the different species would spring up, with greater intensity and frequency. When the Triumverate War began, with Orcs allying with the Drow and even with Demons, it seemed as though the world was coming to an end. At the very least, many thought that any claims of peace and unity were naive delusions or, worse, treasonous.

In the third year of the war, where there was no end in sight but the Drow and Orcs had made great headway and seemed that they may be ultimate victors, the Cathedral was attacked. Furious humans had decried the faith of the Six Sisters as secretely supporting the enemy since the war's beginning, and had only gotten more agitated. The animosity turned hostile, and locals had used some form of an alchemical bomb from within the Cathedral during weekly prayer. At least ten were killed immediately and many more would never be found under the rubble.
  Before the fire would overtake the building, the High Priest had managed to escape with the few of the affects he could manage with his hands. Fearing for his life, he would leave and even travel across the seas to another continent. He would never return, and there would never be an attempt made to rebuild the Cathedral, or restart the religion.


Before it's destruction, clergy would always welcome curios guests to take a tour and to listen, in hopes that the time would lead to a change of heart and acceptance. The number of those seeking such had become near non-existant prior to the attack that destroyed the church.
3rd Year of the Triumverate War


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