The Collective of Masons and Tradesmen for Rebuilding Society

The Collective of Masons and Tradesmen for Rebuilding Society, typically just known as the Rebuilder Masons or Rebuilders is a voluntary fraternal group who pool their resources and knowledge together to support the community in the case of natural disasters or deserving tragedy.

Public Agenda

The Rebuilders ultimately want to ensure that their friends and family members are minimally affected by large catastrophes. Collective members believe and instruct others that their knowledge and expertise should not be a commodity for personal richment others are at their most desperate.
The Collective members also tend to have an appreciation for communal history, and will often pool resources in order to preserve or repair historic buildings that are culturally important if falling into disrepair.   The Rebuilder community also puts high value in their trades and education. Although not required, it is commonly expected or encouraged for them to take on apprentices. Collective Guilds with large enough membership and cities have been known to create and run schools for various trades.


Collective members are required to contribute a portion of their profits into a fund pooled by the leadership. These funds are than withdrawn in order to pay for material and labor to rebuild communal buildings after disasters like tornadoes. These funds are required to be held privately, fearing that putting this into a bank would make it susceptible to a bank run.


The Kingdom of Nomniza has always been known to suffer from heavy weather. Hurricanes, flooding, and in the western reaches, tornadoes. In the middle of the Second Age, there had been a particularly bad period of flooding along the Innar River, which roughly seperates the country into northern and southern halves. Dirdrekh, a city along the Innar, was particularly devastated.

Recognizing that local morale was low, an enterprising group of tradesmen saw fit to construct what they called a "hope pavillion" in an area that had not been affected. This would allow for a safe and dry place to give and hear news as it came, to hold prayer to the Gods for help and mercy, any theoretically any other means for the community to help come together. The choice to do this when so many buildings were flooded and in need of repair seemed strange at first, but the lack of immediate resources and the city still being so 'wet' made doing much else infeasible.

After the damage from that flood was resolved, those who had come together to build the pavillion sought to prepare better for next time. Their businesses were affected as much as others, but also saw how much their work could possibly affect the community in times of need. This formed the first Collective; each person promising to put forward whatever they could the next time disaster strikes to help their community. In time they realized that they needed to be using the time between the rainy seasons to be building up a 'war chest' for the next possible event, and so as the needs grew, the Collective became formalized into a fraternal organization.
Alternative Names
The Rebuilder Society, Rebuilders,
Leader Title
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