The Golden Reign Building / Landmark in T'sara | World Anvil

The Golden Reign

A euphemistically named established tavern, the Golden Reign is a brewery and tavern in Radoll, run by a pair of Dwarvish sisters that are skilled ale-makers. They've also established a successful means of importing a number of more exotic brews from around T'sara. It's also able to host a number of guests in the rooms upstairs.

Purpose / Function

On a basic level, the Golden Reign provides what all other taverns provide: a decent meal and a soft place to rest the head in the evening before moving onwards. At a personal level, it provided Talin and Tomma Walker opportunity to resolve their homesickness, and venture on their own as the businesswomen they knew they could be. Being over a hundred miles away from the nearest dwarven Hold, the sights and smells of the Golden Reign provide a touch of familiarity in this foreign land.


Having designed the building themselves, the Walker sisters insisted that the Golden Reign would retain traditional design ideas from their homeland. Although lighter in color than they are used to, nearby stone was taken and shaped to form the structure and edifice of the building. Strong angles and hard edges are preferred over gentle curves, with the general profile being of a large rectangle with two floors. Minor consultation was required to fit windows into the structure.


The Walkers felt trapped in their homes. Expected to marry early and become mothers, neither Tarin or Tomma were willing to submit to this notion. Neither, it would turn out, was interested in laying with any man, let alone marrying them. With Hjonda being Goddess of families on top of Goddess of Dwarves, not contributing to families wasn't really an option in their traditional hold. So, taking what knowledge, tools, and wealth they could, the sisters left home to make it out on their own, finding somewhere they could be themselves.   Although the two did not make it as far as they thought they would before provisions and money started to run out, they were able to reach Radoll; a sizable market town. Taking odd jobs at first, they were able to pool their money together to build their dream; the Golden Reign Tavern. Having learned brewing from the family tradition,and having a keen knowledge on the superior and inferior drinks of th eland, they were able to quickly carve a name for themselves into the city. Since the founding, they have managed to attract a handful of other Dwarf women with similar pasts to work in the establishment.


Foreign travelers with spare coin are attracted to the Golden Reign to try the eclectic array of imported drinks they have; a rare collection for a comparitively small and obscure city. Dwarvish travelers of any financial persuasion are keen to visit here for the rare taste of home, even if it's just the sights and smells.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location


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Jan 2, 2024 00:44 by Absinthe

I imagine that many fathers look at their sons and say "Look at them, they have large tracks of land." I supposed the sister would only be interested in man who only wants to sing. Perhaps sing in their tavern. Though perhaps one day they'll change their minds for a Monty Python.