The Grym Gulf

The hotbed for a series of regional naval conflicts, the Grym Gulf is named both for the Grymnan Sultanate who stakes claim over most of the area, as well as for the grim history, and propensity for violent storms.


In the southeast corner of T'sara's eastern continent, the Grym Gulf is a minor location on the global stage, but has had a disproprortionate amount of conflict through the ages, as varying powers have tried to control the flow of ships and goods coming in and out of the region.

At it's most narrow point, the golf is about 60 miles across, and several hundred at it's mouth. With it being so wide and open, and no smaller bays or inlets, there is no protection or delay from the harsh storms, especially winterly gusts in the Utum and Vinser seasons.
Much of the land around the Gulf is also relatively flat and low elevation, meaning the storms can travel great distances before running out.


The additional rain and harsh storms coming in from the Grym Gulf have sustained the flatlands, allowing forests to push further inland than would normally be expected, and has even allowed the grasslands to be relatively plentiful. North of the Gulf, where the Twin Horns are, one of the few areas of high elevation to slow the storms, a significant marshy wetland area has formed.

Ecosystem Cycles

most seasons here can create signficant storms. Utum and Vinser have been known to have severe patterns of snow and ice. Sommar has been known to be just as deadly, as the warmer weather meets the cold from the southern pole, creating vortexes of hurricanes and other severe storms of rain and harsh winds.


The Grymnan Sultanate has claimed hold of the gulf since the Second Age. This is currently a low point in it's territorial claims. As it's eastern neighbors have stopped warring with one another and have begun to find peace, Mavaltev and Golian interests are daring to push their own sovereignty and power. Diplomacy is still being honored, as the Grymnan fleet still works to protect the gulf from Lostsian pirates further west, but it won't be long until canons fire again in the heart of the Grym Gulf.
Gulf / Lagoon
Owning Organization


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