The Morning Recitals of the Eternal Flame

The militant Watch of the Eternal of Flame, servants and paladins of Mastro, beginning each day with a prayer and devotation to the deity they serve. It is both a call for his blessing, and a mantric reaffirmation of their principles.


The morning recitation of prayer has existed since the beginning of the Watch, prescribed to the adherents by none of ther than Mastro himself. It has remained unaltered in that whole time, although the manner of the prayer has changed. It was the first Pontiff of the Watch, not Mastro, who instructed the followers to commence the prayer at the beginning of each day.


Watchmen are prescribed to recite the following each day. The expectation is to do so at first light of day, as Mastro gazes upon T'sara, though it is acceptable to simply do so first thing upon waking for the day. The individual is to face the sun, slowly sit on their knees, and repeat the following phrase.   Mastro, watch over me as I begin this day. Allow me to be your faithful servant, so that I may carry out your will. Carry my feet so that I may venture to where I am most needed. Guide my sight, so that I may clearly perceive the world and administer your justice. I swear now and forever to defend the innocent and condemn the wicked. I pray for your wisdom great Mastro, so that I may always know the difference...   As the prayer concludes, the watchman is to rise quickly and smartly to their feet, as a soldier rises to their post.

Because of the expectation, Watchmen find it extremely rude to awaken others: they know that their days must start the same way, and should be given their chance to do so.

The one exception to the prayer requirement: combat, or otherwise in an act in which performing the morning trial would interfere.
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