The Feywild, also known as the Plane of Faerie, is a verdant home of cruel fey and endless desires. To walk through the land of the Feywild, one risks death from all matter of creatures, and even if you survive the perils of the Feywild, you may end up never being able to leave. The call of the Feywild is difficult to resist to all mortals, and many fey - like elves, eladrin, and satyrs - have such a desire to journey to it that they are willing to risk their lives.
We are given a plane that is teeming with life and death. The Feywild exists as a vibrant, but extremely deadly, reflection of the Material World, and defies all attempts to properly cull its enthusiasm. Where one might see the ruins of past ages in the Material World, the Feywild reflects that as some great fey lord’s castle with crystalline windows and crystal walls instead of stone.
All attempts to properly map the Feywild end in failure, as it is inconsistent in its appearance. It is said that there are many worlds in The Material Plane, but only one Feywild reflecting them all at once. This causes the occupants of the Feywild to treat distances and time with little thought, and to mimic the Feywild’s seemingly erratic behavior.
Journeying through the plane is far harder than just entering into the Feywild. Once on the plane, the dangers of the forest become real, but they are far more exotic and deadlier than their Material Plane counterparts. The trees themselves may try to kill travelers who know not to collect the fallen branches, and beasts grow larger and deadlier in this magical land.
As if the very plane was trying to kill you, locations can be difficult to get too. Their distance from each other is more of a suggestion, and most inhabitants will shrug their shoulders when asked why it takes longer to travel in one direction as opposed to another. It’s just the way that the Feywild is.
Plane of Existence
Location under
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