Taberis World History Timeline

World History

Age of Elves

Ended ca. 10 Milennia ago

About ten millennia ago, a powerful elven Empire ruled the continent.

  • Unkown
    First Signs of Elves

    The first ancient elven cities begin to form.

  • Circa 10000 years ago
    The Scouring
    Disaster / Destruction

    It is unknown what exactly transpired, however the scouring left the elven race diminished and broken, and technology, as well as arcane knowledge to regress for several milennia.

Dark Ages

An umbrella term for the years leading up the the Age of Magic

  • Circa 7000 years ago to 5000 years ago
    The Great Ice Age
    Geological / environmental event

    Ice covers most of the known world. It is believed that this further reduced the numbers of elves, leading to the adaptive humans becoming the dominant race.

  • Circa 4500 years ago
    The Elemental Bleeding

    Warring elemental cults cause the barriers between the elemental and material planes to weaken. The first druids and shamans battle these cults, averting disaster.

  • -347 BM

    Founding of the Kingdom of Qibia

    The Southern Regions rally behind King Xemresh Qibia, who wishes for a more peaceful future for his people. The first port cities of the west are constructed during his reign.

Age of Magic

Current age

Ancient Elven texts are translated, and magic seems to be more widespread than several millennia ago. Although much of the world and its workings is still unknown to this day, civilization has entered a period of growth and prosperity, not seen since the days of the Elven Empire.

  • 1 AoM

    The Appearance of the first stars

    The first mentions of stars in the night sky are made. Subsequently, magic seems to have reappeared in the world, creating the first sorcerers.

  • 7 AoM

    Founding of the Nation of Rescor

    Baltis the first founds the Nation of Rescor after rediscovering the city of the same name. Its banner would unite the northern tribes of the known world into one cohesive nation.

  • 56 AoM

    71 AoM

    First Rescori Civil War

    Following the death of the childless Baltis the first, it is unclear who shall lead the unified lands. The different cultures each bring forward their own leader, which soon escalates into civil war. It ends after the Human Ghrastan the first crushes his rivals with his military might.

  • 83 AoM

    306 AoM

    The Pale Scourge
    Plague / Epidemic

    Cults, dedicated to gods of death and disease rise up across the known world, conjuring a contagion that turned the skin of the infected pale. It is contained after the death toll crippled most nations and it killed people faster than it could infect them. About half of the world's population is wiped out.

  • 320 AoM

    326 AoM

    Rescori-Qibian War
    Military action

    After the Pale Scourge and a series of harsh winters, a desperate Queen Zaria the Second of Rescor launches an invasion into the Kingdom of Qibia. The northern nation manages to seize some territory before the war enters into a Stalemate.

  • 330 AoM

    339 AoM

    Second Rescori Civil War

    Unrest grows within Rescor due to food shortages and harsh measures undertaken by the government after the plague and the failed invasion of the south. Most islands and the east split away into their own nations.

  • 331 AoM

    Founding of Naval Republics

    The Islands to the northwest split away from Rescor.

  • 338 AoM

    Founding of the Selvian Empire

    The eastern part of Rescor splits away from the nation at large.

  • 339 AoM

    340 AoM

    Dissolution of Rescor

    The government is disbanded by the remaining forces of the Rescori military, which takes control for a year.

  • 340 AoM

    Founding of the Rescori High Kingdom

    The military picks a king out of its own ranks, who takes control over the newly formed Rescori High Kingdom.

  • 363 AoM

    545 AoM

    Collapse of Qibia
    Military action

    The Kingdom of Qibia has to defend against the Naval Republics, as well as the Rescori High Kingdom, while rebel forces destabilize the nation from within. Eventually, the kingdom collapses into three smaller nations.

  • 407 AoM

    Founding of Estium

    The southern rebels manage to hold their supply lines and foster trade within their controlled territory. They proclaim the nation of Estium.

  • 414 AoM

    Founding of Ostania

    The western part of the newly formed Estium splits away and embarks on a war to end all wars.

  • 477 AoM

    531 AoM

    Selvian Conquests
    Military action

    Having patiently waited for the Rescori High Kingdom to wear itself down in the endless stalemate to the south, the Selvian Empire swiftly conquers the northern part of the known world, before slowly but surely pushing the Naval Republics out of the North.

  • 545 AoM

    Founding of Aclar

    Northern Qibian Rebels unite under one banner after the northern forces leave the area and the last pockets of Qibian resistance are destroyed.

  • 584 AoM

    689 AoM

    The Road to Ostanian Peace
    Diplomatic action

    The Ostanian leadership decides to no longer hold aggressive wars. It takes a century to end all conflict.

  • 663 AoM

    Discorvery of the Dune Lands
    Discovery, Exploration

    A naval expedition by Ostania discovers the Dune Lands to the south and their inhabitants, the Dune Elves. It is concluded that the world outside the known world is mostly inhospitable to life, making it unprofitable to send more expeditions. Small port cities are built to foster trade with the Dune Elves.

  • 700 AoM

    803 AoM

    Rise of the Estian Empire
    Military action

    Unhindered by Ostania, the Estian Empire spreads its borders further north and destroys its rivals in a devastating war, holding the newly conquered territories with an iron grip. Due to the danger posed by Ostanian Mages and the Estian Empire's reliance on their magic knowledge, the smaller nation is mostly left to its own devices.

  • 803 AoM

    866 AoM

    Northern Rebellions

    The northern nations rise up against the Estian Empire. The Empire seeks to bring the region of the former Empire of Aclar specifically under its control.

  • 850 AoM

    Founding of the Confederacy of Free Cities

    Northern city-states that split from the Estian Empire form a Confederacy, in order to protect themselves from foreign threats.

  • 866 AoM

    Founding of Estium Aclar
    Diplomatic action

    The Estian Empire recognizes the Aclar as its own people and they form the dual-Kingdom of Estium Aclar together, introducing reforms across the nation.

  • 897 AoM

    904 AoM

    The Vicentian Plauge
    Plague / Epidemic

    The cause of this plague is still unknown, though it quickly decimated the world's population to about a third before healers had a chance to effectively contain the spread and treat patients. It is believed that it originated in the port city of Vicentia. A fire broke out in the city soon after this rumour spread across Estium Aclar, though it was contained quickly.

  • 942 AoM

    Formal Dissolution of the Ostanian Leadership

    In the name of enlightenment, the Ostanian government is dismantled. A small council of intellectuals remains, managing foreign relations. However, powerful mages still hold the most important decisions as a sort of emergency government, should a need for such a thing arise.

  • 962 AoM

    964 AoM

    The March of the Zealous

    The Confederacy of Free Cities is faced by opposition from within their nation after a series of harsh winters.

  • 964 AoM

    Founding of the Divine Empire of Rescor

    Rolan the first unites the northern Territories under his banner and proclaims the Divine Empire of Rescor.