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EJ Company Catalog

Evgeniya-Jaimisson Corporation prides itself on creating the best equipment for its personnel, from armored spacesuits to mining tools to starship drives. To facilitate your work, you’ll be granted access to specific resources provided to you by EJ Corp, including a Company cargo rig for transporting shipments, cargo-handling equipment such as a power lifter or hovercarts, and, of course, an EJ Corp starship. Evgeniya-Jaimisson Corporation retains all ownership of these materials, and you’re expected to follow all operating instructions and safety guidelines while keeping this equipment in proper working order.

In addition, as an EJ Corp employee, you can order additional items from company stores or download their schematics so you can manufacture what you need on the go. Although your place of work is outfitted with devices for your use, you can also purchase EJ Corp merchandise to use as you see fit. Remember to show good judgment as a representative of…


Gimme a break! Okay, listen up. The Company does make some nice toys. Your starship’s databanks should have schematics for all the latest EJ Corp gear. Now, as an employee, you technically have the right to use these schematics to make equipment you can’t acquire from the Company. Thing is, who’s going to keep tabs on you for making and using this stuff? If I were you, and thank Triune I’m not, I’d ask a hacker buddy to grab these schematics for your personal device, so the company can’t take them from you if they ever decide to kick you to the curb. Also, I’ve left you some notes of my own—hope you find them useful!


Tools (Weapons)


EJ Corp makes cutting-edge tools for demolition and excavation ventures as well as for the transportation of valuable animal species. These tools are for our experts to use in our operations and aren’t intended for use in other capacities. EJ Corp accepts no responsibility for injury resulting from improper use.

What the Company is saying here is that you can use these as weapons, but, y’know, “please don’t!”

Electric Prod (1-handed Basic Melee Weapon)

  Company personnel must occasionally transport animals from one world to another. Large herd animals, such as ruthigs, can be notoriously stubborn, and sometimes a beast proves more dangerous than anticipated. In these situations, crews appreciate this stout electric prod capable of delivering a nonlethal shock that can stun or incapacitate even a surly wolliped. Electric prods see civilian use on Castrovel, Triaxus, and other worlds, where ranchers and farmers utilize them to keep large animals under control without causing permanent harm.
Model Level Price Damage Critical Bulk Special
Electric prod, jolt 2 900 1d4 E Stunned 1 Nonlethal, powered (20/1), professional(farmer)
Electric prod, impulse 6 4500 1d6 E Stunned 1 Nonlethal, powered (20/1), professional(farmer)
Electric prod, storm 10 19000 2d6 E Stunned 1 Nonlethal, powered (20/2), professional(farmer)
Electric prod, surge 14 75000 4d6 E Stunned 1 Nonlethal, powered (100/4), professional(farmer)
Electric prod, tempest 18 385000 8d6 E Stunned 1 Nonlethal, powered (100/4), professional(farmer)

Excavation Drill (2-handed Advanced Melee Weapon)

    Excavation drills are a core hand tool for miners across the galaxy. Some claim that dwarf mining engineers poached from Ulrikka Clanholdings initially designed these drills, as Ulrikka has previously produced similar designs. Dwarf knights have long used these drills in combat, as have gladiators, who often use them to put on bizarre and grisly shows. Utility and industrial models see extensive use in demolition and mining, while helical and volute drills are essential for some star-metal mining, where hard ore requires a tougher tool. Gyroidal drills are restricted, special-operations tools predominantly used to breach starship hulls during rescue or military boarding operations.
Model Level Price Damage Critical Bulk Special
Excavation drill, utility 2 750 2d4 P Bleed 1d4 2 powered (20/1), professional(miner), shatter, unwieldy
Excavation drill, industrial 6 4200 3d6 P Bleed 1d6 2 powered (20/1), professional(miner), shatter, unwieldy
Excavation drill, helical 10 18000 5d8 P Bleed 2d6 2 powered (20/2), professional(miner), shatter, unwieldy
Excavation drill, volute 14 70500 8d10 P Bleed 3d6 2 powered (100/4), professional(miner), shatter, unwieldy
Excavation drill, gyroidal 18 387750 11d12 P Bleed 3d8 2 powered (100/4), professional(miner), shatter, unwieldy

Molecular Borer (2-handed Heavy Weapon)

  Molecular borers are bleeding-edge tools that function by slowing molecular action and then, with a modal change, exciting the molecules to cause sheering force, resulting in quicker excavation. Instead of damaging valuable ores, the molecular borer allows a miner to detect different materials by their variable response to the borer’s energy loop. Rescue operations make good use of utility borers, which easily penetrates penetrating the lighter materials used for public doorways and vehicles. Industrial borers routinely remove typical mining materials, such as limestone. Advanced and elite models cut through plate steel or airlocks. The paragon model has tested favorably against pure plate adamantine.
Model Level Price Damage Range Critical Cap/Use Bulk Special
Molecular borer, utility 2 800 2d4 C or F 40 ft - 20/2 2 Modal (cryo), professional (miner),shatter, unwieldy
Molecular borer, industrial 6 4800 3d6 C or F 40 ft - 40/4 2 Modal (cryo), professional (miner),shatter, unwieldy
Molecular borer, advanced 10 20000 5d8 C or F 40 ft - 40/4 2 Modal (cryo), professional (miner),shatter, unwieldy
Molecular borer, elite 14 80000 8d10 C or F 40 ft - 80/8 2 Modal (cryo), professional (miner),shatter, unwieldy
Molecular borer, paragon 18 400000 11d12 C or F 40 ft - 100/10 2 Modal (cryo), professional (miner),shatter, unwieldy

Utility Wear (Armor)

  EJ Corp offers a variety of clothing options, from utility overalls for work to casual outerwear that shows your company spirit. Most of our mining and spacefaring employees also have access to protective, vacuum-certified suits.
This armor is based on vesk military designs from the Evgeniya Corporation. They’re solid models.

EJ Coverall (Light Armor)

  When a task requires skillful work in a harsh environment with no tolerance for a flimsy space suit, the EJ utility suit is the answer. Flexible and durable, this coverall provides protection and comfort, and with room for upgrades, it’s adaptable to a variety of jobs.
Model Level Price EAC KAC Max Dex AC Mod Speed Mod Upgrade Slots Bulk
EJ coverall, utility 1 230 +1 +1 +4 - - 2 L
EJ coverall, industrial 2 900 +2 +2 +4 - - 2 L

EJ Hardsuit (Heavy Armor)

  For a tough job, your suit has to be tough, too. The EJ hardsuit’s protective plating and bulk belie its comfortable and modifiable design.
Model Level Price EAC KAC Max Dex AC Mod Speed Mod Upgrade Slots Bulk
EJ hardsuit, utility 1 350 +2 +3 +2 -2 -5ft 2 2
EJ hardsuit, industrial 2 1200 +4 +5 +2 -2 -5ft 2 2
EJ hardsuit, advanced 5 3500 +8 +10 +2 -2 -5ft 3 2
EJ hardsuit, elite 9 14200 +14 +16 +3 -2 -5ft 4 2
EJ hardsuit, paragon 13 53500 +18 +20 +4 -2 -5ft 5 2
EJ hardsuit, spec-ops 17 260500 +23 +25 +4 -2 -5ft 6 2

Armor Upgrades

  These utility modifications provide safety upgrades that ensure your survivability in hazardous conditions and enable supervisors to safely monitor your work in dangerous environments. Upgrading your utility wear allows you to Take it to the EJTM without fear.
Model Level Price Slots Armor Type Bulk
Enviro-sensor 1 250 1 any -
Hibernation System 3 1500 1 any 1
Remote Monitoring System 1 100 1 any -
Sustenance System, Basic 1 150 1 any 1
Sustenance System, Mk 1 2 800 1 any 1
Sustenance System, Mk 2 4 2200 1 any 1
Sustenance System, Mk 3 6 4500 1 any 1
Voice-command Module, Mk 1 1 250 1 any -
Voice-command Module, Mk 2 3 1350 1 any -
Voice-command Module, Mk 3 5 2700 1 any -
Voice-command Module, Mk 4 7 5400 1 any -


  This sensor allows your armor to automatically activate environmental protections when the environment changes in a way contrary to your survival needs. This automatic process doesn’t require you to take or be able to take actions.  

Hibernation System

  With your verbal command and confirmation (a process that requires a standard action), a hibernation system puts you to sleep inside your armor with environmental protections active. The system can be set to awaken you after a certain amount of time or to maintain hibernation until environmental protections fail. While you hibernate, you need no extra food or water, and your environmental protections from the armor with this system installed last four times as long. Someone can awaken you from hibernation from outside your armor only by taking the time and effort to remove your armor.  

Remote Monitoring System

  Your armor is equipped with a number of systems designed to monitor your health and activity, information that’s simultaneously broadcast to any comm unit set to receive this data. The upgrade includes an obvious camera and microphone mounted on the outside of your armor, and the upgrade transmits everything it sees and hears; it has access to any senses installed in the armor (for example, infrared sensors), but not any unusual senses you possess. The remote monitoring system upgrade tracks your vital signs, and an individual receiving the transmissions from this upgrade can see if you’ve taken Hit Point damage as well as any conditions currently affecting you.  

Sustenance System

  A sustenance system provides a way for you to consume sustenance without removing your armor or shutting down environmental protections. The basic version of this system holds 1 Bulk of actual food and drink, whether field rations, R2Es, or other cuisine. Higher model numbers function as miniaturized culinary synthesizers of the same model number, allowing the armor to produce food and drink from UPBs on verbal or text command. These nonbasic systems can also store up to 1 Bulk of UPBs.  

Voice-command Module


This microphone-linked control module allows you to activate one of your armor’s systems, such as environmental protections, with a verbal signal; no action is required. The function must require no more than a standard action for you to activate normally. Higher-end models can be linked to a number of different systems equal to the model number; different vocal commands activate each of these systems. At mk 2 and higher, this upgrade comes with an enviro-sensor built in.

When combined with a computer interface, this upgrade has a voice command module that functions as a number of extra control modules equal to its model number. This feature allows you to program the computer interface to automate each system linked to the voice-command module in the same way the computer interface can automate one system on its own.  

Hybrid Items

  While EJ Corp relies on technology for most of its operations, it doesn’t neglect the many conveniences made possible by industrialized magic.
Item Level Price Bulk
Suspension Pill 3 250 -

Suspension Pill


The Company recognizes the hazards involved in long distance Drift travel and the many unexpected situations that might arise. A suspension pill ensures that whether you’ve contracted radiation sickness, been exposed to an unknown plague on a remote planet, or accidentally pricked yourself with a lethal toxin, help is never more than a Drift away. Individuals who have consumed a suspension pill should be taken to Absalom Station or another world within their present planetary system for immediate medical treatment.

A character can consume a suspension pill by taking a move action; alternatively, another character can take a standard action to feed a suspension pill to an unconscious or willing character. The suspension pill places the character in a coma-like state for a period of one week, during which the character is unconscious and requires no food or water. During this time, any afflictions affecting the character don’t progress, and the character doesn’t attempt saving throws for them; the affliction remains at whatever state it was in for the duration of the pill’s effect, then resumes when the pill wears off.

Once a suspension pill wears off, the character is immune to the effects of suspension pills for one week.



  The Company provides certain pharmaceuticals for emergency use. Consult your doctor before taking any unprescribed medication.
Sometimes your Drift is long, and there aren’t enough hands for every shift. Whites will keep you awake long enough to reach port, and blues are for pain. Only use blues when you have to. We all know good folks who haven’t come back from blues.
Item Level Type Save Addiction Price Track
Pain-awaysTM 1 drug(ingested) Fort DC15 Fort DC15 (mental & physical) 15 Str
Stay-awakesTM 1 drug(ingested) Fort DC12 Fort DC12 (mental & physical) 5 Dex


  After 1 minute, these small blue pills grant a +2 morale bonus to saves against pain effects for 1 hour.  


  After 1 minute, these small white pills grant a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against effects that cause the asleep condition and to Fortitude saves from sleep deprivation for 24 hours. If you use three stay-awakes in a week, you immediately gain the exhausted condition when the effects of the third dose wear off.

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