Barg'zul - Barg's Voice

Origin of the language

The language is based on the language of the demons, the Netheric. As its name suggests, it was created by Barg'rin to create a unique tool that he could use to command his armies. Although it is based on the Netheric, the language has changed so much - how to pronounce words, what actual words mean, etc. - that in the heat of the battle, nobody can understand the language even if the person is fluent in Netheric.

Who is using this language?

The true Barg'zul is used by Barg'rin and his officers. The soldiers of Barg'rin's army do not speak the language, but they understand it. All the soldiers and officers gain knowledge of the language through magical means. The same magic protects the language if an officer is captured and ready to spill it to Barg'rin's enemies. In cases like this, the magic fries the brain of the officer. The Circle of Savagery uses a rudimentary version of Barg'zul.

What is it used for?

Barg'rin uses the true Barg'zul and his officers to command the army. It is only used during battles and the complex nature of the language makes it possible to convey complicated tactics and strategy with a few short sentences. The simple version used by the circle is for day-to-day tasks. However, this version of the language is different from the true Barg'zul. In the past centuries, circle members picked up fragments of the words and sentences, but they had no idea what those fragments truly meant, and they added the words to their vocabulary.

Written version of Barg'zul

There isn't a written version of the true Barg'zul. Because the language is based on the Netheric language, the written form should be Netheric, too, unless Barg'rin wants to invent a new written language fitting Barg'zul. However, this could give the enemies of Barg'rin an advantage if they can get their hands on a document and encrypt it. The simple version used by the circle has a written version based on the lizardfolk language. Barg'rin's enemies stole some of these documents in the past, but they quickly realized that it was useless to them because of the vast differences between the authentic and simple versions of Barg'zul.
The Butchers seek glory, but I want to learn Barg'zul. That is what gives you true power
— Feral Lord of the Circle of Savagery


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