Berry oat bar - Bob

History of the bar

After the Rending, the workers tasked to clear the rubble and ruins needed cheap and filling food. The kingdom erected several temporary bakeries. One was The Hearth of Resilience, or as the workers called it, The Hearth. Here, they made everything that was possible to create from cheap ingredients. Let it be just bread, bagels, or even sweets. The most famous of these sweets was the berry oat bar or Bob. It was such a success that in a short time, many other places started to create their versions, and even now, it is one of the favorites of everybody living in Zrarar.

The ingredients

The essential ingredients of the original version are dried berries, oats, and something that helps mix and keep the berries and the oats together and gives the bar some additional sweetness. It was easy to make even after the Rending because, even then, oat was the most resilient grain, and you could find berries everywhere. At first, honey was the sweet ingredient that helped the oats and berries stick together. It was sometimes painful to get honey from wild bees, but it was still manageable. Nowadays, besides honey, jam, and melted chocolate are used for mixing. The berries, as an ingredient, changed during the centuries, too. Berries are still used, but many other fruits are used to create the Bob.

The making of the Bob

It is straightforward to create the Bob. You have to mix the ingredients and wait until the honey or jam dries so that you can make smaller bits that can be stored more efficiently, and that's it. It is so easy to make that even travelers can make it if they take oats with them. Berries and honey can be found everywhere in the countryside.

Variants of the Bob

Every bakery and village has its take on these sweets, but the most famous variant is made from the fruit of Abundance. The overwhelming energy stored in the fruit would be enough for a traveler to be on the road for days or enough for a manual laborer to work for days, but they are the ones who will never eat this version of Bob. Because of the rarity of the fruit of Abundance, this version of Bob is expensive, and only the wealthy can afford it.
You can't have a reception without several trays of Bob
— Vrunkolak, chamberlain of the Parliament


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