Temporal vortex

What is a temporal vortex?

To be honest, nobody knows. They look like the temporal hurricanes Tacillia experienced during the Rending, but a temporal vortex is much smaller than the hurricanes. The vortexes' effects are probably similar to the hurricanes, but nobody has yet to confirm the theory. Scholars have tried to study this phenomenon a couple of times, but because the vortexes mostly appear in the Southern Marshes, not many scholars want to visit a dangerous place like that.

What is its effect?

Like the temporal hurricanes, the vortexes can snatch up people, animals, and basically anything. Theoretically, they can be disposed of in the future and possibly in the past. However, nobody has reappeared to confirm this theory. Its name, temporal vortex, refers to the temporal hurricanes and their similar effect, but nobody knows that the vortexes are smaller cousins to hurricanes or something entirely different. Unlike hurricanes, the vortexes transfer sound and sometimes images of the past and probably the future. At least some of the sound and pictures are utterly foreign to the listener or viewer.

Where do they appear?

Vortexes mostly appear in the Southern Marshes. Many of its effects are information received from the Degraded, but they don't even know when a vortex materializes because there isn't any pattern.

What does it look like?

A vortex looks like a transparent, deep purple or crimson whirlwind. Its height and width range from 15-20 centimeters to 2-3 meters. Vortexes rarely move; they mostly stay in place. If they move, it is very slow. They usually appear for a few minutes, but vortexes were observed to exist for an hour.

What is the protection against a vortex?

Mostly, it is luck to not be there when a vortex appears. However, a particular tree, the aeon ash, grows in the Southern Marshes and can withstand the vortex's effect. The Degraded saw many times these trees stand within the vortex, and when the vortex disappeared, the ash was fine.
One more fascinating thing to study at Muaclun, like the ice cactus, but this one is even more dangerous
— Kuduzel, hobgoblin scholar


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