The life and death of Tacillia

Sooner or later, everything dies. From the smallest bugs to the greatest of gods. But this is different. This is just too much. How can you process that your whole planet will be destroyed? Usually, I know when someone's pet dies, or their grandparent passes away, or just a field of grass withers away in the heat. When I see something or someone about to die, the rest of their life flashes before my eyes in seconds. This is how I can tell it will happen in three days or just in three hours. Witnessing the life and destruction of Tacillia took me days. All I know is that it will happen in the far-far future.
What flashed before my eyes about Tacillia was mind-boggling. It was beautiful but also terrible. I saw what was on the other side of the Cutter. The war that will come to us from them. I saw the raiders of the giant whirlpool that almost decimated the calamor. Monsters invading us from other dimensions. But I also saw many new friends who helped us in our hours of need. I saw nations rise and fall, break up, and create new unions as centuries passed. I saw the growth of the magical knowledge and the advancement of technological marvels. I saw vehicles flying in the air, swimming under the waves, and even leaving the protective barrier that is our Savior Gods. Many of the steps, all of the steps of this progress were wrought with peril, but there was always someone to continue and build on the experience of previous generations. Still, all these weren't enough when, in the end, Absence tore away the barrier of the Savior Gods that even at this moment protects us and separates us from him, and we think it will last forever.
I was happy when it happened. Because I knew it would happen. I just wanted it to end. As centuries and millenniums flew in front of my eyes, I saw Absence ever growing, ever becoming more powerful. Even his daughter, Abundance, couldn't siphon and spread all this power. I saw the barrier buckle a few times, but every time, someone helped out the Savior Gods and came up with a genius idea that could increase the power of the Savior Gods and keep the barrier intact. But in the end, there wasn't anything left. The Savior Gods lasted until they could, but when finally Absence tore into the barrier, they were no more. Tacillia didn't even last that long. In a blink of an eye, it was nothing but dust. Because sooner or later, everything dies. From the smallest bugs to the greatest of gods.
Unpublished work of seer Deathtongue


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