Vanril Freebird

Vanril Freebird (a.k.a. Birdman)

Vanril doesn't know too much about his origins. At a glance anyone could tell that he has elven blood of some concentration running through his veins, the ears usually give it away first. The small bit that he does know he learned from his aunt. His father was a human and his mother an elf, he was born somewhere in the Dynasty, and he was raised in the Empire. Raised in Zaramunz to be more precise, there the hustle and bustle of the city helped hide him and his aunt, Nila Sunvale. She was always worried about being found, looking over her shoulder, and asking him to be careful to conceal himself. Vanril always humored her but never took too much stock in her worries.   Growing up in a big city like that, and being the kind of person he was, Vanril naturally fell into a less than legal kind of life. It started with some small pick-pocketing here, a little hanging with the wrong crowd there. Eventually moving into smuggling curious or dangerous goods for the biggest crime family in the city. Sometime in the not so distant past he might have fell into some more serious trouble when he lost a very significant shipment. Now owing money, who knows how much, to his employers he decided it best to skip town.   Vanril is what you would call a very go with the flow kind of person. However there was always something that got under his skin, his lineage. He didn't mind so much who his parents were, his aunt had seemed sure that at least his father was dead, and his mother was who knows who. The thing that got to him most was how he was treated if someone ever found out about him. There was the looks, the attitude, the names he was given. Well no more would he let people look down on him. He would find fame, power, prestige, anything to let everyone know that what he is will not determine his lot in life.   Eventually he found a path, The Tomb of Hakra, there is where he would make his start. Vanril decided that his new start would start with his name. Always "The Mutt". Well no more, his new name would be based on the one trinket that he has from his parents, the small foldable fan that shows an owl when unfolded. Vanril... Freebird.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Seems to be in his late twenties, having tanned skin and a dexterous build. He has medium length black hair streaked with grey pulled back into a pony tail. Across his right eye extends a long scar. Looking past the scar are piercing emerald green eyes. The eyes and the slightly pointed ears gives away the mixed elven and human blood in him.

Apparel & Accessories

Vanril is wearing heavy traveling clothes underneath his studded leather armor that he recovered from his friend Mayvin. A black cloak with a hood is worn over the armor and clothes. He is armed with a rapier on his hip along with a hand crossbow on the other hip. Several daggers are hidden away on his person. On his back he carries a large pack with various supplies and equipment needed for adventuring.

Vanril Freebird, ex-smuggler turned up-and-coming hero.

Character Location
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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Current Leader of the mercenary group, Blade of Hakra.
Somewhere in the Dynasty
Current Residence
Wherever the road takes him.
Raven Black with some Gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 9"
157 lb.